's all window-dressing, materialism, something purely commercial, to sell for a profit. There is no reason to believe in what they say, may be so or not. Did you know that there are singers who sing the Love eternal, pure ... and yet do damage to their peers and even themselves?
I do not care that he really feels this way or not, because that do not know. Each one must be consistent with itself, and if what are you, what will matter is the message, and do not you'll be to see if what you say is true or not.
theory Well, I do not care, I care what the facts are, in theory, we can all be wonderful.
That is your error. In fact, do not trust your intuition. I can understand why you do not, but the problem is that then, when making a practical decision, dudarás more than others.
World as it is, indeed, and things are as they are, but there are always exceptions that prove the rule. You do not want to see these exceptions, they do not trust them. Accept that the world is as it is, from a realistic point of view, pessimistic, not believing in dreams, not believing that something good can always happen.
The problem is that you're not confirming that these exceptions and that you used to reafirmarte in your position. So you you becoming more and more practical, as you used to survive, to get stronger and prevent more suffering. That's what I think ... Think you will avoid more suffering, but you are wrong; you lost that spark you had, that made you believe in good, in dreams, in the exceptions to the rule.
therefore not want to see those dreams, and those hopes, and those exceptions. But if any there are, I will continue looking. I know that, deep down you, and I do not fool me, you want to believe in all those stories Bonica as you call them. But you can not, you can not because you "need" to accept that the world is as it is without exception. You need it to survive, as well, you feel identified with the rest of the world, and everything is not so painful ... apparently it never really stops hurting you Soul ... It's a constant pain, a background noise not let you sleep in peace ...
Yes, apparently looking for one suffers more exceptions (Tell me), but this is my fight. Hate identify with most, and why, remains my cross and my salvation ... AND MY HOPE.
is a matter of choice. Just that. Life is Choice. So easy, so cruel and so difficult ...
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