Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fashion Show Invite Verbage


was time to write this post ... And I had it in my head for a long time, and may not be the only type of this style, but at least, it will be the first . And I want to talk

about me, yes, about me, and therefore I can only understand myself, then, at last, after all, many times you write to express everything within.

At 18 I became, so to speak, an oath has nothing to do with him who made the "Miss Scarlet in" Gone With the Wind ", hehe, since it was a cry raised at sunset a red sun, nor had his fist in the air, but it was a crowd ... or rather, was an outlet for progressive, daily, a time in my life where I really who I was raised to how come I could go and where I ... And among the simplest but appealed conclusions that I made, were that everyone, including myself, we deserve to be happy, we must fight with all our strength for it, and we have to feel as free as possible ...

La Libertad, rather than a foreign state, also, it gives me a feeling inside ... All fears take away freedom and therefore take away happiness.

What fears is the Human Being? Well, many, but some of the most important are the fear of loneliness and death, nor any "attachment" is good, but because nothing lasts forever, at least nothing "live" ... Obviously, if you believe nothing "dies" actually, yes I feel eternal, and based on this premise, even some "attachments" beyond death helps us live better ... and more to call them "attachments", then it should call "relief" ... And, first, the true love never should be considered "attachments" ... I am not referring only to "romantic love" but also "Amores paternal or filial love" ... Liberty and

HAPPINESS. And for me, in this order: the one feels freer, happier ... Above all, feel Freedom of Spirit, Soul ... When this happens, we invaded an inner peace that nothing and say nothing, or "worldly" or the "beyond" can do threaten ...

The problem is that certain souls are highly coveted by those just do not have that freedom so desired, be it for the wisdom they contain, let there be Light radiating ... but some "dark beings" the "smell" like flies to honey, speaking finolis ...

This time I want speak very clearly, but just as I do, the worse it gets me, but for this post that will not be my problem, so I'm going to let me point and ball, as my girl, hahaha.

I have already thrown in the preceding paragraph immediately above, and I notice that in this post the'll throw a few more times, and as you surely will not stay at home, there will be more posts in that pull a few more times, DA see IF "SOMEONE" by Landslides-A!!

overpost Do you know what you can become one of the "dark beings? Come, speak exactly "dark humans", otherwise some at is going to think I went too the pot. In this post, in fact, I do not mind, because you may end up denying everything and just talking presence of my lawyer, I do not believe is Al Pacino, because I'm not Keanu Reeves, but we all live in "Matrix", hehe.

you do not take a joke as the "dark humans" are real "vampires" who steal the "light" or energy to those who possess it, because it does not go unnoticed for some "eyes "you are able to see it more because without it, or because they simply have fun" stealing. " There is much "ladroncete / a" loose around home, you will not be no doubt.

And here I am I met with one of these ... Did you know? Yes, it was. And how I took it off of them? For by that oath that made me first, and because I, nor God, and I say out loud, not even God takes my freedom, because I want to be FELIZZZZZZ!! And yes, I admit, for me one of the things that make me happier is LOVE, as well as in letters really big, pussy! AND NOW I CAN SAY TO THAT I loudly ENAMORADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Learn YOU, YES YOU, YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND ONLY TÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ ... I'M ENAMORADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I do not know, will that my soul goes free, hahahaha, the case is, and this is completely serious, I met a soul that is like me ... Well, not exactly like me, because it is infinite BIGGER, AND FREE TO KNOW ME, AND BECAUSE OF "HIGH" I WANT TO BE LIKE HER, hahaha.

And yes, that Vampira I wanted to cut the Wings and absorb the light of my soul, for it condemning me to an endless search in the "Beyond", I'll tell you a little something quiquiricosita:

I will cede gently the light we need to get out of that dark pit you are stuck, and which you still see the blue sky up there because I still have that you Poquita Light makes it even more and keep yearning for more, but not steal it. No, child, no, the light does not go away with "dirty tricks", but searches the inner self of each. And someone I know gave you a good "lesson" in that respect, eh? MUCH SHOULD LEARN FROM IT. And I think we did a little. You took a good lesson in "humility," eh, hehehe. Note that up to me you made me better understand what humility is, hahaha.

But no, I will not be like you, first because neither she nor I ARE LIKE YOU, and I hope that what I say to you someday come to understand. In the final analysis, no I'm going to act or talk with "evil intentions", but I'll tell you that "Rage" and the "Rebellion" I have, used it to found what I wanted, which sounded, what they yearn IN MY DREAMS, AND IN FACT, IT IS NOW A REALITY VERDADERAAAAAA!

What I got out of hand? Rather say, I dropped your "claws." Yes, and you know why ...?

YES BECAUSE MY SOUL IS REALLY FREE, AND WHY DO YOU DESTINY FABRICO ME, AND IN THAT WAY BECAUSE I set out on their own initiative, I met her, and from that moment, I knew it would LA MUJER DE MI VIDA.




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