Nothing, and everything is possible. Then, he decides to try again: will the game, put the sheets, but will not nothing more. A He just is interested in learning of their own creation as simple observer that is ...
wonders: why are all going the same way?, Why am I already sense that I want to return? I'm not just another Creator, finite, limited, because I only know what I myself have created. Yes, they understand it as light, and mistakenly think they have to get back to me, the Source, the Light ... No. .. If they knew that I grow just as they explore beyond my own creation, beyond my own light, there in the same Dark ... Wherever I can not reach, but I use them to do so ...
And it is not aware of their own freedom, its own infinite capacity to explore, because they do not need to get back to me, which is the easier road, but go beyond, feeling truly free, beyond the framework that I offer myself. Which is why the Light without Darkness? This is not only ALL, which forms the first set, the same forms that the mind wants to imagine, and beyond, there is nothing, an infinity of possibilities that they ignore ...
So when your soul is aware of it, from that moment they reach the ultimate freedom, and his curiosity is satiated constantly, constantly fed by the desire to know the soul, my own printing, my own learning.
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