Monday, March 21, 2011

Can Someone Make A Dummy Phone

Nezahualcoyotzin forests

Por Rima de Vallbona
Catedrática Emérita, University of St.Thomas
Miembro de la Academia Norteamericana
de la Lengua Española y de la Academia Costarricense de la Lengua Española

Among other things he did [King Nezahualcoyotzin] worthy of his fame and name was that reached the mountains, because before I had placed limits set up where they could go and fetch wood for buildings and firewood for recurrent expenditure, and had put life sentence that exceeded the limits.
Ixtlilxóchitl Fernando de Alba, the nation's history chichimeca .

While my parents and I passed along the corridors and halls of the palace, to obey the command of our king Nezahualcoyotzin, I could not find how to confess to them my fault. The worm of guilt was eating me, for my crime of insurance would be grounds for that the king put to death ... I deserved it, but my parents, what fault had the wrong that I had done so recklessly that morning?

all started when I was resting from the fatigues of the morning eating my rich corn tortillas, and came to my hut a subject of the sovereign to bring order to my parents and me to the palace. The three of us to grieve long and trembling from the fear of not knowing what would be our fate. Toward the palace, my parents scolded me muttering, and they asked me very anxious, "pushing the boundaries of the forest? I, no, no, everything went as usual. However, I was mortified remember that morning I had called "miserable and despicable man" to Nezahualcoyotzin and wondered if the hunter had betrayed me to the authorities, however, did not dare tell my parents, who had taught me to respect and love our king after our gods, because he was very wise and very fair. In addition, a child they told me a thousand times how, at an early age, our king witnessed the murder of his father Ixtlilxóchitl by order of cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant Tezozomoc. Years later, when the crown prince by inheritance, lived away and hiding from his enemies, until with the help of Tlaxcala, Chalco and Huexotzinca, regained the kingdom of Acolhuas. It was thus during the course of my hut to the palace martyred blame me, while I dared not confess. As we followed the guide that took us in the presence of the monarch, I recalled a thousand times what happened that infamous morning

_ Son, my quetzal feather, took my precious emerald embedded here, very deep in my chest, remember the you have instilled early _ and fired me this morning as my mother used to do every time I went towards the forest to collect firewood _. Never, for any reason, disobey the mandates Nezahualcoyotzin of our monarch. And now that you bring us once again how light the fire, I say it again: do not overstep the bounds of the forest identified by our Lord and King, because that life will you and your parents. I left that morning

very happy to fulfill my duty of every day. Near the limits imposed by the royal law while collecting the chips left by the loggers, and twigs and sticks of trees uprooted by winds, a hunter approached me and asked me why I did not in past, where there were many wood, so that soon I could return home with a load that we would supply for several days. As long as repeated to me my parents, I had memorized the sentence, "I answered respectfully and think, because the king would take away life. The hunter asked me then who's the king? I replied, is a miserable man, negligible, off to the men that God gives us hands full, life. I also asked my name. Huexolotli, Huexolotli call me, I said, to serve God, my king and you, too. The man remained stubborn, and I entered beyond the limits, because no one would notice or say what this "miserable and wretched man, as you call the king. His words made me very angry and called a traitor and an enemy of our sovereign and my parents advise me as something that could cost them their lives. Upon hearing the latter, without dwelling any longer, the hunter fired and left with an inexplicable smile. "Soon", he said, and I was left wondering why he said goodbye and, as far as possible would be that we would not anymore. very distressed follow the messenger of the king, who drove us to their rooms. As we walked the halls of the palace, it seemed that not a building but a huge city can only in the wildest dreams of the night. Never before have we seen so much wealth, beauty and magnificence. Everywhere you wasted gold, silver, statues, beautiful paintings on the walls, sheeted walls gossamer fabric skin of a jaguar, puma, and others with exquisite embroideries of feathers, gold and emeralds. My father asked the guide how many bedrooms were in that building, and "three rooms comprise the palace," was his reply, "but here are apartments including public for the council, the armory, the apartments assigned to the presidents of Mexico and Tlacopan when they come to visit, the private bedroom of the King, his wife and holding his concubines. "

increased our surprise the unimaginable beauty of the gardens surrounding the buildings, in which the waters of many fountains, ponds and ditches, giving the visitor a soft and melodious whisper that is orchestrated with the chirping of birds a thousand species. To wake up our admiration, our guide showed us a call aviary, where Nezahualcoyotzin kept all varieties of birds and animals from the four corners of the land, including seas, rivers and lakes. The funny thing is that those who were not living there, were reproduced in gold and precious stones. In addition, some very tangled mazes are opened between the multitude of pines, on the edge of the waters where the ruler used to bathe.

Seeing our astonishment at such great, the guide told us that during the lavish opening of these buildings, King recited a poem composed by him, "poem that sings of spring, in which he says: 'dance and celebrate God it is powerful; / we enjoy today such glory, / because human life is transitory. " Just the verses predicting death times, grief, misery and persecution of our children and grandchildren, 'because there is no good for sure: / I always change the future brings,' "declaimed proudly Acolhua server.
Wise, very wise is our monarch Nezahualcoyotzin _ said my father, who had been confirming the truth of the poem, with head movements. Wise _

philosopher, astrologer, legislator, poet and prophet. Know that in this poem tells us that when he dies, we will be serving Acolhua strange, "because here come to stop controls, empires and dominions which are of little stability," he said, and to instill more fear, adding that then men and women will be given to the evil practice, harmful pleasures, sensuality, fraud, theft and drunkenness. Under the power of these invaders, also says something that nobody can understand is that "the tree will light, health and livelihood to free our children of these vices and calamities." Really

_ _ _ my father spoke what was meant by the "tree of light"? Did you have asked and what answers? _ "Nothing" was the response of our companion, "says nothing more, and he knows what he says and that the future will reveal."

As we walked all these wonders, my parents commented that despite the heavy hand of Nezahualcoyotzin to apply justice, told the subjects that one day, from the viewpoint of the palace, located on the doors of the plaza, the king heard a woodcutter who was resting from his day's work, telling his wife:

_ The owner of this wealth will be tired and full, enjoying all these excesses, while we, the maceguales We are here exhausted and starving.

The woman, fearing that someone would listen and that prosecution of the king, punished, and beckoned him to shut up. Then, Nezahualcoyotzin sent for their presence to the woodcutter and his wife in the boardroom, and what you said down there, when they rested two of you? Tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, claimed the king. The Woodsman, trembling with fear had no choice to confess all he said. _

better not complain against you return to your king and natural lord because the walls have ears _ was _ Nezahualcoyotzin comment. Before speaking against it, consider how much they weigh on him the business and affairs charging, care to protect, defend and hold justice as large a kingdom as the kingdom Acolhua.

As soon as I said, he called a butler for the couple presented him a certain number of bales of blankets, cocoa and other food. To deliver them, told them that would be enough to live comfortably and happily, while he, his natural lord and king, laden with many complicated steps and businesses, despite to his subjects seemed tired and full, I had nothing, because all this splendor, and wealth did not belong to him. To dismiss, he added: "Know that what you see is not mine, the owner is the State and not another ... And remember that everything in life is borrowed and that in a moment we leave, as did the other gentlemen who ruled you as I left that in "Xompancuícatl" my song of spring. "

_ You see, my son, how much you weigh on the great glory of power? _ I told my father when the guide had finished the story.

_ _ That's not all intervened again _ guide. There are many stories denoting greatness and wisdom of our king. One of them is that one day the hunter could not hunt anything for their livelihood. A young man his neighbor, seeing him so distressed, in jest said that an arrow to your penis and perhaps better would be correct then, the hunter was so distraught that he decided to try the immodest aim at the other, and did so with such success that the Joker fell screaming in pain, so the hunter took him prisoner to the palace with the wounded. On being informed of what happened, he ordered the hunter Nezahualcoyotzin heal the wounded, and if healed, slave remained of the victim, or to pay his ransom, the hunter chose the latter and escaped.

My father, who has an unconditional love for our sovereign, gave details of how merciful Nezahualcoyotzin is, therefore, that from his vantage point every day watching the poor in the market when they can not sell their goods, the king refuses to sit at the table to eat, until his stewards will buy all your items at prices double in value, and also give others in need.

_ should be added to that passed by feeding and clothing the war disabled, widows, orphans and needy as there is in this kingdom _ _ continued to tell our guide. In this he spends most of the taxes that the Senate gives. Impressed

with such stories, I expressed to my parents my burning desire to get the service of my king. My son

_ _ _ told me my father will soon come a time when you join the ranks of their armies, Acolhua inevitable fate of all, to defend or expand the kingdom. So, that being a good warrior, you should practice a lot the aim with bow and arrow, how we cope with older men who already have served in the military.

_ But I do not want to be a warrior, father, not wanting to kill _ _ replied immediately. My interest is to develop, create and just create ... create buildings, create poems, make images of bulk ... Warriors are the reverse of creation because its only purpose is to kill ... _ My father silenced him with a pinch on the arm.

Then we come to the board room, where we hoped Nezahualcoyotzin, who, after greeting obliged, to my surprise, turning to me, reproached me smile:

_ "So I am a miserable man? _ I went pale and started shaking, then his words came true my fears that the hunter would have told you. After a pause during which my parents looked at me inquisitive, during which I left my heart in the chest, so that made me endless, my king said:
Know, Huexolotli, I was the hunter who told you this morning _. I stammered, "what you you were that hunter, to which I said ugly things about you?" Smiling, he made an elegant gesture as if to say it did not matter and continued his talk, while my parents were speechless.

_ When I go hunting I dress so that no one I know and can enjoy myself alone in the landscape that is part of this immense and wonderful process of creation. There, in that green, meditate and ask my invisible and almighty God to enlighten me to rule with justice and love, they also pray for the victory of our brave warriors when we are at war. There, then fertile green, also conceive of my poems, which have been so applauded by my people ... Inadvertently

I began to recite aloud one of his verses, which we recited the high priest once. I was so impressed, they have kept intact in my heart: "I'll play singing / musical instrument musician. / You enjoy flowers, / dance, and celebrate a God who is mighty, / oh, let us enjoy this glory / because human life is temporary ... "Still smiling," Ah, so recite my poem! " , Nezahualcoyotzin said. "I see I like poetry and you know he sings." "Yes, I love, and music also and paint, "he said, while my parents did nothing but sign me to shut up.

_ Well, let's get started with, I disguised myself as a hunter, I found in the woods, talked, and my little Huexolotli, you know you are to me all human poem? guess I'll grow to be someone in my kingdom, for today I have given a lesson in simplicity, loyalty and obedience. The way defending my laws and my authority, amply reward you deserve it _. To our surprise, and believing that what he said, was rather a shame, as my parents scolded me so low, and when we expected to hear the fatal sentence mouth the monarch, he gave orders to his steward to bestow on us a few bales of blankets, lots of corn, cacao and other gifts. Wasting no time, continued his tirade:

_ The lesson you gave me, small, has led me to give orders to remove the limits so far established in the woods and everyone can enter the forest to collect timber and firewood , provided only that if someone cuts a tree that is in place, be given the death penalty. In addition, starting today, I give permission for you to come to my palace to friendship with my kids and learn under the tutelage of the wise tlamatinime.

To them, my teachers-those tlamatinime, Today I know my art has made me a tlahcuilo-painter-scribe. Red ink and I handed down to posterity, on multiple pages, signs and symbols, with the succession of the heroic deeds of the Acolhua, also I have the privilege of leaving prints on paper, maguey the beautiful poems of my wise king Nezahualcoyotzin.

"Nezahualcoyotzin forests is a account book belonging to the author. Is unprecedented and is entitled Signs and portents of the last Aztec - historical accounts, which will be published during 2011 by Editorial Costa Rica.


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