Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Do I Get Hives When I Wax?

ONLY ...

A year ... talk about it, ALL of what it means to me it would be impossible ...

Wow, because in principle with what I say seems to miss one of the things I learned this THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE, which is that the Infinite and the impossible does not exist, NO LIMITS, ONLY THOSE WHO ARE SELF wants to impose. I know this sounds very typical-topic, but if anything I have experienced this year is that a typical-topic is really true ...

You see, I've always had a thorn stuck inside me, and is unable to reach Hold infinity ... Until this year, I refused to believe that there are limits ... now I KNOW that there are no ... But ... what evidence?, What the empirical evidence, how to kick your own "ass" in my thinking, my logic, proving that, finally, if there is something "beyond" all what I can touch, see, hear, smell and taste? The best way: believing is seeing. AND SEE! And we did it!

And now, now I can say with total conviction that through it I feel infinite, unbounded, UNIQUE, MAKER OF THE IMPOSSIBLE ...

And, when I hold her I feel Hold infinity, and when I look, I immerse myself in BEYOND THE FEELINGS ...



TU Tiny.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get Wrinkles Out Of Nylon


happens one morning light was focused on a single issue:
your loneliness into a cup of coffee
then thought maybe
in every day of your life
or in the best form of suicide
last night had drunk too much
your mother told you were a perfectly useless
at the age of forty years no one can be single
bag yet
parents however you
there were so alien and embedded in the same family
your family that you had loved so much this morning as
anxiety danced in your throat again you
stooping to light a cigarette
and the coffee cup as blood spilled on the useless
any street berm

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mentholatum For Men In Toronto

After Hurricane Katrina, The Art

Justin Forbes presents his first solo exhibition with The Jonathan Ferrara Gallery

Halcyon Days features a new series of Forbes' oil paintings - his first major body of work since Hurricane Katrina drove him from New Orleans in late 2005, as he became a permanent evacuee - a victim of the storm and its aftermath. This exhibition marks his triumphant return to New Orleans and is his first gallery exhibition in over seven years.

Justin Forbes paints in a vivid, almost psychedelic palette; his work combines an Alice Neel-like surrealism with the American nostalgia in the vein of Edward Hopper and Thomas Hart Benton. The result is a frenetic, emotion-infused recording of subterranean culture.

Forbes says of this new body of work:

"In my work, I try to evoke a hipstamatic memory drawn from the inner vaults of our childlike subconscious residing behind protected firewalls. It is this shared experience,, this muscle memory in dream or reality that I hope to capture. Through specific attention to genuine details and characters as they interact, I attempt to create a stylized personal mythology that both appeals to the side of us that becomes teary-eyed and giddy with the teen-aged thrill of something new, and leaves us haunted by the childhood psychodrama of something old, fervently capturing compressed moments in life that come as close to the reverie of actual experience as possible within the finite dimensions of a canvas."

Justin Forbes has been enjoying his artistic pursuits for most of his life. Born in Hollywood to a professional photographer and a professional dancer, he was exposed to art at a young age and it was his first love, career, and lifestyle.

Forbes' work is narrative and autobiographical in nature. His life and his art overlap as many events and dreams make their way into his large, saturated settings. Forbes seems to invite the viewer to watch a performance and be a part of the intensity as they are challenged by character elements staring out at the audience. Color, light and shadow are integral elements in his richly layered oils. There is a sense of irony along side the often brutally honest story lines alluded to in Forbes' compositions. There is a sense of familiarity with his characters as the viewer senses that they "know" people in his portraits and vividly painted "snapshots" of the scenes of a world that intersects real life and a hipster fantasy. Forbes strives for a perfect energetic yet loose mastery of detail and mood as he exaggerates perspective as if the world is being viewed through a wide angle lens.

Justin Forbes' work has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco and New Orleans. His work has been featured Juxtapoz Magazine, ART Papers, Tribe Magazine, the current issue of Twisted South and is slated to be on the HBO series Treme. Forbes has also done illustrations for Hustler magazine.

Justin Forbes' paintings are in numerous public and private collections including the Michael Brown and Linda Green Collection, Actress Sela Ward, TV commercial producer T.G. Herrington, publishing magnate Larry Flynt, Debora and Paul Lipman and the permanent collection of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art.

Justin is represented by the Jonathan Ferrara Gallery in New Orleans.

Waiting for the Ball to Drop (2011)
Oil on canvas
48 x 60 in

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Error 1311 Command And Conquer

into the shadows ... ALMA

"from all sources of initiatory wisdom you can drink and quench your soul thirsts for knowledge, but the source of your road side, the one whose pillars are formed by Brothers of the Shadow, you should avoid for your fruits Wizards do not lead to a spiral of No Return. " The Aurokhenaton.

- What book is it, Master?

"It's one of many books dealing with Occult Knowledge.

- Esoteric?

"There are many who do not know the true meaning of this word. And before you investigate, decide ridicule. On the other hand, is completely understandable, since the human being he has been hiding the truth for over 10,000 years.

- Why, Master?

"Knowledge is a double edged sword. Roads going into their first requires an extensive knowledge of himself, including weakness, because the man is quite sure of its strengths, simple facepiece which is not to be in itself.

"I understand. Does that mean that if one does not know itself, is very dangerous KNOW?

-Knowledge is Power and Power is tempting, but the power has to be self serving, not self in the service of power. And the knowledge uncovers weaknesses of the human being, delving into what one is, no mute, no veils, no masks ...

-and being is what you want to scare usually start in the pursuit of knowledge, right?

"Yes." Many give up the attempt, but some people, losing themselves, decide to venture into the unknown without being aware that certain dark corners of your Being will come out, blackening his soul. That Darkness is a poison for the soul, and in many cases they, unsuspecting, lose.

- What happens then?

"When they embarked on the path to darkness, when they decided to get lost in the Infinite Greed, when they get into the Black Hole of No Return, when it ceases to be light outside them and they lose their own inner light emitted by the Soul, there is no turning back; are forever wandering in that dark pit, and then only if crossed with a pure soul, full of light, treated as "vermin" as "virus", to cling to her, and do not mind the consequences, only acting as the Mosquito with the Light, by instinct, but many cruel intention to suck all the vitality, or even of snatch.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Can Someone Make A Dummy Phone

Nezahualcoyotzin forests

Por Rima de Vallbona
Catedrática Emérita, University of St.Thomas
Miembro de la Academia Norteamericana
de la Lengua Española y de la Academia Costarricense de la Lengua Española

Among other things he did [King Nezahualcoyotzin] worthy of his fame and name was that reached the mountains, because before I had placed limits set up where they could go and fetch wood for buildings and firewood for recurrent expenditure, and had put life sentence that exceeded the limits.
Ixtlilxóchitl Fernando de Alba, the nation's history chichimeca .

While my parents and I passed along the corridors and halls of the palace, to obey the command of our king Nezahualcoyotzin, I could not find how to confess to them my fault. The worm of guilt was eating me, for my crime of insurance would be grounds for that the king put to death ... I deserved it, but my parents, what fault had the wrong that I had done so recklessly that morning?

all started when I was resting from the fatigues of the morning eating my rich corn tortillas, and came to my hut a subject of the sovereign to bring order to my parents and me to the palace. The three of us to grieve long and trembling from the fear of not knowing what would be our fate. Toward the palace, my parents scolded me muttering, and they asked me very anxious, "pushing the boundaries of the forest? I, no, no, everything went as usual. However, I was mortified remember that morning I had called "miserable and despicable man" to Nezahualcoyotzin and wondered if the hunter had betrayed me to the authorities, however, did not dare tell my parents, who had taught me to respect and love our king after our gods, because he was very wise and very fair. In addition, a child they told me a thousand times how, at an early age, our king witnessed the murder of his father Ixtlilxóchitl by order of cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant Tezozomoc. Years later, when the crown prince by inheritance, lived away and hiding from his enemies, until with the help of Tlaxcala, Chalco and Huexotzinca, regained the kingdom of Acolhuas. It was thus during the course of my hut to the palace martyred blame me, while I dared not confess. As we followed the guide that took us in the presence of the monarch, I recalled a thousand times what happened that infamous morning

_ Son, my quetzal feather, took my precious emerald embedded here, very deep in my chest, remember the you have instilled early _ and fired me this morning as my mother used to do every time I went towards the forest to collect firewood _. Never, for any reason, disobey the mandates Nezahualcoyotzin of our monarch. And now that you bring us once again how light the fire, I say it again: do not overstep the bounds of the forest identified by our Lord and King, because that life will you and your parents. I left that morning

very happy to fulfill my duty of every day. Near the limits imposed by the royal law while collecting the chips left by the loggers, and twigs and sticks of trees uprooted by winds, a hunter approached me and asked me why I did not in past, where there were many wood, so that soon I could return home with a load that we would supply for several days. As long as repeated to me my parents, I had memorized the sentence, "I answered respectfully and think, because the king would take away life. The hunter asked me then who's the king? I replied, is a miserable man, negligible, off to the men that God gives us hands full, life. I also asked my name. Huexolotli, Huexolotli call me, I said, to serve God, my king and you, too. The man remained stubborn, and I entered beyond the limits, because no one would notice or say what this "miserable and wretched man, as you call the king. His words made me very angry and called a traitor and an enemy of our sovereign and my parents advise me as something that could cost them their lives. Upon hearing the latter, without dwelling any longer, the hunter fired and left with an inexplicable smile. "Soon", he said, and I was left wondering why he said goodbye and, as far as possible would be that we would not anymore. very distressed follow the messenger of the king, who drove us to their rooms. As we walked the halls of the palace, it seemed that not a building but a huge city can only in the wildest dreams of the night. Never before have we seen so much wealth, beauty and magnificence. Everywhere you wasted gold, silver, statues, beautiful paintings on the walls, sheeted walls gossamer fabric skin of a jaguar, puma, and others with exquisite embroideries of feathers, gold and emeralds. My father asked the guide how many bedrooms were in that building, and "three rooms comprise the palace," was his reply, "but here are apartments including public for the council, the armory, the apartments assigned to the presidents of Mexico and Tlacopan when they come to visit, the private bedroom of the King, his wife and holding his concubines. "

increased our surprise the unimaginable beauty of the gardens surrounding the buildings, in which the waters of many fountains, ponds and ditches, giving the visitor a soft and melodious whisper that is orchestrated with the chirping of birds a thousand species. To wake up our admiration, our guide showed us a call aviary, where Nezahualcoyotzin kept all varieties of birds and animals from the four corners of the land, including seas, rivers and lakes. The funny thing is that those who were not living there, were reproduced in gold and precious stones. In addition, some very tangled mazes are opened between the multitude of pines, on the edge of the waters where the ruler used to bathe.

Seeing our astonishment at such great, the guide told us that during the lavish opening of these buildings, King recited a poem composed by him, "poem that sings of spring, in which he says: 'dance and celebrate God it is powerful; / we enjoy today such glory, / because human life is transitory. " Just the verses predicting death times, grief, misery and persecution of our children and grandchildren, 'because there is no good for sure: / I always change the future brings,' "declaimed proudly Acolhua server.
Wise, very wise is our monarch Nezahualcoyotzin _ said my father, who had been confirming the truth of the poem, with head movements. Wise _

philosopher, astrologer, legislator, poet and prophet. Know that in this poem tells us that when he dies, we will be serving Acolhua strange, "because here come to stop controls, empires and dominions which are of little stability," he said, and to instill more fear, adding that then men and women will be given to the evil practice, harmful pleasures, sensuality, fraud, theft and drunkenness. Under the power of these invaders, also says something that nobody can understand is that "the tree will light, health and livelihood to free our children of these vices and calamities." Really

_ _ _ my father spoke what was meant by the "tree of light"? Did you have asked and what answers? _ "Nothing" was the response of our companion, "says nothing more, and he knows what he says and that the future will reveal."

As we walked all these wonders, my parents commented that despite the heavy hand of Nezahualcoyotzin to apply justice, told the subjects that one day, from the viewpoint of the palace, located on the doors of the plaza, the king heard a woodcutter who was resting from his day's work, telling his wife:

_ The owner of this wealth will be tired and full, enjoying all these excesses, while we, the maceguales We are here exhausted and starving.

The woman, fearing that someone would listen and that prosecution of the king, punished, and beckoned him to shut up. Then, Nezahualcoyotzin sent for their presence to the woodcutter and his wife in the boardroom, and what you said down there, when they rested two of you? Tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, claimed the king. The Woodsman, trembling with fear had no choice to confess all he said. _

better not complain against you return to your king and natural lord because the walls have ears _ was _ Nezahualcoyotzin comment. Before speaking against it, consider how much they weigh on him the business and affairs charging, care to protect, defend and hold justice as large a kingdom as the kingdom Acolhua.

As soon as I said, he called a butler for the couple presented him a certain number of bales of blankets, cocoa and other food. To deliver them, told them that would be enough to live comfortably and happily, while he, his natural lord and king, laden with many complicated steps and businesses, despite to his subjects seemed tired and full, I had nothing, because all this splendor, and wealth did not belong to him. To dismiss, he added: "Know that what you see is not mine, the owner is the State and not another ... And remember that everything in life is borrowed and that in a moment we leave, as did the other gentlemen who ruled you as I left that in "Xompancuícatl" my song of spring. "

_ You see, my son, how much you weigh on the great glory of power? _ I told my father when the guide had finished the story.

_ _ That's not all intervened again _ guide. There are many stories denoting greatness and wisdom of our king. One of them is that one day the hunter could not hunt anything for their livelihood. A young man his neighbor, seeing him so distressed, in jest said that an arrow to your penis and perhaps better would be correct then, the hunter was so distraught that he decided to try the immodest aim at the other, and did so with such success that the Joker fell screaming in pain, so the hunter took him prisoner to the palace with the wounded. On being informed of what happened, he ordered the hunter Nezahualcoyotzin heal the wounded, and if healed, slave remained of the victim, or to pay his ransom, the hunter chose the latter and escaped.

My father, who has an unconditional love for our sovereign, gave details of how merciful Nezahualcoyotzin is, therefore, that from his vantage point every day watching the poor in the market when they can not sell their goods, the king refuses to sit at the table to eat, until his stewards will buy all your items at prices double in value, and also give others in need.

_ should be added to that passed by feeding and clothing the war disabled, widows, orphans and needy as there is in this kingdom _ _ continued to tell our guide. In this he spends most of the taxes that the Senate gives. Impressed

with such stories, I expressed to my parents my burning desire to get the service of my king. My son

_ _ _ told me my father will soon come a time when you join the ranks of their armies, Acolhua inevitable fate of all, to defend or expand the kingdom. So, that being a good warrior, you should practice a lot the aim with bow and arrow, how we cope with older men who already have served in the military.

_ But I do not want to be a warrior, father, not wanting to kill _ _ replied immediately. My interest is to develop, create and just create ... create buildings, create poems, make images of bulk ... Warriors are the reverse of creation because its only purpose is to kill ... _ My father silenced him with a pinch on the arm.

Then we come to the board room, where we hoped Nezahualcoyotzin, who, after greeting obliged, to my surprise, turning to me, reproached me smile:

_ "So I am a miserable man? _ I went pale and started shaking, then his words came true my fears that the hunter would have told you. After a pause during which my parents looked at me inquisitive, during which I left my heart in the chest, so that made me endless, my king said:
Know, Huexolotli, I was the hunter who told you this morning _. I stammered, "what you you were that hunter, to which I said ugly things about you?" Smiling, he made an elegant gesture as if to say it did not matter and continued his talk, while my parents were speechless.

_ When I go hunting I dress so that no one I know and can enjoy myself alone in the landscape that is part of this immense and wonderful process of creation. There, in that green, meditate and ask my invisible and almighty God to enlighten me to rule with justice and love, they also pray for the victory of our brave warriors when we are at war. There, then fertile green, also conceive of my poems, which have been so applauded by my people ... Inadvertently

I began to recite aloud one of his verses, which we recited the high priest once. I was so impressed, they have kept intact in my heart: "I'll play singing / musical instrument musician. / You enjoy flowers, / dance, and celebrate a God who is mighty, / oh, let us enjoy this glory / because human life is temporary ... "Still smiling," Ah, so recite my poem! " , Nezahualcoyotzin said. "I see I like poetry and you know he sings." "Yes, I love, and music also and paint, "he said, while my parents did nothing but sign me to shut up.

_ Well, let's get started with, I disguised myself as a hunter, I found in the woods, talked, and my little Huexolotli, you know you are to me all human poem? guess I'll grow to be someone in my kingdom, for today I have given a lesson in simplicity, loyalty and obedience. The way defending my laws and my authority, amply reward you deserve it _. To our surprise, and believing that what he said, was rather a shame, as my parents scolded me so low, and when we expected to hear the fatal sentence mouth the monarch, he gave orders to his steward to bestow on us a few bales of blankets, lots of corn, cacao and other gifts. Wasting no time, continued his tirade:

_ The lesson you gave me, small, has led me to give orders to remove the limits so far established in the woods and everyone can enter the forest to collect timber and firewood , provided only that if someone cuts a tree that is in place, be given the death penalty. In addition, starting today, I give permission for you to come to my palace to friendship with my kids and learn under the tutelage of the wise tlamatinime.

To them, my teachers-those tlamatinime, Today I know my art has made me a tlahcuilo-painter-scribe. Red ink and I handed down to posterity, on multiple pages, signs and symbols, with the succession of the heroic deeds of the Acolhua, also I have the privilege of leaving prints on paper, maguey the beautiful poems of my wise king Nezahualcoyotzin.

"Nezahualcoyotzin forests is a account book belonging to the author. Is unprecedented and is entitled Signs and portents of the last Aztec - historical accounts, which will be published during 2011 by Editorial Costa Rica.

Goodbyes With Animals That Rhyme

President Bush Barack Obama at the Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda, Santiago de Chile

Monday, March 21, 2011

Good morning. It's a great honor to be in Santiago de Chile. And I am very glad that I accompany my wife, Michelle, and daughters. The people of Santiago, the people of Chile, thanks for your wonderful welcome. On behalf of the American people, thanks for your friendship and close ties between our peoples.

Throughout history, this country has been called "the end of the earth." But I come here today because in the twenty-first century, this country is a vital part of our interconnected world. In an era in which peoples are intertwined as ever, is proof that Chile is not necessary to divide us race, religion or tribe. Have welcomed generations of immigrants from all corners of the planet, while celebrating and proud of their indigenous heritage.

At a time when the people of the world seek his freedom, Chile shows that it is possible to make the transition from dictatorship to democracy, and do so peacefully. In fact, this wonderful place where we are today, a few steps from where Chile lost its democracy for decades, is testimony to the progress of Chile and its democratic spirit.

Despite the barriers of distance and geography, you have made to Chile the global economy by trading with countries around the world, and in this era of Internet, becoming the most digitally connected country in Latin America.

And in a world of pain at times heartbreaking, as we are seeing now in Japan, is the character of this country that inspires us. "Our primary star," said Pablo Neruda, "is the struggle and hope." But he added, "there is no hope solitary struggle." The Chilean people has proven time and again, including his recovery from a devastating earthquake a year ago.

Chile's success is due to the Chilean people, whose courage, sacrifice and perseverance turned this country into the leader he is. It is an honor for us to join us today four leaders who led this nation for years much progress, the presidents Patricio Aylwin, Eduardo Frei and Ricardo Lagos Sebastián Piñera. Thank you all for being here today.

So I can not imagine a more appropriate place to discuss the new era of alliances that the United States seeks not only to Chile, but throughout the Americas. And I'm grateful to join us leaders and members of the diplomatic corps from across the region.

In my first 100 days in office, one of my first trips abroad as president, I went to Trinidad and Tobago to meet with leaders throughout the hemisphere at the Summit of the Americas. There, I promised to try to forge partnerships of equality and shared responsibility based on mutual interests, mutual respect and common values. I know I'm not the first U.S. president to promise a new spirit of cooperation with our Latin American neighbors. I know that sometimes, the U.S. has taken for granted in this region.

Even now, I know that our headlines often monopolize other regions. But never forget, ever, that the future is being forged in countries and peoples of Latin America. For America America is not the old stereotype of a region in perpetual conflict and caught in endless cycles of poverty. In fact, the world must recognize that Latin America is the dynamic and growing region really is.

Latin America is at peace. The civil wars have ended. Insurgencies have been rejected. Old border disputes have been resolved. In Colombia, great sacrifices by citizens and security forces have restored a level of security not seen for decades.

And as the old conflict have faded, so have the outdated ideological struggles often fed. The old debates-between state's economy and rampant capitalism, between the abuses of the right-wing paramilitaries and leftist insurgents, between the image of an America that causes all the problems of the region and one that ignores all the problems- were false choices do not reflect the current reality.

Today, Latin America is democratic. Virtually all Latin American people have gone from living under dictatorship to live in democracies. Throughout the region, we see dynamic democracies from Mexico to Chile and Costa Rica. We have seen peaceful transfers of power from El Salvador to Uruguay and Paraguay. The work of perfecting our democracy never ends, really, but this is the democratic progress that is occurring throughout the Americas.

Today, Latin America is growing. After making difficult but necessary reforms, countries like Peru and Brazil are having an impressive growth. As a result, Latin America underwent a global economic slowdown better than other regions. Throughout the region, tens of millions of people have escaped extreme poverty. From Guadalajara to Santiago and São Paulo, a middle class is demanding more of herself and more of their government.

Latin America are uniting to confront challenges common. Chile, Colombia and Mexico share their expertise in security with countries in Central America. When a coup in Honduras threatened democratic progress, the countries of the Hemisphere unanimously invoked the Democratic Charter, which helped lay the foundations of a return to rule of law. The contributions of Latin American countries have been critical in Haiti, as has been the Latin American diplomacy in anticipation of yesterday's elections in Haiti.

And increasingly, Latin America is contributing to the prosperity and global security. As customary participant in peacekeeping missions of the United Nations, Latin American countries have helped to prevent conflicts from Africa to Asia., In the G-20 countries like Mexico, Brazil and Argentina now have greater influence on economic decision making at the international level. Led by Mexico, the world reached achievements in Cancun in our efforts to combat climate change. Countries like Chile have played a leading role in strengthening civil society around the world.

This is the Latin America I see today, a region that moves, proud of their progress and ready to assume a greater role in the world. For all these reasons I consider that Latin America is more important than ever for the prosperity and security United States. With any other U.S. region has many links. And in no other aspect is more apparent than in the tens of millions of Hispanic Americans living throughout the United States, and enrich our society, contribute to the growth of our economy and strengthen our nation every day.

Latin America will only become more important to America, especially for our economy. Trade between the U.S. and Latin America has increased significantly. Buy more of their products and services than any other country, and invest more in this region than any other country. For example, export Latin America more than three times what we export to China. Our exports to this region, which are growing faster than our exports to the rest of the world soon will support more than two million American jobs. In short, the more prosperous Latin America is more prosperous America.

But even more than interests, common values \u200b\u200bunite us. In the other path we see reflections of our own. The colonists who fought for empires to declare independence. The pioneers who opened new frontiers. Citizens who have struggled to bring the promise of our nation to all men and women, whites, black and brown. We are people of faith to remember that all of us, especially the more fortunate among us, we make contributions, especially for the needy. We are citizens who know that ensure that our democracies produce results for their people must be the work of all of us.

This is our story. This is our heritage. We are all Americans. We are all Americans.

Across the continent, parents want their children to run and play, and know you will come home safe. Young people want an education. Parents want the dignity that comes from labor, and women want the same opportunities their husbands. Employers want the opportunity to start a new business. And people everywhere just want to be treated with dignity and respect that every human being is entitled. These are simple but profound hope that house in the heart of millions across the Americas.

But let's be frank and admit that these dreams are out of reach for too many people, that the progress of the American continent is not fast enough. Not for the millions who suffer the injustice of extreme poverty. Not for children in the slums and favelas, they just want the same opportunities as others. Not for communities caught in brutal grip of the cartels and gangs, where the police have guns below those of their opponents, and too many live in fear.

And despite the region's democratic progress, vast inequalities persist. The political and economic power is too often concentrated in the hands of few, rather than serve the majority. Corruption is a barrier to economic growth, development, innovation and entrepreneurship. And leaders cling to stale ideologies to justify their own power and seeking to silence their opponents because they have the audacity to demand respect for their universal rights. This is also true we face.

We are not the first generation to face these challenges. Exactly 50 years ago, President John F. Kennedy proposed an ambitious Alliance for Progress. It was, even by today's standards, a huge investment: billions of U.S. dollars to meet the basic needs of people throughout this region. This program was appropriate for its time. But the reality of our times, and the new capacity and confidence of our Latin American neighbors, requires something different.

The challenge to President Kennedy continues: "build a hemisphere where all [people] can have the hope of a proper living standard, in which everyone can live their lives with dignity and freedom. "But a century later, we make sense of this work our way.

I think today in the Americas, there is no major partners and secondary partners, are equal partners. But equitable societies, in turn, require a sense of shared responsibility. We have mutual obligations, and today, the U.S. is working with countries in this hemisphere to meet our responsibilities in several important areas.

First, we are partnering to confront what people around the continent said he was concerned more: the security of their families and communities. Criminal gangs and drug traffickers are not only a threat to the security of citizens. They are a threat to scare off investment development because the economy needs to thrive. And they are a direct threat to democracy because they encourage corruption, undermining the institutions from within.

So, with our partners from Colombia to Mexico and the new regional programs in Central America and the Caribbean, we are making this challenge together, from all directions. We have increased our support-in equipment, training and technology border forces, police and security need "to keep communities safe. We are increasing coordination and exchanging information for those who traffic in drugs and human beings have fewer places to hide. And we are putting unprecedented pressure on the financial resources of the posters, including the United States.

but never eliminate the attractiveness of the cartels and gangs unless we are also facing social and economic forces that fuel crime. We need to reach vulnerable young people before resorting to drugs and crime. Therefore, we are joining with partners across the continent to enhance community policing, improve juvenile justice systems and invest in prevention of crime and drugs.

Now that the Central American countries made a new regional security strategy in the United States are ready to do our part through a new partnership that pays attention to what it requires: the safety of our citizens. And with regional and international partners, we will ensure that our support is not only full of good intentions, but it is well coordinated and properly spent.

As President, I made it clear that in America we accept our responsibility for the violence generated by drugs. The demand for drugs, including those in the U.S., behind this crisis. So we formulated a new strategy for drug control which focuses on reducing drug demand through education, prevention and treatment. And I must emphasize that even during a difficult fiscal time in the United States this year alone we have proposed to increase to approximately $ 10.000 million of resources devoted to these efforts.

We are also doing more to reduce the flow of guns southward into the region. We inspect all cargo train headed south. We are thousands of other weapons confiscated way to Mexico and we are putting behind bars arms smugglers. And every gun and gun dealer we get out of the streets is one less menace to families and communities in the continent.

we strive to ensure the safety of our citizens, we are partnering in a second field: promoting prosperity and opportunity. With this trip, I strive to increase trade and investment. Across the region we are moving forward with agreements "open skies" for our people and businesses to have more contact. We are moving forward with the Trans-including Chile and Peru, to compete more with the fastest growing markets in the Asia Pacific region. I have given instructions my government to intensify our efforts to advance trade agreements with Panama and Colombia, according to our values \u200b\u200band interests.

We are encouraging the next generation of companies and entrepreneurs. We work with the Inter-American Development Bank to increase lending. We have increased the credit of Microfinance Growth Fund for the Americas (Microfinance Growth Fund for the Americas). We support reforms in tax systems, which are crucial for economic growth and public investment. We are creating new "Pathways to Prosperity" ("Pathways to Prosperity")-training microcredit and entrepreneurship, for those who should benefit from economic growth, including women and members of indigenous and Afro-Caribbean communities.

We're joining, as a hemisphere, to generate clean energy jobs and pursue a more secure and sustainable future. And if anyone doubts the urgency of climate change, just to look inside the American continent, from the severe storms of the Caribbean to the melting of glaciers in the Andes and the loss of forests and farmland throughout the region.

With the Alliance for Global Energy and Climate (Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas) I proposed, Several countries have offered to lend their expertise, all providing leadership and expertise: Brazil in biofuels, geothermal energy Chile, Mexico in energy efficiency. El Salvador is linking electricity networks in Central America to make energy supply more stable. This is exactly the kind of partnership we need, neighbors who join neighbors to unleash the progress that none of us can achieve alone.

is the same philosophy behind two additional programs that I am announcing today, that will help our country to educate and innovate for the future. We are launching a program to harness the power of the media online social networks to help students, scientists, academics and entrepreneurs to collaborate and develop new ideas and products that will help the American continent to remain competitive in a global economy. And I am proud to announce that the U.S. is working with partners in the region, including the private sector to increase by 100,000 the number of U.S. students in Latin America, and 100.000 the number of American students studying in the together.

Staying competitive also requires that we address immigration. As President, I have made clear that immigration strengthens the U.S.. We are a nation of immigrants, which is why I voted against the opposition to immigration. But we're a nation of law, why not flaquearé in my determination to solve the problems of our immigration system. I am committed to a comprehensive reform that secures our borders, ensure the enforcement of our laws and address the issue of the millions of undocumented workers living in the United States clandestinely.

However, this situation will continue as long as people believe the only way to keep your family is to leave and go north. Therefore, the United States will continue to partner with countries looking for more widespread economic growth that gives people and nations a way out of poverty. And as part of our new development strategy we are working with partners such as Guatemala and El Salvador, which are determined to develop their own capacities, from helping farmers increase production to help health systems to provide better care.

This brings me to my final topic for which we continue to work: strengthening democracy and human rights. For over 60 years, our countries joined the Organization of American States and declared that "representative democracy is an indispensable condition for stability, peace and development in the region. " A decade ago, we reaffirm this principle, Inter-American Democratic Charter declaring, "The American people have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it."

Across the continent, many generations have fought and sacrificed to give meaning to those words, anonymous men and women who dared to express their views, new movements organized activists, religious leaders who preached social justice, mothers of the persons who demanded the truth, the political prisoners who became presidents and even now, Ladies in White march in silent dignity.

The American people have shown that there is no substitute for democracy. As governments, we are obliged to defend what has been gained. So as we approach the 10 th anniversary of the Inter-American Democratic Charter this year, we reiterate the principles which we believe.

ourselves to defend democracy and human rights in our own countries, to strengthen the institutions that democracy needs to flourish: free and fair elections in which people choose their own leaders, legislatures provide dynamic monitoring; independent judiciaries uphold the rule of law, a free press that promotes free debate, professional armed forces under civilian control, strong civil societies that make their government accountable and transparent government that meet the needs of its citizens. That is what constitutes a democracy.

And as we stand for democracy and human rights within our borders, let us recommit ourselves to defend the entire hemisphere. Every country will follow its own path, and no nation should ever impose their will on the other. But surely we can agree that democracy demands that the majority decides, that simply having the power does not give a leader the right to deprive others of their rights, and that leaders should retain power through consent, not coercion.

never wavered in our support of the right of peoples to determine their own future, and that includes the Cuban people. Since I took office, I announced the most significant changes in decades to the policy of my country to Cuba. We have made it possible for Cuban Americans to visit and support their families in Cuba. We are allowing Americans to send remittances to give some economic hope to people across Cuba, as well as more independence from the Cuban authorities.

In the future, continue to seek ways to increase people's independence Cuban, who is entitled to the same freedom as everyone else in this hemisphere. At the same time, Cuban authorities must take considerable measures to respect the basic rights of Cuban people, not because the U.S. insists on it, but because the Cuban people deserve it.

Finally, the lessons of Latin America can serve as a guide for the people in the world to start their own journeys to democracy. There is no single model for the transition to democracy. But as you know this region, successful transitions have certain ingredients. The moral force of nonviolence. An open dialogue that includes everyone. The protection of basic rights such as freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Accountability for past wrongs. And political reform pace of economic reforms, because democracy must meet the basic needs and aspirations of peoples. Since

has decades of experience, Latin America has much to share: how to develop political parties and hold free elections, how to ensure the peaceful transfer of power and explore the winding paths of reform and reconciliation, and when inevitable setbacks occur, they can remind people to never lose sight of the stars of struggle and hope you mentioned Pablo Neruda.

Safety for our citizens. Trade and development that creates jobs, prosperity and a clean energy future. Defense of democracy and human rights. These are the partnerships that we can build together here in America and around the world. And if anyone doubts that this region has the capacity to address these challenges have only to remember what happened here in Chile, a few months ago.

Her determination and faith inspired the world: "The thirty-three." Not all will relate his saga. You know the story well. But what is also worth remembering is that this whole country was united. All government, civil and military, national and local levels. All private sector, large enterprises and Small business owners who donated supplies. And all segments of Chilean society supported those men down there and their families at Camp Hope. It was a miraculous recovery and was a tribute to Chilean leadership. And when he finally emerged Luis Urzua, spoke for the entire nation when he said, "I am very proud to be Chilean."

But something else happened during those two months. The people and governments of Latin America came together to support a neighbor in need. And with a Latin American country to the fore, the world was proud to play a secondary role in sending workers from the United States and Canada, equipment rescue from Europe, communication equipment from Asia. And the process of uploading to the miners and bring them safe for those joyful reunion was a truly international moment, seen and celebrated by more than one billion people.

If you ever need a reminder of humanity and our shared hope was that time in the desert. When a country like Chile are proposing, there is nothing out of reach. When Latin American countries come together and focus on a common goal, when the U.S. and others in the world do their part, there is nothing they can not accomplish together.

This is our vision of America. This is the progress we can achieve together. Y this is the spirit of partnership and equality to which the United States are committed. Thank you very much.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Long After Taking Ativan Can You Drink


Another victim ...

Alma could not stop.

He had been told was an "aberration of Destiny", a qualitative leap in the capabilities of human beings. She, with its newly completed 5 years, fortunately still had fun, still had the innocence inherent

Children ... ... And that is why even they could control the

... ... Only one victim from time to time, perhaps a psychologist or psychiatrist experienced, could even be a spiritual master enough gullible enough to think, from his incomplete "humility" from its still not 'wisdom', which would have a chance to redirect ...

Big mistake.

All failed. All fell into their power, that power that emanated in all your Mind Force Unlimited ...

One by one ...

But for now, sweaty smile, a fake smile of relief, because they knew they could get tired of the Game and directly, to go further.
They had tried everything, even had consulted with suspected mental prodigies, were contacted through Internet with all kinds of people who supposedly were "beyond", including at least it provided them with information about other "Witches" or "Magi", "Shaman", "Mediums" or "Psychic", p ero they all seemed to intuit who they were facing, and still the greatest of respect, I'll leave you alone, You leave me alone ...

And they, the scientists and the military top secret that center directly from contact the President of the Nation, a bridge to the other main leaders of the world, for the first time they had met with a Weapon Lethal uncontrollably "vaccine."

Almighty "? Sceptics or approaching, the most mystical, saw it as a reincarnated goddess authentic, others more devout, they wondered if that little girl would be a divine punishment or ... better yet, if God himself would have
Women ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Woodstove Temperature

everything has plummeted
has risen again in the shadows
as the memory of the dead
suddenly becomes
horror icon when installed
their bad conscience battalions
devastating evidence likewise what stands in the shadows forados
has its internal and regional support wig
the misery of power so that on the street is the ghost of a dream
ever meat
idea was able to change a world that presaged
in the illusion of a lost ship on the horizon however
shine and crazy times
in the mud of what was once pure spirit
default action processing and
egregious and unusual in this wheel that is the target
gears are sometimes
sharp or blunt teeth that do not agree with his own shadow but the
which rise the ruins that nobody remembers when lifting
as paradigms that once again
instigate change the world total

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cervix Mucus Cervix Mucus


past 10,000 years, have only been a few who have been having the control, and these, for convenience, have handled Threads. It is they who speak to us about how to save, or from the Policy, either from religion, or from the ethics, or from the Democracy, or from the same taxation. In any case, restricting the freedom of human beings, which is eligible for FREE, just by their ignorance is subject to its sophisticated methods of manipulation. There are no pastors among humans, although well born, but that makes them sheep, and redirects them to the herd, thereby inducing an apparent sense of security. Make no mistake: all I want is actuéis not because they are afraid that you realize the POWER THAT YOU HAVE as Human Beings.

I have fear, but that does not know what you ... Neither

2,012, or Maya, or Atlantis, or Lemuria Aliens or subject us or help us ... ONLY IN SELF IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO ALL, OR INABILITY TO ANYTHING BY MAKE OR NOT IN THEIR OWN POTENTIAL.

FUCK ME, AND MUCH, YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE HUMAN BEING ACCEPTED TO A HIGHER, however described, to justify their laziness and Compliance.

Do not be stupid! Earthquake in Japan is not to wonder: how can this God?, Is to ask: What WOULD NOT WANT THEM YOU ECHEM blame God?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lenntek Sonix 3 Earphones Review

dreamed the

not fear if the earth is falling apart
not fear if suddenly illuminates the universe
do not fear the morning with pieces of time do not be afraid
dissolved the gum under the chairs
not afraid of the devil under your shade
not afraid of the rainbow after
pump do not fear the crocodiles that appear in your dreams
not fear the epigrams
distances and do not fear you scream in a vial
no older topics in squares
not fear if the aircraft leave the world outside
not fear if you get different people to airports
not fear the cannonball of fiction
pigeons do not fear going too far
not fear the lizard under your bed
not fear the mask of love in your face
Do not be afraid to go out and find you do not fear empty
ants have ever got up early
fear not the orange that fell into the river
not fear the bats are not afraid of headers
spin and around and not go anywhere
fear not appear
sitting at the sea gulls do not fear that went fast to your room

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Happens If You Forget To Claim Unemployment

POWER (III): Cause - Effect? "Determinism? ENERGY VAMPIRES

-Scene particular argument defends the Principle of Causality. Resorts to the passions that govern our nature to defend. I agree that more knowledge is greater power. However, advocating Determinism having the knowledge of all options and choosing the most likely of all is at least simplistic. Chess machines work well but the option is not always expected to occur.

"Look, the Matrix machines are experts in human behavior. Say you have all the patterns "theorists" of behavior. Put another way, are masterpieces of psychobiology, psychiatry, neurobiology and psiconeurobiología. They are based in law, in logic, the very "logic" of feelings. Action and reaction, cause and effect. "Everything is under control" ... and yet, Neo jumps all controls. Everyone? No. The Architect "works" like God, and despite the unpredictability of Neo, just appearing before him, something finally as planned, despite the alleged uncontrollability of Neo. However, the Architect leave it all to a final choice of Neo.

And Neo chooses, AND ALWAYS CHOOSE.

"In the end, Smith sees the Oracle absorbing everything that would happen. E inevitably happens. As he tells Neo: Smith, you were right, it was inevitable. The sixth Matrix coming to an end ... and each had a different ending, even though the start has always been the same. Conclusion: We have a beginning, we have an end, but the road is always different in between, like, yes, but never equal. What is the difference? IN THE ELECTION. Each time we choose and deviate to a greater or lesser extent, Camino, therefore, no two paths will be the same ... the same way that there had been two equal Matrix.

-delve further: while the beginning is the same as the "Chosen One", the systemic failure, "wake up" several men and women, always the scenario that is imposed on Human Rights, the Matrix itself is slightly different, hence the Chosen not always "choose" equally. Let's say that the architect was "fun", change the scenario and seeing what the decisions of elected, even if their behavior never escape completely from what has in store for him. Say the Mouse and Cheese are the same, but not the "Labyrinth", so that decisions are not exactly the same. A secret between you and me God likes to play craps. And all this, in my opinion, is not exactly a "Labyrinth" or "Circle" but a "spiral" in which not all necessarily repeated identically, but that our own Election Architect teach how to " change the game, the Matrix, Illusion ... or whatever you call ...

"So what is the meaning of this game?, What motivation is?, What is its purpose?

"Let's say God likes to have fun learning how to play.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Many Calories Is A Bbq Sandwich

Cantinflas Centennial

By Jaime Perales Contreras

this detail Ahi Honor!,
that is neither one nor the other,
quite the contrary.

Cantinflas. Here is the detail (1940).

In this 2011 will celebrate the centenary of the birth of Fortino Mario Alfonso Moreno Reyes, better known as Cantinflas. Comedian belonged to a generation of comedians bright golden age of Mexican cinema (1935-1959). These include Germain Valdez Tin-Tan - and his carnal Marcelo Chavez - Adalberto Martinez Springs, Antonio Espino Clavillazo the Manolín and Shilinsky duet and, of course, the great comedienne Fanny Kaufman Vitola. However, Cantinflas excelled them all with its innovative form of verbal expression and its particular way of dressing.
very young, Cantinflas began his career in traditional tents and theaters in Mexico magazine. According to the writer Carlos Monsivais, the origin of the name, is given precisely in the tent Ofelia, where, the famous comedian, one of the functions, forget his monologue and, facing an attentive audience, and not necessarily friendly, began to improvise his brilliant emancipation of words that made him famous. The public, with laughter, began to yell: The inflate! (which is what you make!), Other versions say, who shouted: blow up in the canteen! (Drink in the bar!) . Just joined the comedian's words and thus was born this particular manipulator of chaos called Cantinflas.

Cantinflas at the age of thirty, in the movies, comic couple began making the Russian-Mexican author, Estanislao Shilinsky in a series of sketches. Producers, seeing the potential of the actor soon after, began filming a series of films with Cantinflas as the main character. The first was called heart Do not fool yourself (1936). However, the film received little attention. It was not with the film there is the detail (1940), which launched him to stardom. At that time, he met the film producer and art collector Jacques Gelman, who produced all his films in those years was when the comedian also began to generate its billion fortune by signing a contract with Columbia Pictures, which was the American producer who undertook to distribute their films in the U.S.. Cantinflas After an overwhelming success in film, returned for a time on stage, starring in a play called I Columbus, (1953). In the play, the comic is a statue of Christopher Columbus, located on the Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico, who comes to life and is confronted with the peculiarities of modern Mexico. Diego Rivera painted a mural in 1953 in the Mexican theater facade of insurgents, when it premiered the work in the theater. The mural is called theater history and in this the figure of Cantinflas in the center. Three years later, Cantinflas was released in English, when acted as co-star for the movie Around the World in Eighty Days (1956), based on the novel by French author Jules Verne. The film was a blockbuster and Cantinflas received a Golden Globe and was also invited to join the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. Later, he made his second film in English called Pepe (1960) which appeared in several Hollywood luminaries who shared the screen with the Mexican actor as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Bing Crosby and Dean Martin, among many others. The film, unfortunately, was a failure. His particular humor was not understood by American audiences and the film was severely criticized. However, in Mexico, his success continued and acted almost continuously in 1957, Rachel Bolero until 1981, with Sweeper that was his last film.

Also during the seventies, there was a cartoon show entitled Cantinflas's show, which turned the same comic voice of his alter-ego in cartoons.

knew Cantinflas also stimulate the interest of artists and intellectuals. Already said that gave him a Diego Rivera murals. Was also an incidental friendship with Mexican poet Salvador Novo and columnist, who wrote the script film, The sign of death (1939), starring Cantinflas himself. Some little known is that the writer Octavio Paz in his youth had entered vocational doubts whether the diplomatic service or work in cinema as a screenwriter. This sudden interest in film as a way of living, it was precisely to see a Cantinflas movie, as he confessed to his first wife, the novelist Elena Garro. Americans have compared to Groucho Marx Cantinflas, the French with Fernandel and Latin Americans have called the Mexican Chaplin.

In celebrating its one hundred years, the heirs of Cantinflas have announced that among other activities, will launch a commemorative tequila, merchandise with her image, a video game and the realization of a cartoon show. Mario Moreno Cantinflas

was born on August 12, 1911 and died on April 20, 1993 of lung cancer. The Royal English Academy adopted the term Cantinflas in his dictionary in 1992.

Cantinflas Celebrate toasting with a cup of coffee, and respond as he did in one of his films: Do you want your coffee with or without brandy cognac, I asked the actress, and Cantinflas, sure of himself , he answers: No coffee, please, miss.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Register Homemade Trailer Nc


Inside the cloud of my sleep I dreamed an angel

end of the world with laughter
people deserted the city
just a drunk and I walked
terrific deals car screaming because there was that last day
suddenly silent void with the wind power alone
green phosphorescent veils ran alongside storey
It was the divine manifestation, but who touch them: the drunken
tried and failed and I just reached my body vibrated when
I entered the door was open house
then retraced my steps until I got close tightly
to turn to climb the ladder on the third step there was someone sitting
someone who had never been someone who should not be there to look
saw the angel then fell on his face was an angel

just started the night I covered my face with both hands
my body fell into an extreme shock
unreal was absolutely certain he had the other
that another was not then discovered fable

dawn my face and was clear steps quickly climbed

my wife and daughters slept in peace:
the world was not over: I dreamed the angel

Putting The Front License Plate On A Bmw 328i


Energy Vampires are human beings who have the ability to drain energy distance in all its forms. Do to improve their physical and mental energies. Energy Vampire can drain the thoughts, emotions, life force, the mental and physical forces of any other human being. Some do it simply to increase their own power, while others take it as a challenge (a sort of game, to see how much they can take).

Energy Vampires can feel another one of its kind and can sometimes attack mentally just to see if the victim feels or reacts to it. Enjoy the game and love the challenge when the victim feels and tries to block or respond in kind. Then it becomes a mental battle.

Magic No one connected with it, is purely mental and psychic energy and willpower. One of the prevailing belief is that the attack from Vamp Astral Plane ... using your astral body.

Vamps Some care little that the energies that are extracted can seriously harm your prey, especially if the victim is weakened by disease, injured or is in a diminished mental state or severe depression. By feeding on these victims, the extreme loss of mental and physical energy, could cause death.

is believed that some very rare Vamps try to be immortal preventing "the second death." The second death is the death of the astral body soon after the death of the physical body. In these rare cases, if this situation of increased physical energy to the Astral Body is enough, could get rid of the death of the physical body and remain "live" (ie continue to exist) on the astral plane. Thus, the astral body Vamp would be free to continue to draw energy, winning in a sense a true immortality.

There are those who cause a positive effect on other human beings. Namely, if a person is sick or weak, his aura can be black, gray or greenish yellow, if the Vampire begins to extract this energy, own recuperative powers of the person to make you stronger and you can heal before.

So Vamps may have more "good" or "bad", just as there are human beings "normal" are a little worse or a little better.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Masterbation Lube Around The House

BE - DO - HAVE ...

Most people believe that if you "have" something (more time, money, love or whatever), you can finally "do" something (writing a book, have a hobby, go on vacation, buying a home, start a relationship), allowing you to "be" something (happy, peaceful, happy or being in love).

are wrong: "having" no place "to be" first you that something called "happy" (or "expert" or "wise" or "compassionate" or anything else), then you start to "do" things From this point of being and suddenly discover that what ends up giving you're doing things you always wanted "to have." Let

aware of what WE (SER), second, from what we know what we want and act accordingly (DO) in order to have what we want in terms of what we are.