Friday, May 13, 2011

How Much Manish Malhotra


- yeahhhh! You promised. Promised to fulfill 12 years when we tell the story of Dark Angel ...

"Oh, really? What do you think you are ready to hear?

- yeahhhh! Let us know, Grandpa.

"But first you must promise me to be alone and just to you ...

- Why, Grandpa?

"Because nobody would believe you if ye should say there. The existence of Dark Angel to be discovered by oneself, because its essence is within each of us, me and you, my little curious ...

"Our Mother asks us to pray every night to Angel Guard.

"Yes, the Guardian Angel also existe; es vuestro Protector, pero hay otros dos Ángeles que son aún más importantes…

-¿Cuáles son, Abuelito?

-Pues son el Ángel de la Luz y el Ángel Oscuro, el más importante de todos. El primero nos guía aportándonos “Luz” en nuestro caminar para que no cometamos los mismos errores… Son precisamente las consecuencias de esos errores las que trata de minimizar el Ángel de la Guarda, pero eso no es suficiente, pues es mejor prevenir que curar, ¿verdad?

-Sí, ¿y qué hace entonces el Ángel Oscuro?

-El Ángel Oscuro nos “invita” a conocer nuestra Verdad, aquélla que se at our farthest corner, the one that leaves us naked before others and to ourselves, that we remove all the hidden fears and that we desperately try to hide. Many would not hold its own Truth ... And we have depths as "dark" or the same light that dares to enter into shape ...

-Grandpa, you mean that the Dark is Light mold used?

"But what grandchildren are ready, I have, haha, yes, you've hit the mark: you, Small, can be and do ANYTHING you want, but first you just get to know ALL that you are, and that only "looks" Light leaving the act ... no limitations ...

"I have fear of the dark ...

" I say that darkness is merely the absence of light, but that definition would not be complete, since it is your own Light the which offers you to "see" through the dark ... Do not you realize that when you need concentrate close your eyes? Do not you realize that when you dream or imagine you do easier if everything is dark? Darkness is not bad, just the unknown that I'm afraid yes. So you will hear in the future that Knowledge and Wisdom are light ...

- Is it true that you came to know a Dark Angel, Grandpa?

"Yes, the most beautiful, wise and" bright "I've ever met ... But you too can see, if not afraid to show you your own truth ...


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