"The more clearly we concentrate and focus our intent on feeding the information vacuum, we make it easier to feed us with the experience that approximates what we want. Then increases the level of synchronicity because each time it is more simple the universe give us our genuine desires in balance with those of others. "
seem "magical coincidences" because they are just what the person needs at all times, meet the right people, feel that "open doors" and things come easily, think of something or someone and they show up soon. It is popularly said to have good luck or a lot of coincidences, but it was the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who popularized the term "synchronicity" as the simultaneity of events with scientific meaning and Rupert Sheldrake who also explained the morphogenetic fields and non-separateness of things.
Now, the versatile Haramein Nassim, who described the video as "brilliant rebel" of contemporary physics in the scientific paradigm shift, defines synchronicity as his Unified Field Theory as a result, we can understand why meditation is a powerful tool for communicating with the Universe.
Unlike other authors who defend the idea that we create our reality without nuance and will, Nassim explains that "there is a balance between what you want and what the Universe is going to provide because the information is encoded as the rest of information from other people. " That is, there is coordination and collective consensus reality. The universe itself is self-organizing to meet the demands. The more you are aware in your power to demand, more demands have met. Nassim
also reveals the secret to attracting more synchronicity into our lives:
"When an individual becomes more and more aware of himself, and more and more aware of their relationship with the vacuum, the field, has more expertise in vacuum feed information and more on this successful demonstrations, faster and more accurately, and synchronicities that increase a person experiences. "
And how to work this relationship with a vacuum? With MEDITATION: in a meditative state when the individual is empty and the universe can communicate with us blowing your information in a movement that performs similar to the breath. The more we empty ourselves, the easier it is for him to create an experience that fits our need. Therefore it is said that when you pray "God hear you and talk," but when you meditate "God speaks and you listen."
centuries ago told us that the gods made and unmade at will, and we were mere puppets of fate, then the mechanistic scientific religion ridiculed deleted and external influences in our lives except the laws of the physical plane and now quantum physics and the new paradigm to reach an equilibrium, and ensures that we all share space around us and together we create reality, and we are more aware of this situation, the better.
seem "magical coincidences" because they are just what the person needs at all times, meet the right people, feel that "open doors" and things come easily, think of something or someone and they show up soon. It is popularly said to have good luck or a lot of coincidences, but it was the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who popularized the term "synchronicity" as the simultaneity of events with scientific meaning and Rupert Sheldrake who also explained the morphogenetic fields and non-separateness of things.
Now, the versatile Haramein Nassim, who described the video as "brilliant rebel" of contemporary physics in the scientific paradigm shift, defines synchronicity as his Unified Field Theory as a result, we can understand why meditation is a powerful tool for communicating with the Universe.
Unlike other authors who defend the idea that we create our reality without nuance and will, Nassim explains that "there is a balance between what you want and what the Universe is going to provide because the information is encoded as the rest of information from other people. " That is, there is coordination and collective consensus reality. The universe itself is self-organizing to meet the demands. The more you are aware in your power to demand, more demands have met. Nassim
also reveals the secret to attracting more synchronicity into our lives:
"When an individual becomes more and more aware of himself, and more and more aware of their relationship with the vacuum, the field, has more expertise in vacuum feed information and more on this successful demonstrations, faster and more accurately, and synchronicities that increase a person experiences. "
And how to work this relationship with a vacuum? With MEDITATION: in a meditative state when the individual is empty and the universe can communicate with us blowing your information in a movement that performs similar to the breath. The more we empty ourselves, the easier it is for him to create an experience that fits our need. Therefore it is said that when you pray "God hear you and talk," but when you meditate "God speaks and you listen."
centuries ago told us that the gods made and unmade at will, and we were mere puppets of fate, then the mechanistic scientific religion ridiculed deleted and external influences in our lives except the laws of the physical plane and now quantum physics and the new paradigm to reach an equilibrium, and ensures that we all share space around us and together we create reality, and we are more aware of this situation, the better.
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