And what happens when nothing happens, when you're trying something new comes to your life, but day after day is the same, simple routine, nothing changes ... but what you propose ...
Is not that perhaps what you seek is precisely what makes it routine, or is it looking for other people, or you're not only fill you and only you , what makes you special only to you, even when other people do not understand you, not understand you, even though it may think you're losing ground because they simply do not follow the path of the MAJORITY?
... Or worse, when you do not know what mistake you're making, but we keep making over and over again ... Change the way we do things, find another way of feeling, may not give you much, but then you stop being yourself, you hold back, and eventually, dissatisfaction is the same ... What's going on with Life ? So twisted is the chance that only leaves opportunities for some, while others will put the sweet taste of honey on the lips, and then ... vanish ...
Look, Life and gives away. It will give you opportunities, certainly, but only if you have the appropriate means to exploit them, get what you want. Life never gives it all done. Is one who has to gigs, who should see these signs that appear at a crucial moment and not let them escape. Note that it sometimes desired is neither good, nor desirable, and sometimes even run out of what you want most to be meaningless, although it will be the honey on your lips, then you realize that this fading was the best. I sincerely believe that there is great opportunity waiting always just around the corner, that sooner or later it will come across. Just keep your eyes open. And do not despair, because there are many opportunities, but perhaps ONLY ONE IS THE TRUE.
not throw in the towel, but I do not give my days back to be routine, with no changes ... I will not feel just a bad run, but if this "bad streak "as I call it what I expected from here until my last day ... How many times have I loved and how many times I cried?
No tires nunca la toalla. No dejes que la rutina se apodere de Ti. Pero, quizás no es la manera de sentir lo que debes cambiar, porque cada uno tiene una manera de sentir por la que somos como somos, sino que quizás deberías plantearte qué quieres en la Vida, a quién querrías realmente; a veces, vamos buscando un ideal en alguien que no lo es. Sólo cuando realmente lo es, lo sabes. Lo sabes porque no puede ser de otra manera, porque parece que está hecho para Ti.
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