independent publishers II
Literal continues with the recently established with editors of independent magazines. This time we talked to Federico de la Vega, director of reprints, journal of thought and artistic exercise.
RMS: What means edit in Mexico when the statistics do not report a large readership in our country?
Federico de la Vega: Look , edit Offprint by fascination, by the admiration I have for the writers, read for the pleasure of creative work from a critical perspective to select and sort each number. In me a need that caters to the taste for the job. This is the first impulse that motivates me to keep a monthly publication. The index reading
you mention is a situation that has always existed in our country and is a consequence of the policy. Mexico has very serious problems which in the very century XXI is a shame to recognize: public health, education, and job security mainly. While there is a more equitable distribution of wealth, the company can not address issues such as the appreciation of the exquisite art or reading, people are seriously concerned about finding a job in getting food for the day and obtain security social. A simple example: the government pretends to be concerned with developing programs to promote reading, think that a book costs about three hundred dollars and the money to eat a family of five for about three or four days, did you think that at least contemplate the idea of \u200b\u200breading? Of course not! Well well, about sixty percent of the population are in that situation, in which his only concern is survival. And not to mention other problems such as access to education is a very high rate of individuals who can not read. If the government were truly concerned that people read it, would pose a national project where the objective is a better quality of life of Mexicans, with better prospects and opportunities not only economic development but human.
RMS: is said that independent publishers are the habitat of Mexican letters yet, the work of the editor is very little recognition. What do you attribute this disparity between the effort expended and little reward received?
VSF: I think the work of one who publishes a literary magazine is a big commitment, because in Mexico we have a long tradition that has given prestigious journals in the quality of aesthetic and critical vision , many times these magazines have been the space where writers and artists who came were great track record. I think the editors who is to show contemporary literature, work in the shadow of these big magazines over the years and only we realize if we meet or not. In this sense, I do think that magazines that are independent "living space of Mexican literature" you mention, I think our job is to "find" new authors, the most interesting proposals that are emerging today, to converge in the political, social, economic and cultural by publication.
As it is so little recognized the work of the Editor, I would say that, personally, the recognition comes from the authors who accepted the invitation to publish and are grateful, and readers who are on the lookout for the magazine and come to give us feedback. The satisfaction is seeing the object, month after month, our mistakes and successes, and know that we can improve our work.
RMS: What is your perspective on the e books and internet? How do you think they affect your work as an editor?
VSF: not think much about those things. I think products like e books serve a market that is being created large industries to generate new consumer needs, they are concerned with generating economic wealth under the guise of making life easier. And if you think we shot only a 1200 copies of reprints, which are distributed from hand to hand, you realize we're not even in the same speech. Of course, such
products comply with a sensible function, such as communication or mobility of individuals without the need to curb their activities. But in this sense, there are two aspects to consider, one issue affects the reading and the other in the editorial work. With products like the e book is evident that through reading the changes, but the scholarly work is the same. Instead, the editorial work has a market defined by other characteristics and needs, in particular, to continue documenting the intellectual activity of generations over time, viewed the book as a cultural relic, regardless of supply and market demand.
RMS: Much has been speculated about the end of the paper. Do you think that the website was able to move to physical books and magazines?
VSF: No, I do not. I think the website is to distribute information on a massive scale, to facilitate communication between people. Instead, books and magazines used to give pleasure, a rare pleasure, indeed. Man is a creature of sense and will always have the need to smell the paper, feel it, when reading, and literature is that reading is the act of reflecting on the man himself, recognized in the various activities and situations that characterize as a human being. I think the book is the great man's project.
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