Saturday, May 21, 2011

How Much Do You Pay For Scooter Insurance

Take the ring!

By Juan Manuel Ortiz

Due to poor response to the taking of places is pro ducing throughout the English territory is having on the U.S. media, the director of Literal , Rose Mary Salum, and myself have taken the initiative to offer its readers from Madrid direct testimony of what is happening and what's next.
the imminence of regional and municipal elections taking place across the country on 22 May, I Real Democracy, a civic open platform composed of associations, especially youth, of different ideologies and different objectives, convened on May 15 the English to a day of protest in major cities to publicly display their weariness against the English political class. Under the slogan "We're not good in the hands of politicians and bankers", these groups brandished a handful of proposals that seek the consensus of the disenchanted and are presented as a starting point to improve the quality of democracy and the life of citizens. These statements went beyond the expectations of the sponsors, who considered them a success (attended by about 130,000 people around the country) because of the reluctance of the English population to go out measures to censor political or economic. The unexpected scale of the march in Madrid prompted the platform to take the Puerta del Sol, final point, seeking to increase the impact of the demand among the public. The immoderate evacuation at dawn 16 by police in a small group of young men who had been sleeping in the plaza set off a firestorm of indignation in social networks and several thousand locals attended the concentration called that afternoon and in the same place. Who came to this appeal were set up in people's congress and decided in a vote by show of hands to take its place until next Sunday, May 22, election day. To recall, the Puerta del Sol preserved for the people of Madrid and the English general, a richly symbolic as the nerve center of old Madrid, a point from which to begin counting the kilometers of roads linking the capital radio with major cities of Spain and, above all, the scene of important events in the history of Spain: rebellion against Napoleon's troops (brilliantly depicted by Goya in "The Charge of the Mamelukes"), proclamation of the Second English Republic, or More recently, instead of mourning for the victims of the attacks of March 11, 2004.
Neither threats of eviction from the Electoral Board, nor rain, nor the indifference interested , even contempt, of the mass media were able to deter the campers. The reaction of Madrid immediately caught the rest of English and, as a wildfire spread by mobilizing the consciences of the English and, currently, in many cities, large and small groups of citizens have taken their central squares. But the repercussions do not end there: young English citizens living in European capitals, forced to leave the country to study or work, backed these initiatives and focused compared to the respective embassies of Spain . And the phenomenon grows, they continue coming accessions, this time across the Atlantic: English residents of Santo Domingo, Guatemala, Mexico City and even New York (Washington Square, Manhattan) and Chicago ( 180 North Michigan Avenue) are speaking to the diplomatic and consular missions of Spain. Moreover, Portuguese and Italian citizens have decided to follow suit and have taken central squares of Lisbon and Rome.
As has happened elsewhere in the world, such protests are made through social networks (mainly Twitter, acampadasol # # # democraciareal spanishrevolution # nolesvotes # yeswecamp, and Facebook , that the protagonists remain as direct information channels (there are even cameras located on the places that broadcast 24 hours a day), alternative to traditional media ( "Do not follow the media: find the web") and based on the written and audiovisual organizers and demonstrators themselves, as well as contact system and cohesion among all participants. The huge success of the organizers, anonymous young, well educated and disappointed, was put in place a kind of emergent system in which individual initiative is naturally integrated to generate a social phenomenon, like a fractal, is reproduced at a rate spontaneously increased.
This protest comes on the occasion of regional and municipal elections taking place tomorrow, but it is not intended to influence votes or even to advocate abstention or blank vote. It is a completely apolitical and asindical act that goes far beyond, because it has generated a popular movement of indignation that seeks to alter a political system and a way of governing and not moving away from its idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy but also own constitutional requirements. Concentrated people think that political parties have been transformed into organizations whose goal is profit of its members and those who finance them through the power control unit ("No, they do not represent us"), which population been reduced role in governing the country on behalf of the interests of big business ("If I have not voted, why send the market), that the welfare of citizens is no longer the end of political action (" Why are you a salary for life if I have a living wage?") , that the system itself prevents accountability of politicians (" No corrupt politician in a list) ; that, ultimately, the personal and social general has deteriorated without any sign of a political backlash beyond the so-called "media policy" (" is not a crisis, it is a scam!").
All this does not explain if you do not look back and verified the clear deterioration experienced by the English democracy in recent years. Bipartisanship is merely prevailing political manifestation of the dominance in society of a middle class conservative who heads the private sector (represented by the Partido Popular) and a progressive bourgeoisie that controls the public sector (led by the English Socialist Workers Party) whose most visible result is a system of patronage without excluding all those not involved. Thus, the political struggle, set on a ubiquitous propaganda machine that pits citizens closer together, has become a dispute about linking the wealth of the nation to one or another economic sector, ie one or another group of social elite. It is also clear that the ultimate reason for this eruption of social unrest in an economic crisis that is leaving your mind time to become structural. In the 90's, with the governments of José María Aznar (Popular Party), there was an economic boom based on speculation and real estate market is not reflected in real wealth creation and drove the English to live beyond their means . In the following decade, under the socialist cabinets José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the situation remained unchanged until the outbreak of the subprime crisis in the United States and exposed the falsity of economic growth. Since then the gap between those who enjoy the benefits of the umbrella of patronage and those left to weather the crisis has not only grown since the former have managed to maintain their purchasing power at the expense of reducing the latter. As a result, it has been issued by the English society a disturbing sense of pessimism and a bleak certainty that the future holds no expectation of improvement. And this is the more serious because such views are particularly prevalent among young people, who begins to see migration only way out.
The current crisis, which began in the financial field and has become social and political, has reduced the income of a large part of European citizens, many countries have chosen to vote anti options and ultra-right wing. Hence the reaction of the English people mean a rush of hope, for not asking less democracy, but, as output of this historic turning point that begins to sound too much like that of the 30's of XX century.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How Much Panadol Causes An Overdose


the cat at night
press his medal as a sound beam through the black
absolute master of the living world and
murkier secrets of the abyss

not give me pause when I start the dream goes
like a ghost full of pride and a disturbing
commanding presence with the visage of a cruel dictator and indolent

and not allow me to dredge in
spirit is mocked with his violent mimicking walking
the lack of smell from my condition

providing water is more wildly while trying something like
una sonrisa demoníaca
que me invita a terminar con mi ceguera

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making Chocolate Cigarellos

Two poems / Two Poems

By Chip Livingston


H o we dress in white, hollowed
pumpkins to put our sails in the river
and to take them the sea. The Goddess heard
drums, waves are blessed, and each
of us is reborn. Take this silver chain
this sage of Colorado. Bless this land
and all land touched by the rain. Bless
women traveling by boat, men
fishing with their hearts, bless
our children. Take this sweet watermelon
and divide the coins among the thirsty.
all hungry you eat, you
all wake up sleeping alone.
you that all the world is touched by the rain.


Things  Learned in Uruguay -- part 1

M and Speaks good English boyfriend for an Argentinean.
We Are Taking mate with historical namesake, Who is my best friend
and kind of twin. The sides of a triangle must-read
together. "Look at you, yes, the grass here is ground too thin."
Gabriel's accent from across the river eat.
Gabriel L'another cleans out clogged the bulb,
Speaks quickly. "A look! The Argentine leaves are in. chaos.
The water's too hot. Burns the tea. The throat. The belly. "
I open a beer. "A Patricia," Aiming for peace.
"See you. This well when you can not find a Quilmes. "

What Is Your Favorite Dbz Saga


-Haha, the other day the children were telling me what you told about that ... Ainss Dark Angel, look what you ... How will you put these ideas in my head ...

-Daughter that you do not believe in these things does not mean that there are no ...

"Come on, Dad ... You and your stories to keep you awake, you were already famous in the town by so much to tell.

"Daughter, you always say that everyone sees what you see. First you can not teach someone who does not want to believe certain things, because you would see a real shock.

-O yes, I also say many times that more than one would catatonic to certain truths ...

-is that some truths can not be revealed. There are certain essential Silences ...

"Well, Dad, and what happens if you break that silence ...

" I do not understand ... to know certain truths need some silence ... and some could not endure the "noise" ... "Look

Dad, when you get like, really you do impossible. Do what you want, but that that one day the children will know the Dark Angel, I want you to, because then caught

fears and ... -¿Lo querrías ver tú…?

-¿Yo? ¿Cómo?

-Adentrándote en el Mundo Oscuro… Pero he de prevenirte: el “Negro Oscuro” que en él te rodea no es siempre agradable para quien lo visita por primera vez… En él, sólo estás tú, tu propia Luz Interior, tus Verdades y lo peor: TUS MIEDOS. Te sentirás desnuda, etérea, formando parte de una NADA en la que tú no eres nadie en concreto, en la que tú puedes ser TODO… Enfrentarse a todo esto es nuestro mayor Reto, algo por lo que todos pasaremos cuando sea la hora… Algunos, al verse “desnudos”, entran en pánico, conscientes realmente de lo que ARE ... However, this is the wonder of SER, where there are only the artist painting, color and creates its own world, their own dream, but making it real to yourself ...

-Father God go things you say ... Is not that what you are going around telling anyone who has enough patience to hear it?

"If you think it's silly, why do not you let me prove it to you? I guarantee you will stop being a stranger to yourself ...

"Oh, hahaha, what happens to the" Illuminati ", huh?

"Really what they call" light "is nothing more than to know oneself and, through that same knowledge, knowing everything else ... is your best self

Master ..." Look, if you were not my father , really, I would run away.

- Is that a yes?

"Come ... So, do I lose with it ...

" Okay. Just watch me ... watch me ... Do not miss

"And what I find ... "That which

Dark Angel taught me that through His infinite look ... MYSELF, NO MASKS, in his eyes ... "Phew

, let it ... Come to the point and do not talk anymore ...


... AND THEN YOUR EYES were opened ... Seren ... BLACK DARK ... Unfathomable ... DEEP ... Burning ice FIRE INSIDE ...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Tell If Scorpio Man

Show yourself!

Who says "no see" ...


Saturday, May 14, 2011

How To Get With Pinky


Luché. Intuía cuál había de ser el Camino. Hoy por hoy puedo decir que estoy muy Orgulloso de cómo lo anduve. No os engañaré si os digo que hubo momentos en que la desesperanza se quiso abrir paso, pero no fue más que una Batalla perdida, necesaria para GANAR LA GUERRA. Y una vez ganada, viene esta maravillosa Paz Interior que tengo, esta Tranquilidad de Espíritu, algo que juré en su momento cuidar día a día, porque si perdiera a alguien tan MARAVILLOSA no sería más que un "muerto viviente"...

Today as yesterday, as more than a year, I can say I've recovered all the will to live, all that energy that characterized me. And here I have to tell you all who read me that I owe it to IT. Yes, I do not want to cut it to say that I certainly am speaking of the human being strongest and most courageous I've ever met, completely unique, incomparable, UNIQUE ... I'm not saying it is defective deceive you, hehe, but its virtues are simply his own, because nobody, I repeat, I am absolutely sure that nobody is even similar. Thanks to her, I can say today that I am like I am, what I've always wanted to be ...

would be difficult to explain the feeling of comfort, peace, freedom and happiness I feel because of what she has taught me ... I know I'm the one who knows better, and that, being a source of great personal pride, makes me feel humble, if, I repeat, HUMBLE TO WHOM TO ME IS EVERYTHING, not just from it all for me, BUT JUST ... EVERYTHING!

I know I never, at least in this life, hehe, get to your height, but at least I feel more privileged MAN THE WORLD AFFORD TO GET TO SCRATCH THE TIP OF ICEBERG OF WHAT IS ... which is nothing but an infinite ... And yes, every time I hug, I feel I touch the infinite, something that before I knew it was for me a "painful thorn in the throat would not let me breathe easy ...

As she says: "Everything is inside me, just need to release him" ... Yes, but I also know that without their expertise, not their lessons, without their inner strength, I never would have felt what I feel now, PEACE, FREEDOM AND HAPPINESS. SHE has attracted all this curiosity in me, gave me a powerful reason to continue "investigating" KNOW NO LIMITS to follow, and, in turn, experienced by thousands of Sensations.

Today I can say I have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this is about the live, losing the "fear" to die, but as it says SHE: HOW IMPORTANT IS TO BE APPRENTICE ALWAYS ... Interestingly, the best teacher is the best apprentice ...

I do not know if she is an angel, yes I know you know enough, a GUIDE, which is a very special person, an extraordinary human being, which looks boldly Life with respect but without fear of Death NO ONE OR NOTHING THE FOLDS, enduring the pain like no other, and as one can not do enough to alleviate the pain of others, but swallow it for themselves, struggling with his "Panther Claw" with its CONVICTION THAT POWERFUL EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE ... And finally, proving to anyone who wants to believe rather than see that nothing is impossible ...

That is the lesson I learned with granque Her: everything is possible we who are self-limited. Now I know that the impossible is possible, that infinity is finite, that the principle is final and the final, beginning ...

Paloma, I say before all without any fear, for you I'm braver than ever: THANK YOU APPEAR IN MY LIFE Y "saved."


Lifetime Fitness Membership Dues Negotiable

CHILE'S Bicentennial AND THE LEGACY OF CHILEAN printmaker Carlos Hermosillo ALVAREZ

By Liliana Hermosilla Rosenthal

Two issues reported recently in the American news involving Chile, my country of birth,  triggered memories of my late uncle Carlos Hermosilla Álvarez, the father of Chilean realist printmaking, and his lifetime commitment to social justice. These issues were the plight of 33 miners trapped underground in northern Chile and the hunger strike onducted by Mapuche Indians.

Carlos was born in 1905 in Valparaiso, Chile. He showed artistic talent at a young age but his studies were interrupted by a serious illness-a bone decalcification due to tuberculosis which cost him a hand and a leg. He perservered and studied on his own while he worked. He won several major art contests in the mid-twenties and was eventually accepted into formal art studies at the University of Chile in Santiago in 1930.

In 1939 after completing his formal studies, he was appointed Professor of Drawing at the University of Playa Ancha in Viña del Mar, Chile, a post he held until his retirement following the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet in 1973. Uncle Carlos established a program which brought him the love and respect of students, fellow artists, and the general public. In 1947 he married Marina Pinto, a nurse and artist, who was his lifetime companion.

Carlos translated his own pain and suffering into an empathy for others. He was a central figure in the movement to change the focus of Chilean art from subjects which appealed to the country’s elites to a concern for working class people and outsiders. Hundreds of exhibitions of his work, solo and collective, were held in Chile and other Latin American countries during his lifetime as well as in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Spain, Finland and other countries.  During his lifetime, he received approximately 50 honors and prizes for borth his art and his social commitments.

His work included  prints of Chile’s working class: fishermen, construction workers, homemakers, miners and the Mapuche Indians. One of the first known appearancea of Carlos’ work in the United States occurred at the Toledo Museum of Art in 1942 in an exhibition sponsored by authorities in Chile and the United States. The participants were selected from a competition in Santiago, Chile, to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the nation’s capitol. Carlos’ print was Hombre de la Montaña ( Mountaineer) . The exhibition was shown at seven other art venues in the United States and was so successful that it was also sent to Canada from1943-1944..

In New York in the 1940s his work was included in an exhibition of printmakers from every Latin American country in a project which was part of  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy toward Latin America.  The Policy resulted in many cultural exchanges between the United States and Latin American including Chile as an effort to stem the Nazi influence in the continent.

The book which memorialized this exhibition was entitled Portrait of Latin America as Seen by Her Printmakers , published in 1946, and was edited by Anne Haight. Carlos was one of eleven Chilean artists whose works were included in the exhibit and publication.  As a teenager while his family resided in Concepction, he had visited a mine in the southern Chilean city of Lota and he drew upon that experience for the print selected for inclusion. It was entitled Minero Cansado (The Weary Miner) . The print was Carlos’way of characterizing the plight of the country’s mine workers. It is obvious from recent events in northern Chile that the danger to these men has not abated since he took up their cause approximately seventy years ago.

I n the case of the Mapuche Indians, Carlos sought to bring their humanity to the consciousness of the larger Chilean population. The Mapuche were one of the few Indian tribes in either North or South America who were never conquered by the English. However, they had not been fully integrated into Chilean society during Carlos’ lifetime and that failure persists. Some of their members we recently on a hunger strike to protest the taking of their ancestral lands and their treatment by Chile’s legal system.

Carlos’ depiction of the Mapuche represented his general approach to the subject matter of his printmaking and art. He produced prints of the Chilean working class and outsiders as well as prints of the political, intellectual and artistic elites of Chile, including Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, the country’s two Nobel Prize winners, both of whom he knew personally.  He produced works of the same spectrum of subjects, the ordinary workers and the elites, in other countries including the United States.

His prints of the Mapuche include a Mapuche youngster, Joven Mapuche, as well as skilled workers like the Mapuche Weaver, Tejedora Mapuche, seen below in full native regalia..

As noted above, Carlos went on to become a much honored and admired man. Hundreds of exhibitions of his work, both solo and group, were held in his native Chile and around the world during his lifetime and continue today. Among the honors he received during his lifetime were awards for his art and for his various social commitments. A partial list is documented on the website of the Sala Carlos Hermosilla named in his honor and located  in Viña del Mar, Chile. ( 

After he left his position following the military coup, Carlos continued his work at his modest home in Viña del Mar, Chile. He also turned his attention to poetry and published numerous books of poetry about many of the same subjects which had engaged his printmaking. His prints and poetry also contributed to the dialogue of the Chilean exile community in the United States and their Chilean counterparts and many of his prints and  his poetry can be found in issues of Literatura chilena, creacion y critica (e.g. Number 7 trimestre 1979) published in Los Angeles, California as well as Araucania de Chile published in France and Spain.

Carlos and his wife Marina Pinto, a nurse and sculptor, opened their home to visitors from throughout the world during these years. Artists, writers, academicians sought him out and he generously gave of his time and his artwork. There are a number of interesting interviews with Carlos in English available for reading. One of the most touching is that of Chilean American Juan A. Epple, Professor of Roman Languages at the University of Oregon, who interviewed Carlos in 1988. Entitled “El Buril y La Memoria,” the inteviewed was published in Simpson 7, 6 Santiago (1994): 86-94.

Carlos sent his work overseas, sometimes surrepticiously, to support members of the exile community as well finally assist the causes for the poor and children which he supported within Chile itself.  My husband Joel Rosenthal and I sponsored exhibitions of his work in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin, in 1975 and 1976, respectively, and sent the proceeds to Carlos. He put the money to good use during the early nd most difficult economic years of the Pinochet government.

Carlos died in 1991 having seen democracy return to his beloved Chile. He was aware that the transition would not be easy and that many would have to pay for their crimes as he expressed in his final letter to me prior to his death. His legacy was enormous. He was one of those rare individuals whose personal life and professional life were one and the same. He never forgot his humble origins. He lived among the ordinary people of Chile, the same people he drew and wrote about with such empathy.

In 2003 the Universidad Playa Ancha in Viña del Mar, Chile, published a work in English edited by Hugo Rivera entitled CARLOS HERMOSILLA; artista ciudadano Adelantado de grabar (CARLOS HERMOSILLA; Visionary Citizen Artist of Printmaking) which contains a hundred pages of his prints as well as historical and critical analyses.

Celebrations were held throughout Chile in 2005 to mark the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. Exhibitions and historical analyses of his work were presented in many cities throughout the country including Santiago, Valparaiso, and Viña del Mar.. Even today there are exhibitions in Chile and other countries including his work as well the sculpture of his late wife Marina Pinto.

My husband and I donated prints from our personal collection of my late Uncle Carlos’ work to a number of requesting institutions in the United States including the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States, Washington D.C., the Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas-Austin, Texas, and the Metropolitan Museum & Art Center of Coral Gables, Florida, whose collections are now part of the the Frost Art Museum, Miami, Florida.

Fifty prints of Uncle Carlos are available for viewing online from the University of Essex Latin American Art Collection in England through a loan by Chilean art collector Ruby Reid Thompson.  

The September 21, 2010, issue of the English language paper Santiago Times, José Aylwin, in an article translated from English into English, took note of the two “Wounds of the Bicentennial,” Chile’s celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of its independence from Spain. The plight of the miners and the Mapuche described in Aylwin’s article and recent American news reports indicate that Uncle Carlos’ social concerns of seventy years ago are alive today.

Chile has made enormous strides since my Uncle’s death in 1991. However, the issues that drove his life persist and his commitment to a socially conscious art is as relevant today as it was during his lifetime.

*Liliana Hermosilla Rosenthal was born in Concepción, Chile, and is the niece of Carlos Hermosilla Álvrez. She has resided with her husband,  Attorney Joel Rosenthal, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA since 1971, and is owner of English Language Services. She has translated some of her Uncle’s poetry as well as catalogues for the Milwaukee Art Museum and the Chicago Art Museum. Website: ; E-mail:


Friday, May 13, 2011

How Much Manish Malhotra


- yeahhhh! You promised. Promised to fulfill 12 years when we tell the story of Dark Angel ...

"Oh, really? What do you think you are ready to hear?

- yeahhhh! Let us know, Grandpa.

"But first you must promise me to be alone and just to you ...

- Why, Grandpa?

"Because nobody would believe you if ye should say there. The existence of Dark Angel to be discovered by oneself, because its essence is within each of us, me and you, my little curious ...

"Our Mother asks us to pray every night to Angel Guard.

"Yes, the Guardian Angel also existe; es vuestro Protector, pero hay otros dos Ángeles que son aún más importantes…

-¿Cuáles son, Abuelito?

-Pues son el Ángel de la Luz y el Ángel Oscuro, el más importante de todos. El primero nos guía aportándonos “Luz” en nuestro caminar para que no cometamos los mismos errores… Son precisamente las consecuencias de esos errores las que trata de minimizar el Ángel de la Guarda, pero eso no es suficiente, pues es mejor prevenir que curar, ¿verdad?

-Sí, ¿y qué hace entonces el Ángel Oscuro?

-El Ángel Oscuro nos “invita” a conocer nuestra Verdad, aquélla que se at our farthest corner, the one that leaves us naked before others and to ourselves, that we remove all the hidden fears and that we desperately try to hide. Many would not hold its own Truth ... And we have depths as "dark" or the same light that dares to enter into shape ...

-Grandpa, you mean that the Dark is Light mold used?

"But what grandchildren are ready, I have, haha, yes, you've hit the mark: you, Small, can be and do ANYTHING you want, but first you just get to know ALL that you are, and that only "looks" Light leaving the act ... no limitations ...

"I have fear of the dark ...

" I say that darkness is merely the absence of light, but that definition would not be complete, since it is your own Light the which offers you to "see" through the dark ... Do not you realize that when you need concentrate close your eyes? Do not you realize that when you dream or imagine you do easier if everything is dark? Darkness is not bad, just the unknown that I'm afraid yes. So you will hear in the future that Knowledge and Wisdom are light ...

- Is it true that you came to know a Dark Angel, Grandpa?

"Yes, the most beautiful, wise and" bright "I've ever met ... But you too can see, if not afraid to show you your own truth ...

Pressure Point Period To Start


si vemos una montaña
que mueve su mano
entonces estamos ante
el instrumento de la soledad
que comienza a labrar
en nuestros pensamientos
la elevación del vacío
y en nuestros corazones
la infinitesimal angustia del universo

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Benelli Super Sport 20 Gauge

the subtlety of

la sutileza de la noche
abre los pétalos del rocío
y como si por primera vez
volviera de la vida
el corazón se abre al frío
de la mañana con el ímpetu
of the unknown wild
word opens air Pies
and it's like first grammar
magnificent but painful
great hands to deepen
in an effort
land or the most sophisticated refineries
that mankind has been able to create

at dawn smell the salt spray and the word

Friday, May 6, 2011

Angela Devi What Happened


yeah, right all
city lights illuminate me, I'm going blind
not see anything, but I can see
sea \u200b\u200bhovering behind my ears
and a feeling that is taking over
the world as a deadly plague and seemingly unjust
starts spreading through
children's games and consuming pubescent
cocaine under their parents' bed while they are
film-a more-just world
out a toxic cloud
opens his eye and injects
oil in the minds of
priests and teachers
above a star
dance his dance like a black swan
before collapsing
forever overwhelmed by the lights of the city

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fashion Show Invite Verbage


was time to write this post ... And I had it in my head for a long time, and may not be the only type of this style, but at least, it will be the first . And I want to talk

about me, yes, about me, and therefore I can only understand myself, then, at last, after all, many times you write to express everything within.

At 18 I became, so to speak, an oath has nothing to do with him who made the "Miss Scarlet in" Gone With the Wind ", hehe, since it was a cry raised at sunset a red sun, nor had his fist in the air, but it was a crowd ... or rather, was an outlet for progressive, daily, a time in my life where I really who I was raised to how come I could go and where I ... And among the simplest but appealed conclusions that I made, were that everyone, including myself, we deserve to be happy, we must fight with all our strength for it, and we have to feel as free as possible ...

La Libertad, rather than a foreign state, also, it gives me a feeling inside ... All fears take away freedom and therefore take away happiness.

What fears is the Human Being? Well, many, but some of the most important are the fear of loneliness and death, nor any "attachment" is good, but because nothing lasts forever, at least nothing "live" ... Obviously, if you believe nothing "dies" actually, yes I feel eternal, and based on this premise, even some "attachments" beyond death helps us live better ... and more to call them "attachments", then it should call "relief" ... And, first, the true love never should be considered "attachments" ... I am not referring only to "romantic love" but also "Amores paternal or filial love" ... Liberty and

HAPPINESS. And for me, in this order: the one feels freer, happier ... Above all, feel Freedom of Spirit, Soul ... When this happens, we invaded an inner peace that nothing and say nothing, or "worldly" or the "beyond" can do threaten ...

The problem is that certain souls are highly coveted by those just do not have that freedom so desired, be it for the wisdom they contain, let there be Light radiating ... but some "dark beings" the "smell" like flies to honey, speaking finolis ...

This time I want speak very clearly, but just as I do, the worse it gets me, but for this post that will not be my problem, so I'm going to let me point and ball, as my girl, hahaha.

I have already thrown in the preceding paragraph immediately above, and I notice that in this post the'll throw a few more times, and as you surely will not stay at home, there will be more posts in that pull a few more times, DA see IF "SOMEONE" by Landslides-A!!

overpost Do you know what you can become one of the "dark beings? Come, speak exactly "dark humans", otherwise some at is going to think I went too the pot. In this post, in fact, I do not mind, because you may end up denying everything and just talking presence of my lawyer, I do not believe is Al Pacino, because I'm not Keanu Reeves, but we all live in "Matrix", hehe.

you do not take a joke as the "dark humans" are real "vampires" who steal the "light" or energy to those who possess it, because it does not go unnoticed for some "eyes "you are able to see it more because without it, or because they simply have fun" stealing. " There is much "ladroncete / a" loose around home, you will not be no doubt.

And here I am I met with one of these ... Did you know? Yes, it was. And how I took it off of them? For by that oath that made me first, and because I, nor God, and I say out loud, not even God takes my freedom, because I want to be FELIZZZZZZ!! And yes, I admit, for me one of the things that make me happier is LOVE, as well as in letters really big, pussy! AND NOW I CAN SAY TO THAT I loudly ENAMORADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Learn YOU, YES YOU, YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND ONLY TÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ ... I'M ENAMORADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I do not know, will that my soul goes free, hahahaha, the case is, and this is completely serious, I met a soul that is like me ... Well, not exactly like me, because it is infinite BIGGER, AND FREE TO KNOW ME, AND BECAUSE OF "HIGH" I WANT TO BE LIKE HER, hahaha.

And yes, that Vampira I wanted to cut the Wings and absorb the light of my soul, for it condemning me to an endless search in the "Beyond", I'll tell you a little something quiquiricosita:

I will cede gently the light we need to get out of that dark pit you are stuck, and which you still see the blue sky up there because I still have that you Poquita Light makes it even more and keep yearning for more, but not steal it. No, child, no, the light does not go away with "dirty tricks", but searches the inner self of each. And someone I know gave you a good "lesson" in that respect, eh? MUCH SHOULD LEARN FROM IT. And I think we did a little. You took a good lesson in "humility," eh, hehehe. Note that up to me you made me better understand what humility is, hahaha.

But no, I will not be like you, first because neither she nor I ARE LIKE YOU, and I hope that what I say to you someday come to understand. In the final analysis, no I'm going to act or talk with "evil intentions", but I'll tell you that "Rage" and the "Rebellion" I have, used it to found what I wanted, which sounded, what they yearn IN MY DREAMS, AND IN FACT, IT IS NOW A REALITY VERDADERAAAAAA!

What I got out of hand? Rather say, I dropped your "claws." Yes, and you know why ...?

YES BECAUSE MY SOUL IS REALLY FREE, AND WHY DO YOU DESTINY FABRICO ME, AND IN THAT WAY BECAUSE I set out on their own initiative, I met her, and from that moment, I knew it would LA MUJER DE MI VIDA.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Colour Coding For Shade Cloth Density


The Human Being is made, by duality, of Darkness and Light . Personally, I think when we define ourselves as beings of light, "we are referring to a part of us, but not ALL. Moreover, imagine that each of us has his own "Black Hole", so to speak, to conceal what was really our Light. I heard that it is rather our light, not our Darkness, which gives us more afraid.

Interestingly, and as we know of Black Holes in the Universe, these are precisely the source of all kinds of high energy radiation, a light, in a word, that has not fallen beyond the call "Event Horizon" ... In turn, it is considered that if the Black Hole swallows it all with "one hand", there must be an "exit" which also expelled, what is known as "Hole White. "

What if we applied these same conditions to a Human Being? At the end of the day, why not think that within ourselves is the Whole, our own universe created from nothing, all that is expected to be discovered, endless possibilities available to us, but under the condition of crossing insurmountable our deepest darkness, our hidden fears ...

Then, if you ask would not try to volatilize a huge Black Hole to drag all our lights together, but each of us were aware that only after our own hides our most powerful light ...

What if the true power of man was to be conscious of its darkness, so open the door to all the light that it hides? What if it is from our Black Hole as we could absorb light, to broadcast it with all our strength? What if it's from the Darkness, as checks on the Light of the World? What if the One who has realized this, it is therefore capable of absorbing all the million lights that have not yet discovered the true purity of light, beyond its own "Event Horizon" ...?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sore Throat, Lots Of Snot


El Camino de Santiago is like the Way of Life, you're alone, but surrounded by people, your success or failure depends only on you, you set your goals and your time, you face your fears and weaknesses. El Camino de Santiago is a subject we should all adopt.

Is this really so?

I doubt it.

me explain:

The Way of St. James are fundamentally free, and in that freedom, everything is actually easier, because it really is one who chooses ALL, as stated by the sentence initial. Is this well in the Way of Life?

No. Why not?

Because in the Way of Life you can not always choose.

First, do not choose with whom we started the road, do not choose our parents, nor the place where born, nor the social or economic status. And what is more definitive: you can definitely lose your loved ones.

Therefore, as much could be said that the Camino de Santiago is a "reduced" version of Life.

The Camino de Santiago with yourself, true, but ... if this is precisely the most difficult?, What If it is a fierce rival and his most faithful ally? Let me tell you that it was in competition with others, where one finds himself. It is for external adversities as a whole develop their inner potential. And not only that it is raining or windy, cold or heat, have a "shot" or "leave the chain," but the difficulty is increased because ANOTHER who makes you nails in the road, because he is OTHER hold on to you to be carried comfortably, because even try to throw you "the bike", because you're competing with another for the same goal.

And that's when you realize your worth.

I'm not saying it in yourself where are the keys to success, as only one O NO VALE VALE, but that in this world, in this life, no one competes only against himself, not one has to overcome himself, but has to overcome than competing against.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Disneyland Frontierland Bracelet

Address by Ernesto Sabato to receive the Cervantes Prize

is the highest honor of my life to receive the Premio Miguel de Cervantes, doubly honored by Serme delivered from the hands of a man who's supporters admire and respect freedom: His Majesty Don Juan Carlos I, King Spain.

With his insight and his indomitable energy, Isabella wanted the speech of Castile, and consolidated to become the language of the vast territories they dreamed, in the conviction that only religion and language can aliga different peoples. Nebrija, at his side, tried to fix it forever, for the English language was "as much at the summit, that more could she feared the descent of his ascent to wait. "The intent was politically understandable, but languages \u200b\u200bend up rejecting all impositions, also imperial. And so, Castilian continued to change, because, as noted by Wilhelm von Humboldt, a language crystallized product is not a perpetual energy transformación.De but this way of life and its vicissitudes were enriching and altering the Castilian, in the metropolis and, through huge jungles and mountain ranges in the New World in such epic testing formidable force and its invincible strength, always staying on mutations, according to the dialectic between tradition and renewal governing the major cultural phenomena.

destiny of this language in a thousand years, and revealing the mystery of the Conquista.Porque if only it were true that counts the Black Legend, the descendants of the subjugated races today should express their resentment. And no. Two of the greatest poets of our time, Rubén Darío and César Vallejo, with Indian blood in their veins, not only written in the language of the conquerors, but sang in Spain poems memorable. This is proof, through the meanings but infallible signs of language, that the Conquest was something infinitely more complex than that transmitted by history: it was a very deep phenomenon that after half a millennium, became a spiritual unity of nations a score of different races. How many and what empires produced such a prodigy?

For this intricate way, Cervantes is the ancestor of all today wrote in Castilian, either in Spain or in the wilds that once made up the vast empire. When exegetes have investigated admirable Don Quixote, one of which I am honored by your friendship and your presence, may seem a daring than me, no more titles than the writer intends to give back to all that he said. If I do is because this award which has given me the name of Cervantes and that I will refer only to the enigma of fiction, and every writer, however modest, has had the experience of this mystery and may perhaps contribute to unravel.

Cervantes knew who wrote an important work? No, of course, when it began. An engineer knows in advance what will become the bridge that has been calculated in their plans, but you can not calculate a great fiction, it is not built solely for the reasons of the head, those used to prove theorems, but also - and above all with what Pascal called "les raisons du coeur" , incomprehensible and contradictory truths of the heart. Dostoevsky set out to write a pamphlet on the problem of alcoholism in Russia and came out Crime and Punishment. Cervantes wanted to write a hilarious parody of chivalric romances and ended up creating one of the most moving parables of life, a pathetic and sad testimony to the human condition, an ambiguous myth of the clash of dreams with reality and the essential frustration leads to that clash. This did not know to start your business, I could not find even with his prodigious intelligence, because the heart is incommensurate with his head knowing it was as progressed, as unforeseen events and actors that went far beyond or in different directions of the preconceived. And maybe it never quite knew, even after giving top to the great adventure, as we can never decipher finishing the meaning of our dreams, because all attempts to explain that the reason they are powerless, because sleep is reduced to pure concepts, because sleep is a ontofanía, a revelation of the dark reality of the unconscious in the only way they can express themselves. Hence all the interpretations given the same dream, according to the time and the theories used, and hence and for the same reasons, the various readings and even found deep as fiction Don Quixote. If nothing more than a satire of the novel of chivalry, would not survive if these stories were neglected and lacked the slightest effect. Nor would explain why the alleged satire, besides making us laugh, we tied the throat. We all understand that his adventures are grotesque and at the same time, we sense that something as visible as windmills are a myth revealing the human condition. What, then, Don Quixote: a simple joke or a symbol endless?

The main characters of great fiction are emanations of the self hypostasis depths of the writer and are therefore unexpected paths taken by the operator had not foreseen, or change their attributes as they develop, attributes that are discovered by the acts performed, as the operation is progressing. Nothing more sense than Don Quixote when he gives advice to Sancho to govern the island, and no more quixotic than Sancho when you believe in this island. The experienced writer knows that this phenomenon is inevitable and should be modestly obeyed, because that is what ensures the life of his creatures utente. Should not be assumed to have existence in the paper and to be invented by the author have no free will are puppets with which the writer can do whatever he wants. On the contrary, the artist feels in front of his own character so intrigued as to a being of flesh and blood, someone who has his own will and make their own projects. Funny thing, the reason ontologically wonder, is that this character is an extension of the operator, going as if a part of you witness the other hand, an impotent witness. Therefore, at first sight strikes us, it is understandable when we consider that this outpouring is the result of the reason for the author and his will, but his ego motivations more enigmatic. So, too, about our dreams, those fictions of which each of us authors are, as characters who have not left, they could not have come, rather than ourselves and that, however, is suddenly so unknown that even frighten us.

This feature of major fiction is precisely that which makes them great truths. A dream can mean anything, unless it is a mentira.No know hardly reach to understand the ultimate meaning of this wondrous phenomenon, but it certainly is the authentic expression of a fact. Through what is called inspiration from ancient unintentionally rescues the writer of that territory archaic symbols and myths that give truth to their creations and give them the durability of the human species. The pure spirit produces ideas, but ideas change, and thus Hegel is superior to Aristotle, but Joyce's Ulysses is not superior to Homer's Ulysses. Dreams do not progress: truths are immutable and absolute.

In a letter to a friend, Karl Marx is puzzled because the tragedies of Sophocles were shaking, despite being modern societies as fundamentally different. But that last attribute of the human condition do not suffer the vicissitudes of history. Death is not historical, if man is mortal and will continue, and so also other features that constitute the metaphysical background of man. These last attributes are those that manage to discover and describe the great writers in their fictions. It is precisely for this reason that Don Quixote is true for all times and anywhere in the world. Cervantes is radically English, to the extent that is hard to imagine that might have arisen elsewhere, but at the same time reveals mysteries of the soul and states of all men. As Kierkegaard said, the more we delve into our heart, the more we delve into the heart of any human being.

This sort of complexity is what makes impossible to judge fairly the greatest work of Cervantes. His mind began planning a "melancholy pastime to the chest, but his poetic instinct does eventually rise from the ruins of its protagonist beaten, mocked and ridiculed conmovedora.Y an imposing figure and not the witty and graduates who are unbelieving imposed on the reader, but the dilapidated gentleman with his faith unshaken, their naive courage, heroic ingenuidad.Esto is after or even in the midst of laughter suddenly filled with tears our eyes.

In the last chapter, Cervantes makes him give up all illusions and chimeras. As a writer, I suspect he wrote this part with the contrite soul, feeling vaguely committed gentleman with the last and most painful of his adventures, forcing him to die desquijotado for happiness and tranquility of the mediocre, those who accept the existence as it is, with his head down, whatever the disclaimers and sordideces.
ara me, Cervantes many adventures in pursuit of ideals frustrated, painfully self-referred and humiliated in that final scene, accepting finishing his own life with great bitterness. One might think that he accepted with Christian resignation the will of God. But why does God not to love the Quixote? I venture to think that Cervantes loved to finish the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance, and that timid and laterally moves his illusions nothing less than the laughable squire, that his bitterness is more painful irony.

And so, Cervantes took out his grandiose fantasy. And ambiguous torn region, home of the perpetual struggle between the flesh and purity, between night and light, battlefield between the Furies and the Olympic gods of reason, the soul is the most tragically human. For the pure spirit, through mathematics and philosophy, man explored the beautiful world of ideas, infinite universe and invulnerable to the destructive powers of time, even the mighty pyramids of Egypt end up being distorted to the relentless wind desert but the geometric pyramid is its spirit remains eternally identical with itself. But the Platonic world country is not the real human being: it's just a nostalgia of the divine. Its real homeland, returning after his travels ideals, is the middle region of the soul, a region where we love and suffer, because the soul is a prisoner of his body and the body is what makes us "loved to death" . There, in the soul, which appear the ghosts of dreams and fiction. Men painstakingly built his inexplicable fantasies because they are embodied, for long for eternity and must die, because they want to perfect and imperfect, because they want purity and are corruptible. Why write fiction. A god does not need to write. Existence is tragic that essential duality. The man could have been happy as an animal without awareness of death or as pure spirit, not as a man, from the time they got up on two feet, opened his unhappiness metaphysics.

Thus, Cervantes wrote Don Quixote because he was a mere mortal. Tender, helpless, restless, brave, quixotic Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the man who once said that freedom as well as for honor, can and should risk one's life: what emotion I feel now, at the end of my existence, be protected by his generous and countless shade!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ice Skating Party Invitation Homemade

Sister Helen Prejean Talks to Literal

Patricia Gras (PBS) and Rose Mary Salum (Literal) talk to Sister Helen Prejean about her work and death penalty Through These years

Filmed and

edited by: Christina Rivera

Kitchenaid 600 Paddle In Dishwasher


chunk arming
dream is the path of nostalgia the years
memory installed in powdering
once the white robe envelops
insensitive while the drops of the storm that delayed
teary faces dissolve over autumn leaves
and you look at me rapt
between memory and
certainty Gonzalo Rojas

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Motiontrendz 3 Wheeler


The truth is that I read a lot about what is considered to be humble, and, therefore, what is humility. In fact, I think I've written two posts on this topic, but I still have not been at home, hehe.

And this is my third.

So far, the best definition I've heard about what being humble is this: To be humble is to recognize their own limits, only the desire to overcome them. To me, the first part of the sentence is true humility, which are necessarily supplemented by the second, which is summarized, in my view, in three words: ABILITY TO OVERCOME.

I have heard and read many other definitions of what is to be humble, but the truth is that I have not so convinced.

I put some examples: You never know who will defeat you, who surpass you, who is worth more than you ... You never know, so do not be so arrogant because you can give a good "lesson in humility."

This answer is good to have self-esteem and yes, know that is not always better, but to show you who actually made the better. Until then, no one is above you, and of course, you have to belittle other than considering it ... but what I disagree is in the fact that there are "lessons of humility", but WORTH, VALUE. I personally believe that one of the things that define human beings is their worth, not his humility. Humility "hidden" what a vale of fact. And it should not give them more (arrogance), but not much.

create what we are and then if we overcome, we recognize "humbly" merit. Obviously you never know who is going to overcome, but there is the value of each. Humility is true we know how to lose (good to lose), while the Superb is a demonstration of bad miss. The arrogance shown an excess of confidence in the value of each without being objectively proven results.

Then, for all that, just admit Humility and Courage in him who, being brave, being self-confident, up believing, lost and recognizes him. This gives rise to that feeling by which we get cells to correct errors and not to waste, hence could also say that sometimes it's good to win after losing. And that feeling arises, I repeat, I call it the capacity to overcome.

And on this one: To be humble is someone who knows what he has, what it is, and not have to tell or show it to others because he does not need, because he or she knows what it is.

For me, honestly, that's what I consider to be discreet. Precisely one is to avoid envy, or to avoid the spotlight if you do not like to be, or to avoid conflicts, but not me looks like a "virtue" that grows one inwardly, and YES I THINK THAT IS THE ABILITY TO OVERCOME.

In conclusion: To me, humility is a virtue, but the ability to overcome it is.

All that under my sincere (not humble, lol) opinion.