Monday, May 2, 2011

Sore Throat, Lots Of Snot


El Camino de Santiago is like the Way of Life, you're alone, but surrounded by people, your success or failure depends only on you, you set your goals and your time, you face your fears and weaknesses. El Camino de Santiago is a subject we should all adopt.

Is this really so?

I doubt it.

me explain:

The Way of St. James are fundamentally free, and in that freedom, everything is actually easier, because it really is one who chooses ALL, as stated by the sentence initial. Is this well in the Way of Life?

No. Why not?

Because in the Way of Life you can not always choose.

First, do not choose with whom we started the road, do not choose our parents, nor the place where born, nor the social or economic status. And what is more definitive: you can definitely lose your loved ones.

Therefore, as much could be said that the Camino de Santiago is a "reduced" version of Life.

The Camino de Santiago with yourself, true, but ... if this is precisely the most difficult?, What If it is a fierce rival and his most faithful ally? Let me tell you that it was in competition with others, where one finds himself. It is for external adversities as a whole develop their inner potential. And not only that it is raining or windy, cold or heat, have a "shot" or "leave the chain," but the difficulty is increased because ANOTHER who makes you nails in the road, because he is OTHER hold on to you to be carried comfortably, because even try to throw you "the bike", because you're competing with another for the same goal.

And that's when you realize your worth.

I'm not saying it in yourself where are the keys to success, as only one O NO VALE VALE, but that in this world, in this life, no one competes only against himself, not one has to overcome himself, but has to overcome than competing against.


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