"from all sources of initiatory wisdom you can drink and quench your soul thirsts for knowledge, but the source of your road side, the one whose pillars are formed by Brothers of the Shadow, you should avoid for your fruits Wizards do not lead to a spiral of No Return. " The Aurokhenaton.
- What book is it, Master?
"It's one of many books dealing with Occult Knowledge.
- Esoteric?
"There are many who do not know the true meaning of this word. And before you investigate, decide ridicule. On the other hand, is completely understandable, since the human being he has been hiding the truth for over 10,000 years.
- Why, Master?
"Knowledge is a double edged sword. Roads going into their first requires an extensive knowledge of himself, including weakness, because the man is quite sure of its strengths, simple facepiece which is not to be in itself.
"I understand. Does that mean that if one does not know itself, is very dangerous KNOW?
-Knowledge is Power and Power is tempting, but the power has to be self serving, not self in the service of power. And the knowledge uncovers weaknesses of the human being, delving into what one is, no mute, no veils, no masks ...
-and being is what you want to scare usually start in the pursuit of knowledge, right?
"Yes." Many give up the attempt, but some people, losing themselves, decide to venture into the unknown without being aware that certain dark corners of your Being will come out, blackening his soul. That Darkness is a poison for the soul, and in many cases they, unsuspecting, lose.
- What happens then?
"When they embarked on the path to darkness, when they decided to get lost in the Infinite Greed, when they get into the Black Hole of No Return, when it ceases to be light outside them and they lose their own inner light emitted by the Soul, there is no turning back; are forever wandering in that dark pit, and then only if crossed with a pure soul, full of light, treated as "vermin" as "virus", to cling to her, and do not mind the consequences, only acting as the Mosquito with the Light, by instinct, but many cruel intention to suck all the vitality, or even of snatch.
- What book is it, Master?
"It's one of many books dealing with Occult Knowledge.
- Esoteric?
"There are many who do not know the true meaning of this word. And before you investigate, decide ridicule. On the other hand, is completely understandable, since the human being he has been hiding the truth for over 10,000 years.
- Why, Master?
"Knowledge is a double edged sword. Roads going into their first requires an extensive knowledge of himself, including weakness, because the man is quite sure of its strengths, simple facepiece which is not to be in itself.
"I understand. Does that mean that if one does not know itself, is very dangerous KNOW?
-Knowledge is Power and Power is tempting, but the power has to be self serving, not self in the service of power. And the knowledge uncovers weaknesses of the human being, delving into what one is, no mute, no veils, no masks ...
-and being is what you want to scare usually start in the pursuit of knowledge, right?
"Yes." Many give up the attempt, but some people, losing themselves, decide to venture into the unknown without being aware that certain dark corners of your Being will come out, blackening his soul. That Darkness is a poison for the soul, and in many cases they, unsuspecting, lose.
- What happens then?
"When they embarked on the path to darkness, when they decided to get lost in the Infinite Greed, when they get into the Black Hole of No Return, when it ceases to be light outside them and they lose their own inner light emitted by the Soul, there is no turning back; are forever wandering in that dark pit, and then only if crossed with a pure soul, full of light, treated as "vermin" as "virus", to cling to her, and do not mind the consequences, only acting as the Mosquito with the Light, by instinct, but many cruel intention to suck all the vitality, or even of snatch.
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