Monday, December 27, 2010
Kertatolysys Exfoliative
silent with his fist back
a cloud of a worm gets inside
whim of bile with yellow eyes
if I wake up I can see a stormy sea
We narrated island laughing certain memories
I did very well in cycling
I showered I
fish fry The sun was portentous
Nobody noticed that you came highly charged of the fair-
anyone really cared.
We used to play inside a trunk
tales of terror-thought-
had remained there
Monday, December 20, 2010
Polyp- Like Lump On Palate
A beast lives inside of me
A beast lives inside of me
(a huge sun crown)
Rip my skin with amazing patience
Ports where he has
gone bring it full of resolutions and hopelessness
says that destiny is played by a
in a cup of liquor
worst and arms of a blind woman
Needless to note that speech when
feel like no matter who is
front of me She's the One with the universe
This beast is the slave of ambition
envy and the reluctance
Many times I have felt no reason
loitering in the bushes
piles that grow in cities crammed
regulations and public places abandoned and dirty
stay for hours there walking around as if searching
a shadow that does not belong or maybe
amid cries of death
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Ho Scale Minimum Radius
With cardboard carton have to build
With cardboard carton have to build
blue sky and the prairie seas and waves
the same sun maybe I can do with clay
and stars, some of them-the
paint in bright chintz will
mother of pearl necklaces for death
paper and I can develop
swans sing when I'll finally
with all my desire to create
with dry leaves people who love
and if possible I will make a beautiful God
copper wire for flexibility so that
who will be easy malleability
to make it unthinkable ways
and necessary under the circumstances or the reason I will
also arming pine
destinations loved ones and sawdust
sculpt cities of hopes and dreams and illusions and
also try if the weather does not deceive me
produce with remains of glass bottles and cans
huge volcanoes and mountains to worship
immortality so I can stay calm
done the same way with water and bread ash
amassed the very sources of the transience
Monday, December 13, 2010
Free Pl-2307 Usb To Ide Controller Driver
Literal Lucrecia Martel talks to the writer and Paco Ignacio Taibo II historian
By Emmanuel Caballero
Within the framework of the International Book Fair of Guadalajara 2010, Literal talks with historian and writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II in-depth interview, chaotic, versatile and above all as funny as the author, dotted with smoke and cola . Emmanuel Caballero
: Paco, I read recently The Return of the Tigers of Malaysia and I really enjoyed widely.
Paco Ignacio Taibo II : Did you enjoyed?
EC: I enjoyed very much, what it means to you talk about one of your childhood heroes? PIT II
: I enjoyed a lot, I enjoyed it. Was to convene the sense that reading was exciting then and now what will happen? That feeling of reading when you're a kid and teenager that I think you're missing. Now reads in a more stiff, rigid, compulsory, and well, I was very attracted to that way of writing to get that way of reading.
EC: Sandokan also presents a somewhat different, you say it's a pastiche but a different Sandokan.
PIT II: Someone told me, "the Sandokan of Salgari" and I said "no, mine," slipped through my hands and is no longer the same anymore more. You had to modernize the novel of the century. The nineteenth century novel is full of bad habits, unnecessary dialogs to make more pages, no stroke characters psychological splits between the psychological novel and the novel of adventure and dare not swear. They capture a pirate ship and say "Caspita!" No scrub, Yanez has to say fuck! Or sex, Puritanism in the nineteenth century novel can not take now, or the depth of the characters, where they come in they dream of a lifetime of violence it has to be checked.
EC: Both Sandokan as the 3 musketeers are very yours flags, anti-imperialism and anti-clericalism, go against the structures of power, against the social order, what is your proposal then ideology? How society should work for you?
PIT II: Changing the world Ching, or the world we will destroy us. I do not like the model, the structure, the project of a society based on selfishness, contempt, the nudge, the rise in the pyramid, corruption, plunder, deceit, violence against the most vulnerable, I do not like model of society we have and we live in, then cambiémoslo fast. The literature is building a weapon of ideas, if you can bring your ideas to change the world so be it.
EC: Speaking precisely those social movements, and before you had given voice to Sandokan in Called Hero, I remember that book. We see the 68 very present in your work, is something that marks you, is it a ghost to be exorcised or is a creative engine?
PIT II: is well posed, looking for both, because it is obviously a ghost to be exorcised, because there still have the scar and the wound is not closed, but it is also vital fuel, that the spirit and 68 style not to abandon us and protect us, accompany us to ninety years.
EC: A writer as neat as you, suddenly a year writing a lot, which publishes many books, you run the risk of repetition? PIT II
: No, it is the risk that you forget his early novels, that memory to remind you of everything you've written. And I do not spend so much in the literature but suddenly I read to myself and I spend very well, I say "well this guy writes that imagination" because I have the distance to my first books. But I passed on the story, suddenly I am discussing a topic that I wrote and say "wait for me let me go by the Bible" and you will find your own book to remember, because memory does not give you. I changed the Che Pancho Villa through Mariano Escobedo, Tony Guiteras Pancho Villa, Tony Guiteras to now, the battle of the Alamo, which is what I'm writing. If you are in Houston will be happy, because my next book is The True Story of the Battle of the Alamo a book not for Hollywood, and is cleared of how Hollywood invented the Battle of the Alamo and what really happened there.
EC: So that's one of your projects ...
PIT II: In that I am, hopefully in three or four months will be ready, and the investigation is finished, had been working for several years, and I'm already composing.
EC: Guadalajara recently referred to as someone told you that a book is a commodity, a pair of shoes.
PIT II: "Someone" was the finance minister of this country, my answer to the minister of finance was, "What shoes have read lately?" Became very nervous. (Laughs).
EC: for yourself why the book is not just a commodity, or is not a consumer item?
PIT II: is not at all, the book is a cultural product, and if we forget that, forget everything and become a commodity, and give good value, that is because it circulates in the world of commodities, but is beyond the goods. The book is a transmitter of ideas, a creator of informal thinking, a builder of utopian thinking, a transformer that reads, we are not the same after having read a book. Each book we read we adjust, for better and worse, transforms us. Incorporates our new information sentimental life experience or information in the broadest sense of the word. Reading is one of the most important events that created the human being in history, because it allowed him to be other more subversive What on earth is an adolescent ward Guadalajara low that suddenly opens a novel whose central character is a sixteenth-century Turkish prostitute? While you read it, the essence of subversive thought is to learn to be others, because if you learn to be others think also in terms of others. If you create empathy with the lady in the corner that is selling tortillas and ceases to be a shadow that passes in front of you and becomes a human being, whether literature helps you create this phenomenon, damn you are developing the most important activity human solidarity which is thought.
EC: Is that why your characters are somehow as social, as city dwellers, so, not common but somehow "fair"? PIT II
: (laughs) Common are not, are characters that portray a certain extent in a way ... but well, if you're writing ideological temptations. Esras temptations subordinates the autonomy of the novel, the novel is autonomous with its own rules and you have to preserve and protect that you are not becoming a political speech, a pamphlet that kills the novel.
EC: How does this political mind, (we talked about the secretary of finance), cultural development, a coherent cultural policy?
PIT II: affects mainly because we have a government functional illiterates who have no empathy with the world of culture and to that extent have no empathy to see it as a superfluous and unnecessary spending. They do not understand or ever understand what it is. Then you input a tremendous closeness to the world of power. Go to the conflict that is opening between the Fair [the book] of Guadalajara and the state's governor, does not understand this guy, he does not fit, says "What's that? Is not sit here, does not stop here, to have a conversation like we're having now, then there is empathy with the cultural world. So this seems a sin and not what it is: a wonder.
EC: is said that in our times young people are no longer interested in literature, it is this failure to award other editorial, commercial, social, moral and even religious education who do you think is to blame? PIT II
: I would say education, the great blocking that occurs in adolescents with reading has unfortunately educational background. Education is what is blocking the reading because at one time associated with the growth of a guy, a girl, read with the obligation, laziness, reading fragmentary, punishment, test, read things that interest me to have no qualifications. Then the world of reading becomes a world of obligations, charges, heavy, "read that Roe", "read it click", "read what I would not read", then this whole educational structure being built "antilectura vaccine." So that children get higher education in ninety per cent saying "I do not want to read." He has lost what I had or what she had as a child: the pleasure to tell you a story, taste. The naturally read chavitos 6, 7, 8, are cut when the school makes reading a punishment. Then the whole education system is conspiring against reading because it is unable to detach the formal education and informal education to give their weight and its importance in informal education. And I sometimes worry when they say "No, is that educational programs are now putting more emphasis on informal education" Well, they're going to shit, all they will do is to force kids to read Ben-Hur because every mother is, No! By the time the word appears in the scenario force created the lock.
EC: You have experience in higher education, how do you have a re-love of literature in the time they get the kids to college?
PIT II: Everywhere I've been the message is simple: The classics do not exist, are an invention, there is no obligation to read, fashion is a perversion, not read what is "fashionable" read what you give your rechingada wins, freely read, read you on the trail give a colleague, read the novel you like, you fly neurons, reads forbidden fuck! Viola played the saints and especially click opens the door, because as do not open the goddamn door you will discover thirty years with the door closed and you missed it. I do not know any human reader stronger reader, reading: "I'm bored" because the strong reader knows there is always an interesting book out there hidden that I can reach out and find it, then Why not have this wonderful level contact and find the vast majority? Why deny this possibility by a distortion of the educational structure?
EC: Speaking of youth, youth, what is your opinion towards the young new writers? Particularly Spain, Mexico and the United States. PIT II
: I have the catalog, ie I can not say these are the new writers, authors follow with interest that interest me and some others are young children, others are girls, some are old and began to write the fifties, I have the catalog. Now, if I have something, when I find an author stripping anyone that his mother did not want, it publishes its editor reluctantly because I really like the novel, I miss him win, and I work to open doors because I think it is a compulsory act of generosity among colleagues.
EC: So what do you think the new literature is a kind of hope? PIT II
: When I began to publish editions were four thousand copies, if you sold in 1200 had already been paid and the editor could run the risk with you today the issues are of two thousand or three thousand copies, if you sell two hundred is a complete failure. The young writer working with a handicap much more bastard which I worked in my life to survive in the jungle of books because what you see here is the forest, not seeing the trees, see the tree ... to see tell me what are the new writers in this stand? I challenge you to find out, impossible! Need tracks, Who gives them to you? Pa'poyarte all there is the rumor and I work well in the middle of a very generous Authors Guild when he discovers a young author of a good novel, then after you pass the tip and move pa'echarle hand. But it is a counter-phenomenon, the current closed doors, not open.
EC: literature What nourishes you?
PIT II: Leo a lot of genre literature, I read science fiction, I read detective novels, historical novels I read, I read comics like crazy and then I read a lot of history for reasons of curiosity, of interest for work, then read as a novel without gender and poetry. And I read poetry in a very erratic, I have a bookshelf of poetry on the road between my bedroom and bathroom, my office and bathroom, then go to the bathroom when I read poetry. And I learned something that women are much smarter than men already knew, that is: "You have more time sitting pa'la if meas (laughs). EC
: Now that you mention that you read historical novel you being so anti-clerical, a-religious in some way, where does this interest comes the Song of Songs s?
PIT II: (laughs) Suddenly there is a hint in your life, and I read an essay by a French writer that Song of Songs of Solomon is that this is one of many deceptions that Bible occurs, a pastoral song before, the area of \u200b\u200bLebanon but also the time to be transcribed in the Bible was transcribed wrong. So that is the first third and then first and second in the Song of Songs , then I see that Solomon was not. Return to Song Songs, and I read it and say "right" this historian, this "literary historian." But from the curiosity that eats me, and Solomon Solomon What else I have in my closet? as Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's Mines H. Rider Haggard and then I say "to heck, what about that?", I get to study and there are no mines, no such gold mines in the time of King Solomon in all Judea Palestine. There is no such, there are a fucking tin mines in the Sinai peninsula worth pa 'pure mother and then say "oh gosh this Solomon begins to interest me more yet," then give the next step, which is what the temple? Solomon's temple, well and I am in two wonderful books, of course Where do you take it now I put my house in Mexico?, which are stories of the Bible read by archaeologists, in which I say no, no no temple of Solomon. If at the time he allegedly stood King Solomon Jerusalem was a petty village of shit, was not pa'templo, no palaces, and then I say "damn, this interests me more so Solomon (background laughter) but I was also polygamous and monogamous and I'm at war with the polygamists. As you have seen the curiosity is a string, and above all is a string against the official lies, wherever it comes, comes for free textbooks, comes from the Bible, comes from historians, comes from Hollywood, and my eternal war is against the official lie.
EC: Do you consider yourself a seeker of truth?
PIT II: Ah dammit! I had never been asked that question, let's say I consider myself a curious truth.
Rose Mary Salum: I have a question also, no more desire to keep talking, do not consider as part of the interview.
PIT II: Why? This interview is very funny,
RMS: I got a lot of attention to what you say in the book as no-good, because yesterday I went to one of the presentations on literary agents. One of them was saying that publishers are now being taken by people who are not within the culture but they are experts in business and marketing. You can see that its tentacles are beginning to get publishers to change so that this becomes more of a contest "to see who sells more" and the editor just ignoring it. So it does not matter if you write good or bad but what people want to read because we have to sell.
PIT II: That is the temptation and tension but let me break lances in the opposite direction. Yesterday I was invited to eat the manager of Metro, not the editor in chief, not the junior editors no, the general manager. At dinner we talked all the time in literature, the books he read, he was reading, which I had not read and if you and I was interested. The temptation of evil comes from a publishing industry in which there are no readers, I do not care what they post, everything is marketing, but that temptation is not dominating the landscape, at least in Mexico, I tell you what I experienced yesterday. And we laughed a lot commenting on the story of an editor known both decided that my book would be a bestseller but never read it. We laugh of it, not spend any appreciation, we dedicate a lot of laughs, it was as absurd.
EC: is treating the book as a commodity, as something that is of use, chatted with a girl right now here in one of the stands to make handmade books and tells me is that (sic ) people come here and instead of saying, look at a book about Poe, about Wilde and is made using traditional methods, say parents would be on the table in the room right? "(laughs) it is a matter decoration.
PIT II: Look in a society where the weight is so brutal market, where temptation of the surface from the depth is so large, these events occur, but I think they are still in Mexico and now no majority or dominant. Today an author can expect from your publisher to read his manuscript, and that if it valued in terms of business opportunities because either way, a publisher can not afford to publish a failure because as post ten failures the project was over editorial and if they have to measure this, but today I read your book.
RMS: Well then do not is threatening the e-book industry famous for saying, a few years ago I came to this fair no veía estos stands, y ahora los veo por todos lados. En Estados Unidos te quieres morir de cómo está la situación.
PIT II: Que no te angustie, el libro electrónico es un cambio de formato, no cambia la esencia del libro, solo cambia el formato, ¿Qué importa? Libro electrónico, audiolibro, libro en papel de biblia pa’que (sic) quepan más paginas, libro gordo, libro chiquito ¡que importa! Libro es libro.
RMS: Pero me angustia por los escritores porque no necesariamente pueden…, bueno estábamos viendo otra conferencia donde precisamente se decía como esto del e-book facilita que se salga digamos de la editorial el libro because it is copied so well, that on the one hand, on the other side I anxiety because this traditional publishers Emmanuel says the love-object art, "let's make a book that is going to be beautiful" this is going to disappear ...
PIT II: For love is the same, "we will make an e-book" does not have less love in the production of an electronic book in a book-object-role.
RMS: Well but the guys who are doing this [book art-object] already scrubbed. PIT II
: Well, but is full of purists this society, the mercantilist attack with tanks and cannons and purist defend themselves with straws, please!
RMS: Well but seriously what will happen to all these people who make handmade books?
PIT II: Well that continue to make, there will be a person interested in having a beautiful handmade book in hand, not my case, I am a reader who does not have one iota of a bibliophile, my library is filled read novels Spot sausage and chocolate cream. I am proud, I look bad, I read them while I took a chocolate cream cake and ate a sausage. When they give me an eighteenth century book looking for someone to give it and I replace it with a current version with larger print, I better, but hey I'm not a bibliophile, if others are fanatical bibliophiles go ahead, enjoy it. Total nothing happens.
EC: The important thing is the content of the book.
PIT II: Clearly, the battle is to preserve the book as a circulator of fantasy, imagination, ideas, wishful thinking, critical thinking, that's the big battle, we do not close, a setting that does not come as finance minister to say "the book is a product like shoes" that is the danger, that is the great enemy, the book is not an enemy, is an ally, the e-book, audiobook, are partners in this journey.
EC: is what to Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 401 when at the end everyone knows by heart the books.
PIT II: course, give courses Pa'que memory (sic) you learn a novel and tell it to a guy, because sooner or later end up in jail or on a deserted island.
EC: Paco, what is your career, your degree?
PIT II: I'm a fugitive from three colleges (laughs)
EC: Definitely . PIT II
: Yes, because I decided that my education interfere, then studied what I was interested in each and went. I studied sociology and a half years, I studied English literature two years of loose materials from the race and a year of materials expertise and chased me because I said "you hear is not on the lists, not enrolled, a bureaucratic problem, already arrived "told me. What interested me was taken with Rosario Castellanos comparative literature, or to take with Luis Rios golden. Mother if I had better credit, they give you credit. After three and half years studying history, then lost my file and said "I want it pa'la good (sic)" There was a ridiculous moment which, I would take a subject and the textbook I'd written, then the teacher rushed me, "Where are you going? Go away if your book "said" but if I come to bring live ... "" take off "(laughs). Then I ran away from three high schools.
EC: I'll tell you why, because I knew your book, I met Belascoarán when I was in the CUCEI [Faculty of Engineering], then, to me presents an engineer Shayne Belascoarán fugitive from his job as engineer, and for me it was a watershed because it makes me leak my work as a computer engineer and I will be studying letters.
PIT II: (laughs) I did it! (Laughs)

By Emmanuel Caballero
Within the framework of the International Book Fair of Guadalajara 2010, Literal talks with historian and writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II in-depth interview, chaotic, versatile and above all as funny as the author, dotted with smoke and cola . Emmanuel Caballero
: Paco, I read recently The Return of the Tigers of Malaysia and I really enjoyed widely.
Paco Ignacio Taibo II : Did you enjoyed?
EC: I enjoyed very much, what it means to you talk about one of your childhood heroes? PIT II
: I enjoyed a lot, I enjoyed it. Was to convene the sense that reading was exciting then and now what will happen? That feeling of reading when you're a kid and teenager that I think you're missing. Now reads in a more stiff, rigid, compulsory, and well, I was very attracted to that way of writing to get that way of reading.
EC: Sandokan also presents a somewhat different, you say it's a pastiche but a different Sandokan.
PIT II: Someone told me, "the Sandokan of Salgari" and I said "no, mine," slipped through my hands and is no longer the same anymore more. You had to modernize the novel of the century. The nineteenth century novel is full of bad habits, unnecessary dialogs to make more pages, no stroke characters psychological splits between the psychological novel and the novel of adventure and dare not swear. They capture a pirate ship and say "Caspita!" No scrub, Yanez has to say fuck! Or sex, Puritanism in the nineteenth century novel can not take now, or the depth of the characters, where they come in they dream of a lifetime of violence it has to be checked.
EC: Both Sandokan as the 3 musketeers are very yours flags, anti-imperialism and anti-clericalism, go against the structures of power, against the social order, what is your proposal then ideology? How society should work for you?
PIT II: Changing the world Ching, or the world we will destroy us. I do not like the model, the structure, the project of a society based on selfishness, contempt, the nudge, the rise in the pyramid, corruption, plunder, deceit, violence against the most vulnerable, I do not like model of society we have and we live in, then cambiémoslo fast. The literature is building a weapon of ideas, if you can bring your ideas to change the world so be it.
EC: Speaking precisely those social movements, and before you had given voice to Sandokan in Called Hero, I remember that book. We see the 68 very present in your work, is something that marks you, is it a ghost to be exorcised or is a creative engine?
PIT II: is well posed, looking for both, because it is obviously a ghost to be exorcised, because there still have the scar and the wound is not closed, but it is also vital fuel, that the spirit and 68 style not to abandon us and protect us, accompany us to ninety years.
EC: A writer as neat as you, suddenly a year writing a lot, which publishes many books, you run the risk of repetition? PIT II
: No, it is the risk that you forget his early novels, that memory to remind you of everything you've written. And I do not spend so much in the literature but suddenly I read to myself and I spend very well, I say "well this guy writes that imagination" because I have the distance to my first books. But I passed on the story, suddenly I am discussing a topic that I wrote and say "wait for me let me go by the Bible" and you will find your own book to remember, because memory does not give you. I changed the Che Pancho Villa through Mariano Escobedo, Tony Guiteras Pancho Villa, Tony Guiteras to now, the battle of the Alamo, which is what I'm writing. If you are in Houston will be happy, because my next book is The True Story of the Battle of the Alamo a book not for Hollywood, and is cleared of how Hollywood invented the Battle of the Alamo and what really happened there.
EC: So that's one of your projects ...
PIT II: In that I am, hopefully in three or four months will be ready, and the investigation is finished, had been working for several years, and I'm already composing.
EC: Guadalajara recently referred to as someone told you that a book is a commodity, a pair of shoes.
PIT II: "Someone" was the finance minister of this country, my answer to the minister of finance was, "What shoes have read lately?" Became very nervous. (Laughs).
EC: for yourself why the book is not just a commodity, or is not a consumer item?
PIT II: is not at all, the book is a cultural product, and if we forget that, forget everything and become a commodity, and give good value, that is because it circulates in the world of commodities, but is beyond the goods. The book is a transmitter of ideas, a creator of informal thinking, a builder of utopian thinking, a transformer that reads, we are not the same after having read a book. Each book we read we adjust, for better and worse, transforms us. Incorporates our new information sentimental life experience or information in the broadest sense of the word. Reading is one of the most important events that created the human being in history, because it allowed him to be other more subversive What on earth is an adolescent ward Guadalajara low that suddenly opens a novel whose central character is a sixteenth-century Turkish prostitute? While you read it, the essence of subversive thought is to learn to be others, because if you learn to be others think also in terms of others. If you create empathy with the lady in the corner that is selling tortillas and ceases to be a shadow that passes in front of you and becomes a human being, whether literature helps you create this phenomenon, damn you are developing the most important activity human solidarity which is thought.
EC: Is that why your characters are somehow as social, as city dwellers, so, not common but somehow "fair"? PIT II
: (laughs) Common are not, are characters that portray a certain extent in a way ... but well, if you're writing ideological temptations. Esras temptations subordinates the autonomy of the novel, the novel is autonomous with its own rules and you have to preserve and protect that you are not becoming a political speech, a pamphlet that kills the novel.
EC: How does this political mind, (we talked about the secretary of finance), cultural development, a coherent cultural policy?
PIT II: affects mainly because we have a government functional illiterates who have no empathy with the world of culture and to that extent have no empathy to see it as a superfluous and unnecessary spending. They do not understand or ever understand what it is. Then you input a tremendous closeness to the world of power. Go to the conflict that is opening between the Fair [the book] of Guadalajara and the state's governor, does not understand this guy, he does not fit, says "What's that? Is not sit here, does not stop here, to have a conversation like we're having now, then there is empathy with the cultural world. So this seems a sin and not what it is: a wonder.
EC: is said that in our times young people are no longer interested in literature, it is this failure to award other editorial, commercial, social, moral and even religious education who do you think is to blame? PIT II
: I would say education, the great blocking that occurs in adolescents with reading has unfortunately educational background. Education is what is blocking the reading because at one time associated with the growth of a guy, a girl, read with the obligation, laziness, reading fragmentary, punishment, test, read things that interest me to have no qualifications. Then the world of reading becomes a world of obligations, charges, heavy, "read that Roe", "read it click", "read what I would not read", then this whole educational structure being built "antilectura vaccine." So that children get higher education in ninety per cent saying "I do not want to read." He has lost what I had or what she had as a child: the pleasure to tell you a story, taste. The naturally read chavitos 6, 7, 8, are cut when the school makes reading a punishment. Then the whole education system is conspiring against reading because it is unable to detach the formal education and informal education to give their weight and its importance in informal education. And I sometimes worry when they say "No, is that educational programs are now putting more emphasis on informal education" Well, they're going to shit, all they will do is to force kids to read Ben-Hur because every mother is, No! By the time the word appears in the scenario force created the lock.
EC: You have experience in higher education, how do you have a re-love of literature in the time they get the kids to college?
PIT II: Everywhere I've been the message is simple: The classics do not exist, are an invention, there is no obligation to read, fashion is a perversion, not read what is "fashionable" read what you give your rechingada wins, freely read, read you on the trail give a colleague, read the novel you like, you fly neurons, reads forbidden fuck! Viola played the saints and especially click opens the door, because as do not open the goddamn door you will discover thirty years with the door closed and you missed it. I do not know any human reader stronger reader, reading: "I'm bored" because the strong reader knows there is always an interesting book out there hidden that I can reach out and find it, then Why not have this wonderful level contact and find the vast majority? Why deny this possibility by a distortion of the educational structure?
EC: Speaking of youth, youth, what is your opinion towards the young new writers? Particularly Spain, Mexico and the United States. PIT II
: I have the catalog, ie I can not say these are the new writers, authors follow with interest that interest me and some others are young children, others are girls, some are old and began to write the fifties, I have the catalog. Now, if I have something, when I find an author stripping anyone that his mother did not want, it publishes its editor reluctantly because I really like the novel, I miss him win, and I work to open doors because I think it is a compulsory act of generosity among colleagues.
EC: So what do you think the new literature is a kind of hope? PIT II
: When I began to publish editions were four thousand copies, if you sold in 1200 had already been paid and the editor could run the risk with you today the issues are of two thousand or three thousand copies, if you sell two hundred is a complete failure. The young writer working with a handicap much more bastard which I worked in my life to survive in the jungle of books because what you see here is the forest, not seeing the trees, see the tree ... to see tell me what are the new writers in this stand? I challenge you to find out, impossible! Need tracks, Who gives them to you? Pa'poyarte all there is the rumor and I work well in the middle of a very generous Authors Guild when he discovers a young author of a good novel, then after you pass the tip and move pa'echarle hand. But it is a counter-phenomenon, the current closed doors, not open.
EC: literature What nourishes you?
PIT II: Leo a lot of genre literature, I read science fiction, I read detective novels, historical novels I read, I read comics like crazy and then I read a lot of history for reasons of curiosity, of interest for work, then read as a novel without gender and poetry. And I read poetry in a very erratic, I have a bookshelf of poetry on the road between my bedroom and bathroom, my office and bathroom, then go to the bathroom when I read poetry. And I learned something that women are much smarter than men already knew, that is: "You have more time sitting pa'la if meas (laughs). EC
: Now that you mention that you read historical novel you being so anti-clerical, a-religious in some way, where does this interest comes the Song of Songs s?
PIT II: (laughs) Suddenly there is a hint in your life, and I read an essay by a French writer that Song of Songs of Solomon is that this is one of many deceptions that Bible occurs, a pastoral song before, the area of \u200b\u200bLebanon but also the time to be transcribed in the Bible was transcribed wrong. So that is the first third and then first and second in the Song of Songs , then I see that Solomon was not. Return to Song Songs, and I read it and say "right" this historian, this "literary historian." But from the curiosity that eats me, and Solomon Solomon What else I have in my closet? as Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon's Mines H. Rider Haggard and then I say "to heck, what about that?", I get to study and there are no mines, no such gold mines in the time of King Solomon in all Judea Palestine. There is no such, there are a fucking tin mines in the Sinai peninsula worth pa 'pure mother and then say "oh gosh this Solomon begins to interest me more yet," then give the next step, which is what the temple? Solomon's temple, well and I am in two wonderful books, of course Where do you take it now I put my house in Mexico?, which are stories of the Bible read by archaeologists, in which I say no, no no temple of Solomon. If at the time he allegedly stood King Solomon Jerusalem was a petty village of shit, was not pa'templo, no palaces, and then I say "damn, this interests me more so Solomon (background laughter) but I was also polygamous and monogamous and I'm at war with the polygamists. As you have seen the curiosity is a string, and above all is a string against the official lies, wherever it comes, comes for free textbooks, comes from the Bible, comes from historians, comes from Hollywood, and my eternal war is against the official lie.
EC: Do you consider yourself a seeker of truth?
PIT II: Ah dammit! I had never been asked that question, let's say I consider myself a curious truth.
Rose Mary Salum: I have a question also, no more desire to keep talking, do not consider as part of the interview.
PIT II: Why? This interview is very funny,
RMS: I got a lot of attention to what you say in the book as no-good, because yesterday I went to one of the presentations on literary agents. One of them was saying that publishers are now being taken by people who are not within the culture but they are experts in business and marketing. You can see that its tentacles are beginning to get publishers to change so that this becomes more of a contest "to see who sells more" and the editor just ignoring it. So it does not matter if you write good or bad but what people want to read because we have to sell.
PIT II: That is the temptation and tension but let me break lances in the opposite direction. Yesterday I was invited to eat the manager of Metro, not the editor in chief, not the junior editors no, the general manager. At dinner we talked all the time in literature, the books he read, he was reading, which I had not read and if you and I was interested. The temptation of evil comes from a publishing industry in which there are no readers, I do not care what they post, everything is marketing, but that temptation is not dominating the landscape, at least in Mexico, I tell you what I experienced yesterday. And we laughed a lot commenting on the story of an editor known both decided that my book would be a bestseller but never read it. We laugh of it, not spend any appreciation, we dedicate a lot of laughs, it was as absurd.
EC: is treating the book as a commodity, as something that is of use, chatted with a girl right now here in one of the stands to make handmade books and tells me is that (sic ) people come here and instead of saying, look at a book about Poe, about Wilde and is made using traditional methods, say parents would be on the table in the room right? "(laughs) it is a matter decoration.
PIT II: Look in a society where the weight is so brutal market, where temptation of the surface from the depth is so large, these events occur, but I think they are still in Mexico and now no majority or dominant. Today an author can expect from your publisher to read his manuscript, and that if it valued in terms of business opportunities because either way, a publisher can not afford to publish a failure because as post ten failures the project was over editorial and if they have to measure this, but today I read your book.
RMS: Well then do not is threatening the e-book industry famous for saying, a few years ago I came to this fair no veía estos stands, y ahora los veo por todos lados. En Estados Unidos te quieres morir de cómo está la situación.
PIT II: Que no te angustie, el libro electrónico es un cambio de formato, no cambia la esencia del libro, solo cambia el formato, ¿Qué importa? Libro electrónico, audiolibro, libro en papel de biblia pa’que (sic) quepan más paginas, libro gordo, libro chiquito ¡que importa! Libro es libro.
RMS: Pero me angustia por los escritores porque no necesariamente pueden…, bueno estábamos viendo otra conferencia donde precisamente se decía como esto del e-book facilita que se salga digamos de la editorial el libro because it is copied so well, that on the one hand, on the other side I anxiety because this traditional publishers Emmanuel says the love-object art, "let's make a book that is going to be beautiful" this is going to disappear ...
PIT II: For love is the same, "we will make an e-book" does not have less love in the production of an electronic book in a book-object-role.
RMS: Well but the guys who are doing this [book art-object] already scrubbed. PIT II
: Well, but is full of purists this society, the mercantilist attack with tanks and cannons and purist defend themselves with straws, please!
RMS: Well but seriously what will happen to all these people who make handmade books?
PIT II: Well that continue to make, there will be a person interested in having a beautiful handmade book in hand, not my case, I am a reader who does not have one iota of a bibliophile, my library is filled read novels Spot sausage and chocolate cream. I am proud, I look bad, I read them while I took a chocolate cream cake and ate a sausage. When they give me an eighteenth century book looking for someone to give it and I replace it with a current version with larger print, I better, but hey I'm not a bibliophile, if others are fanatical bibliophiles go ahead, enjoy it. Total nothing happens.
EC: The important thing is the content of the book.
PIT II: Clearly, the battle is to preserve the book as a circulator of fantasy, imagination, ideas, wishful thinking, critical thinking, that's the big battle, we do not close, a setting that does not come as finance minister to say "the book is a product like shoes" that is the danger, that is the great enemy, the book is not an enemy, is an ally, the e-book, audiobook, are partners in this journey.
EC: is what to Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 401 when at the end everyone knows by heart the books.
PIT II: course, give courses Pa'que memory (sic) you learn a novel and tell it to a guy, because sooner or later end up in jail or on a deserted island.
EC: Paco, what is your career, your degree?
PIT II: I'm a fugitive from three colleges (laughs)
EC: Definitely . PIT II
: Yes, because I decided that my education interfere, then studied what I was interested in each and went. I studied sociology and a half years, I studied English literature two years of loose materials from the race and a year of materials expertise and chased me because I said "you hear is not on the lists, not enrolled, a bureaucratic problem, already arrived "told me. What interested me was taken with Rosario Castellanos comparative literature, or to take with Luis Rios golden. Mother if I had better credit, they give you credit. After three and half years studying history, then lost my file and said "I want it pa'la good (sic)" There was a ridiculous moment which, I would take a subject and the textbook I'd written, then the teacher rushed me, "Where are you going? Go away if your book "said" but if I come to bring live ... "" take off "(laughs). Then I ran away from three high schools.
EC: I'll tell you why, because I knew your book, I met Belascoarán when I was in the CUCEI [Faculty of Engineering], then, to me presents an engineer Shayne Belascoarán fugitive from his job as engineer, and for me it was a watershed because it makes me leak my work as a computer engineer and I will be studying letters.
PIT II: (laughs) I did it! (Laughs)

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Pros And Cons For Sumo Costumes
praise of reading and fiction. Mario Vargas Llosa's speech upon receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010
"Good literature builds bridges between different people and making us enjoy, suffer, or surprise, we are united under the languages, beliefs, customs and prejudices that separate us. When the great white whale buries Captain Ahab at Sea, shrinks the hearts of readers identically in Tokyo, Lima or Timbuktu. When Emma Bovary is swallowed arsenic, Anna Karenina throws herself into the train and up Julien Sorel the scaffold, and when, in "El Sur", the urban doctor Juan Dahlmann out of that grocery store of the pampas to face the knife of a killer, or point out that all the inhabitants of Comala, the town of Pedro Páramo, are dead, the thrill is like the reader who worships Buddha, Confucius, Christ, Allah or is an agnostic view of a jacket and tie, hijab, kimono and pants. Literature creates a brotherhood within the human diversity and eclipses that erect boundaries between men and women of ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages \u200b\u200band stupidity.
Like all ages have had their horrors, ours is the fans, that of suicide bombers, ancient species killing convinced that paradise is gained, which the blood of the innocent wash collective outrage, correct injustices and imposes the truth about false belief. Countless victims are sacrificed each day at various locations around the world who feel possessors of absolute truths. We thought that with the collapse of totalitarian empires, coexistence, peace, pluralism, human rights, would be imposed and the world would back the holocaust, genocide, invasions and wars of extermination. None of that has happened. Proliferate new forms of barbarism fueled by fanaticism and, with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction can not be excluded that any small group of crazed redemptive one day cause a cataclysm nuclear. You have to stand in their way, face them and defeat them. Not many, but the sound of their crimes reverberate around the globe and we are overwhelmed with horror the nightmares they cause. We must not be intimidated by those who would take away the freedom we have been winning in the long feat of civilization. Defend liberal democracy, with all its limitations, continues to mean political pluralism, coexistence, tolerance, human rights, respect for the critics, the law, free elections, the alternation in power, whatever has been drawing from life and getting closer, though feral will never achieve it, the beautiful and perfect life pretends literature, one that just making it up, writing it and reading it we deserve. Facing the homicidal fanatics defend our right to dream and make our dreams come true.
In my youth, like many writers of my generation, was a Marxist and believed that socialism would be the remedy to the exploitation and social injustices that raged in my country, Latin America and the rest of the Third World. My disappointment of statism and collectivism, and my transition to liberal Democrat and I am, I try to be-was long, difficult, and took out episodes slowly and following the conversion of Cuban Revolution, which had me excited at first, the vertical and authoritarian model of the Soviet Union, the testimony of dissidents who managed to slip through the barbed wire of the Gulag, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact countries, thanks to thinkers as Raymond Aron, Jean-Francois Revel, Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper, whom I owe my appreciation of the culture of democracy and open societies. These teachers were an example of lucidity and grace when the intelligentsia of the West seemed, frivolity or opportunism, have succumbed to the spell of Soviet socialism, or worse yet, the coven's bloody revolution China's cultural.
As a child I dreamed of someday to Paris because, dazzled with French literature, thought to live there and breathe the air they breathed Balzac, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Proust, help me become a real writer, if not out of Peru would only be a pseudo-writer on Sundays and holidays. And the truth is I owe to France, French culture, memorable lessons, as that literature is both a vocation as a discipline, a job and stubbornness. I lived there when Sartre and Camus were alive and writing, in the years of Ionesco, Beckett, Bataille and Cioran, the discovery of Brecht's theater and the cinema of Ingmar Bergman, the NPT Odéon Jean Vilar and Jean Louis Barrault, the Nouvelle Vague and Le Nouveau Roman and speeches, beautiful pieces of literature, Andre Malraux, and perhaps the most theatrical show Europe at that time, press conferences and Olympic thunder General de Gaulle. But perhaps what most grateful to France is the discovery of Latin America. I learned that Peru was part of a vast community that sister history, geography, social and political problems, some way of being and the delicious language speaking and writing. And in those same years produced a new literature and thriving. There I read Borges, Octavio Paz, Cortázar, García Márquez, Fuentes, Cabrera Infante, Rulfo, Onetti, Carpentier, Edwards, Donovan and many others, whose writings were revolutionizing the English-language fiction and thanks to whom Europe and much the world discovered that Latin America was not only the continent of coups, the leaders of operetta, the bearded guerrillas and shakers of the mambo and the cha cha, but also ideas, fantasies and literary art forms that transcended the picturesque and spoke universal language.
From then to this day, not without tripping and slipping, Latin America has been progressing, although, as stated in the verse of César Vallejo, still there, brothers, much to do. Dictatorships have less than before, only Cuba and its candidate to go along, Venezuela, and some pseudo-populist democracies and clowns, as in Bolivia and Nicaragua. But in the rest of the continent, evil evil, democracy is working, supported by broad popular consensus, and for the first time in our history, we have a left and right, as in Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia , Dominican Republic, Mexico and most Central American respect the law, freedom of criticism, elections and the renewal in power. That is the good way, and if you persevere in it, fighting the insidious corruption and is integrating the world, Latin America will finally be the continent of the future and will be present.
I've never felt a foreigner in Europe or indeed anywhere. In all the places I lived in Paris, London, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Berlin, Washington, New York, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, I felt at home. I've always found a lair where he could live in peace and working, learn things, to encourage illusions, find friends, good books and topics for writing. I do not think I have become, without intending to, a citizen of the world, has weakened what they call "roots", my links to my own country, so neither would have much importance, because if so, the Peruvian experience would not feed me as a writer and asomarían not always in my stories, even when they seem occur far from Peru. I have to live so long outside the country where I was born rather strengthened those bonds, adding a more lucid, and nostalgia, which can differentiate the adjective and the substance and keeps reverberating memories. Love of country in which you were born can not be obligatory, but, like any other love, a movement spontaneous heart, as the uniting of lovers, parents and children, friends together.
In Peru I take him in the belly because he was born, grew up, I trained and lived those experiences of childhood and youth that shaped my personality, forged my vocation, and because that I loved, hated, rejoiced, and I had dreamed. What happens in it affects me, moves and irritates me more than what happens elsewhere. I have not sought and will not have set me, it just is. Some fellow accused me of being a traitor and I was about to lose citizenship when, during the last dictatorship, asked the Democratic governments the world to penalize the regime with diplomatic and economic sanctions, as I have always done with all dictatorships, of whatever nature, that of Pinochet, Fidel Castro, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the imams of Iran, apartheid South Africa, the uniformed satraps of Burma (now Myanmar). And do it again tomorrow if-the fate forbid and Peruvians do not permit-Peru was once again victim of a coup to annihilate our fragile democracy. That was no precipitate action and passion of resentment, as they wrote some polygraphs used to judge others from their own smallness. It was an act consistent with my belief that a dictatorship is an absolute evil for a country, a source of brutality and corruption and deep wounds that are slow to close, poison their future and create unhealthy habits and practices that extend along generations delaying the democratic reconstruction. That is why dictatorships must be combated mercilessly by all the means at our disposal, including economic sanctions. It is regrettable that democratic governments, instead of setting an example, in solidarity with those who, as the Ladies in White in Cuba, the Venezuelan-resistant, or Aung San Suu Kyi and Liu Xiaobo, boldly facing the dictatorships who suffer, to be displayed often complacent not to them but with his executioners. Those brave, fighting for their freedom, also fighting for ours.
A compatriot of mine, José María Arguedas, Peru called the country of "all the blood." Do not think there formula to define it better. That we are and that all Peruvians have inside, like it or not: a sum of traditions, races, creeds and cultures from the four cardinal points. I feel proud heir of the Hispanic cultures that made fabrics and feather cloaks Nazca and Paracas and Mochica and Inca ceramics on display in the best museums in the world, the builders Machu Picchu, the Great Chimu, Chan Chan, Kuelap, Sipan, the Witch and huacas of the Sun and the Moon, and English, with his saddlebags, swords and horses, brought to Peru to Greece, Rome, Judeo-Christian tradition, the Renaissance, Cervantes, Quevedo and Góngora, language and Castilla brunt of the Andes softened. And that also came with Spain Africa with his vigor, his music and his effervescent imagination to enrich the diversity of Peru. If we dig a little we found that Peru, like Borges' aleph, is in small format worldwide. What an extraordinary privilege for a country that has no identity because it has them all!
The conquest of America was cruel and violent as all the gains, of course, and we criticize it, but without forgetting to do, that those who committed those crimes were offal and in large numbers, our grandfathers and great grandfathers, English who went to America and there acriollado, not those who stayed on their land. Those criticisms, to be fair, should be a self-criticism. Because, after gaining independence from Spain, two hundred years ago, who took power in the former colonies, instead of redeeming the Indian and do justice to the ancient wrongs, so continued exploiting greed and ferocity as the conquerors, and in some countries , diezmándolo y exterminándolo. Digámoslo con toda claridad: desde hace dos siglos la emancipación de los indígenas es una responsabilidad exclusivamente nuestra y la hemos incumplido. Ella sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente en toda América Latina. No hay una sola excepción a este oprobio y vergüenza.
Quiero a España tanto como al Perú y mi deuda con ella es tan grande como el agradecimiento que le tengo. Si no hubiera sido por España jamás hubiera llegado a esta tribuna, ni a ser un escritor conocido, y tal vez, como tantos colegas desafortunados, andaría en el limbo de los escribidores sin suerte, sin editores, ni premios, ni lectores, cuyo talento acaso —triste consuelo— posterity will one day discover. In Spain, all my books published, awards received exaggerated, as Carlos Barral and friends Carmen Balcells and many others crave it because my stories have readers. And Spain gave me a second nationality if he could lose mine. I have never felt the slightest inconsistency between a Peruvian and have a English passport because I have always felt that Spain and Peru are the obverse and reverse of the same thing, not just in my little person, also in critical situations such as history, language and culture.
Of all the years I've lived on English soil, remember I spent five glare dear in Barcelona in the early seventies. The Franco dictatorship was still standing and still shot, but it was already a fossil in rags, and especially in the field of culture, unable to maintain the controls of yesteryear. Opened cracks and crevices that censorship was not enough to patch and English society they absorbed new ideas, books, schools of thought and values \u200b\u200band artistic forms hitherto prohibited by subversives. No city took both Barcelona and better than the beginning of opening or experienced a similar excitement in all fields of ideas and creation. It became the cultural capital of Spain, where he had to be breathing the advance of freedom is coming. And in a way, was also the cultural capital of Latin America by the number of painters, writers, editors and artists from Latin American countries that settled there, or came and went to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbecause it was where you had to be if you I wanted to be a poet, novelist, painter or composer of our time. For me, those were the years of unforgettable companionship, friendship, conspiracies and fruitful intellectual work. As before Paris, Barcelona was a Tower of Babel, a universal cosmopolitan city, which was exciting to live and work, and where, for the first time since the days of civil war English and Latin American writers were mixed and fraternized, recognized masters of the same tradition and allies in a common and a certainty that the end of the dictatorship was imminent and that in democratic Spain's culture is the main protagonist.
Although it was not so precisely, the English transition from dictatorship to democracy has been one of the best stories of modern times, an example of how, when common sense and rationality prevail and political opponents parked for sectarianism the common good, such prodigious events can occur as of the novels of magical realism. The English transition of authoritarianism to freedom, underdevelopment to prosperity, a society of contrasts and inequalities Third World country to a middle class, its integration into Europe and its adoption in a few years of a democratic culture, admired the world and triggered modernization of Spain. It was for me an exciting and enlightening live up close and sometimes from within. Hopefully nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also from Spain, do not spoil this happy story.
hate all forms of nationalism, ideology, or, rather, religion, parochial, short flight, exclusive, that cuts the horizon intellectual and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value, in moral and ontological privilege, the happenstance of place of birth. Along with religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history, as the two world wars and the current bloodletting in the Middle East. Nothing has contributed as much as nationalism in Latin America is balkanized, torn apart in senseless strife and litigation and wasted astronomical resources to buy weapons instead of building schools, libraries and hospitals.
not confuse nationalism ear and its rejection of "other" provided seed of violence, with patriotism, feeling healthy and generous love for the land where one was born, where their ancestors lived and forged the first dream, landscape geographies family, loved ones and occurrences that become landmarks of memory and shields against loneliness. The homeland are not flags and anthems, or apodictic discourse on the iconic heroes, but a handful of places and people that live in our memories and tinged with melancholy, the warm feeling that, no matter where we are, there is a home to which we return.
Peru is for me a Arequipa where I was born but never lived, a city that my mother, my grandparents and my uncles taught me to know through his memories and regrets, because my whole family tribe, as they often do Arequipa, was always at the White City with her in his wandering existence. Piura is the desert, carob and suffering burrito, which Piurans of my youth called "foot outside," cute and sad nickname, "where I discovered that the storks were not bringing babies into the world but the pairs produced by a brutality that was a mortal sin. San Miguel is the College and the Variety Theatre where I first saw up on stage a short work written by me. Is the corner of Columbus and Diego Ferré in Miraflores Lima-we called Barrio Alegre, where I changed the long shorts, I smoked my first cigarette, I learned to dance, to love and pleading for the girls. It's dusty and shaky editorial staff of The Chronicle where, in my sixteen years, my first veiled weapons journalist, a profession that, with the literature, has occupied most of my life and made me like books, live, learn better world and hang out with people from everywhere and of all records, great people, good, bad and atrocious. It is the Leoncio Prado Military Academy, where I learned that Peru was the small pocket of middle class where I had lived until then confined and protected, but a country big, old, bitter, mixed and shaken by all sorts of social storms. Are Cahuide clandestine cells in which a handful of San Marcos with preparing the world revolution. And Peru is my friends with the Freedom Movement, for three years, including bombings, blackouts and terrorist killings, work in defense of democracy and culture of freedom.
Peru is Patricia's cousin turned up little nose and indomitable character with which I was fortunate to marry 45 years ago and still supports the foibles, neuroses and tantrums to help me write. Without it my life had long ago dissolved into a chaotic whirlwind had not been born Alvaro, Gonzalo, Morgan and six grandchildren and cheer us prolong life. She does everything and does it well. Solve problems, manage the economy, brings order to chaos, keeping out journalists and outsiders, defending my time, decides the appointments and travel, and unpack it, and is so generous that even when you create scolds me, I make the best of praise: "Mario, the only thing you serve is to write."
Back to the literature. The paradise of childhood is for me a literary myth but a reality that I lived and enjoyed in the large family house of three courtyards, in Cochabamba, where with my cousins \u200b\u200band schoolmates could play Tarzan stories and Salgari, and in the Prefecture of Piura, in whose attics nesting bats, silent shadows which filled with mystery the starry nights that hot country. In those years, writing was playing a game that I held the family, a grace that I deserved applause, to me, grandchild, nephew, the son without father because my father had died and gone to heaven. It was a tall and handsome, uniformed sailor, whose photo adorned my bedside and prayed and kissed me before bed. One morning in Piura, which still does not think I have recovered, my mother told me that this gentleman, indeed, was alive. And that same day we would go to live with him to Lima. I was eleven and since then, everything changed. I discovered I lost my innocence and loneliness, authority, adult life and fear. My salvation was read, read good books, take refuge in those worlds where life was exciting, intense, one adventure after another, where they could feel free and be happy again. And it was written, in secret, as he is delivered to a shameful vice, a forbidden passion. The literature was no longer a game. It became a way to withstand adversity, to protest, to rebel, to escape the intolerable, my reason for living. From then until now, in all the circumstances in which I have been shot or beaten, on the edge of despair, give me body and soul to my work has been the light storyteller that signals the end of the tunnel, the salvation that leads to shipwreck on the beach.
Although I find it hard work and makes me sweat blood, and as a writer, I sometimes feel the threat of paralysis, the drought of the imagination, nothing has made me enjoy the life as much as the months pass me and years building a history, from its uncertain dawn, the stored memory image of a lived experience, which became a restlessness, an enthusiasm, a daydream that germinated later in a project and the decision to try to turn that fog agitated of ghosts in a story. "Writing is a way to live," said Flaubert. Yes, very true, a way of life with enthusiasm and joy and a crackling fire in the head, struggling with wayward words to master it, exploring the wide world as a hunter in pursuit of coveted prey to feed the fledgling fiction and placate the voracious appetite to grow throughout history that would swallow all the stories. Come to feel the vertigo that leads a novel in gestation, when it takes shape and appears to start living on their own, with characters that move, act, think, feel and command respect and consideration, which is no longer possible arbitrarily impose a behavior or deprived of their free will without killing them, without losing history persuasive power, is an experience that is spellbinding as the first time, so full and giddy like making love with the woman he loved days, weeks and months, endlessly .
Speaking of fiction, I talked a lot about the novel and some of the theater, another of his supernal forms. A great injustice, of course. The theater was my first love, since, adolescent, I saw at the Teatro Segura in Lima, The Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller, a show which left me overflowing with excitement and rushed me to write a drama with Inca. If the Lima of the fifties had been a theatrical movement would have been a playwright before than a novelist. I had not and that should be increasingly directed towards the narrative. But my love of theater never ceased, dozed nestled in the shadow of the novels, as a temptation and a nostalgia, especially when I saw a captivating piece. In the late seventies, the persistent memory of a centuries-old aunt, Mom, that in the last years of his life, cut with the surrounding reality and take refuge in the memories and fiction, I suggested a story. And I felt so ominous, that this was a story for the stage, on stage only charged for the animation and splendor of successful fiction. I wrote the trembling excited both beginner and I enjoyed watching the scene with Norma Aleandro in the role of the heroine, who, since then, including novels and novels, essays and essay, I have relapsed several times. Of course, I never imagined that in my seventies, I would go up (maybe I should say drag) on \u200b\u200bstage to act. Reckless adventure that made me live for the first time in flesh and blood the miracle that is, for someone who has spent his life writing fiction, embodying a few hours to a character in the fantasy fiction live before an audience. I can not thank enough my dear friends, the director and actress Joan Ollé Aitana Sanchez Gijon, encouraged me to share this fantastic experience with them (despite the panic that accompanied it).
Literature is a false representation of life, however, helps us to understand better, to guide us through the maze in which we were born, evolves, and we die. She retaliated us the setbacks and frustrations that real life deals us and thanks to decipher it, at least partially, the hieroglyph which is usually the existence for the vast majority of human beings, especially those that encourage more questions than answers, and confess our perplexity about issues like transcendence, the individual and collective destiny, the soul, the meaning or meaninglessness of history, the here and more beyond the rational knowledge.
has always fascinated me to imagine that uncertain circumstances in which our ancestors, yet slightly different animal, baby language that allowed them to communicate, began in the caves, around campfires, in boiling nights threat-rays thunder growling of wild beasts, "to make up stories and tell them. That was the turning point of our destination, because in these rounds of primitives suspended by the voice and the imagination of the counter, civilization began, the long passage which gradually humanize us and lead us to invent the sovereign individual and detach them of the tribe, science, arts, law, liberty, scrutinizing the entrails of nature, the human body, space and travel to the stars. Those tales, fables, myths, legends, which first sounded like music to new audiences intimidated by the mysteries and dangers of a world where everything was unfamiliar and dangerous, should have a refreshing swim, a haven for those always on the minds who lives, for which there is meant to just eat, shelter from the elements, kill and fornicate. Since the community began to dream, to share dreams, encouraged by the storytellers, were no longer tied to the wheel of survival, a whirlwind of chores stultifying, and his life became sleep, enjoyment, fantasy and a revolutionary design: to break this containment and change and improve, a fight to quell those desires and ambitions that they incited the lives figurative, and curiosity about the unknown clear that I was studded environment.
That process is never interrupted when he was born rich writing and stories, as well as heard, could read and reached the residence, which confers the literature. Therefore, it must be repeated endlessly to convince it to future generations: the fiction is more than entertainment, rather than an intellectual exercise sharpens awareness and awakens the spirit critical. It is a necessity for civilization still exists, renewing and preserving the best of us human. Not to go back to the barbarism of the isolation and life is not reduced to the pragmatism of the specialists who see things in depth but ignore their surroundings, precedes and continues. For let us not serve us to invent machines to be their servants and slaves. And because a world without literature would be a world without ideals or desires or contempt, a world of automatons without what makes the human being truly human: the ability to leave and move himself into another, in others, modeled with the clay of our dreams.
From the cave to the skyscraper, the stick to weapons of mass destruction, tautological life of the tribe to the era of globalization, the fictions of literature have been many human experiences, preventing men and women succumb to lethargy, withdrawal, resignation. Nothing has sown so much concern, removed both the imagination and desires, and that life of lies that we add to the literature through to star the great adventures, great passions, that real life will never give us. The literature lies become truths through us, readers processed contaminated desires and, because of the fiction, question with the mediocre permanent reality. Sorcery, to delude ourselves with having what we have, being what we are not, access that can not exist where, as pagan gods, we are earthly and eternal at the same time, literature enters our minds the nonconformity and rebellion behind all the feats that have helped reduce violence in human relations. To reduce violence, not end it. Because we will always, fortunately, an unfinished story. So we have to keep dreaming, reading and writing, the most effective way we found to alleviate our perishability, to beat the weather and woodworm to make the impossible possible. "
Stockholm, December 10, 2010.

"Good literature builds bridges between different people and making us enjoy, suffer, or surprise, we are united under the languages, beliefs, customs and prejudices that separate us. When the great white whale buries Captain Ahab at Sea, shrinks the hearts of readers identically in Tokyo, Lima or Timbuktu. When Emma Bovary is swallowed arsenic, Anna Karenina throws herself into the train and up Julien Sorel the scaffold, and when, in "El Sur", the urban doctor Juan Dahlmann out of that grocery store of the pampas to face the knife of a killer, or point out that all the inhabitants of Comala, the town of Pedro Páramo, are dead, the thrill is like the reader who worships Buddha, Confucius, Christ, Allah or is an agnostic view of a jacket and tie, hijab, kimono and pants. Literature creates a brotherhood within the human diversity and eclipses that erect boundaries between men and women of ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages \u200b\u200band stupidity.
Like all ages have had their horrors, ours is the fans, that of suicide bombers, ancient species killing convinced that paradise is gained, which the blood of the innocent wash collective outrage, correct injustices and imposes the truth about false belief. Countless victims are sacrificed each day at various locations around the world who feel possessors of absolute truths. We thought that with the collapse of totalitarian empires, coexistence, peace, pluralism, human rights, would be imposed and the world would back the holocaust, genocide, invasions and wars of extermination. None of that has happened. Proliferate new forms of barbarism fueled by fanaticism and, with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction can not be excluded that any small group of crazed redemptive one day cause a cataclysm nuclear. You have to stand in their way, face them and defeat them. Not many, but the sound of their crimes reverberate around the globe and we are overwhelmed with horror the nightmares they cause. We must not be intimidated by those who would take away the freedom we have been winning in the long feat of civilization. Defend liberal democracy, with all its limitations, continues to mean political pluralism, coexistence, tolerance, human rights, respect for the critics, the law, free elections, the alternation in power, whatever has been drawing from life and getting closer, though feral will never achieve it, the beautiful and perfect life pretends literature, one that just making it up, writing it and reading it we deserve. Facing the homicidal fanatics defend our right to dream and make our dreams come true.
In my youth, like many writers of my generation, was a Marxist and believed that socialism would be the remedy to the exploitation and social injustices that raged in my country, Latin America and the rest of the Third World. My disappointment of statism and collectivism, and my transition to liberal Democrat and I am, I try to be-was long, difficult, and took out episodes slowly and following the conversion of Cuban Revolution, which had me excited at first, the vertical and authoritarian model of the Soviet Union, the testimony of dissidents who managed to slip through the barbed wire of the Gulag, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact countries, thanks to thinkers as Raymond Aron, Jean-Francois Revel, Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper, whom I owe my appreciation of the culture of democracy and open societies. These teachers were an example of lucidity and grace when the intelligentsia of the West seemed, frivolity or opportunism, have succumbed to the spell of Soviet socialism, or worse yet, the coven's bloody revolution China's cultural.
As a child I dreamed of someday to Paris because, dazzled with French literature, thought to live there and breathe the air they breathed Balzac, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Proust, help me become a real writer, if not out of Peru would only be a pseudo-writer on Sundays and holidays. And the truth is I owe to France, French culture, memorable lessons, as that literature is both a vocation as a discipline, a job and stubbornness. I lived there when Sartre and Camus were alive and writing, in the years of Ionesco, Beckett, Bataille and Cioran, the discovery of Brecht's theater and the cinema of Ingmar Bergman, the NPT Odéon Jean Vilar and Jean Louis Barrault, the Nouvelle Vague and Le Nouveau Roman and speeches, beautiful pieces of literature, Andre Malraux, and perhaps the most theatrical show Europe at that time, press conferences and Olympic thunder General de Gaulle. But perhaps what most grateful to France is the discovery of Latin America. I learned that Peru was part of a vast community that sister history, geography, social and political problems, some way of being and the delicious language speaking and writing. And in those same years produced a new literature and thriving. There I read Borges, Octavio Paz, Cortázar, García Márquez, Fuentes, Cabrera Infante, Rulfo, Onetti, Carpentier, Edwards, Donovan and many others, whose writings were revolutionizing the English-language fiction and thanks to whom Europe and much the world discovered that Latin America was not only the continent of coups, the leaders of operetta, the bearded guerrillas and shakers of the mambo and the cha cha, but also ideas, fantasies and literary art forms that transcended the picturesque and spoke universal language.
From then to this day, not without tripping and slipping, Latin America has been progressing, although, as stated in the verse of César Vallejo, still there, brothers, much to do. Dictatorships have less than before, only Cuba and its candidate to go along, Venezuela, and some pseudo-populist democracies and clowns, as in Bolivia and Nicaragua. But in the rest of the continent, evil evil, democracy is working, supported by broad popular consensus, and for the first time in our history, we have a left and right, as in Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia , Dominican Republic, Mexico and most Central American respect the law, freedom of criticism, elections and the renewal in power. That is the good way, and if you persevere in it, fighting the insidious corruption and is integrating the world, Latin America will finally be the continent of the future and will be present.
I've never felt a foreigner in Europe or indeed anywhere. In all the places I lived in Paris, London, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Berlin, Washington, New York, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, I felt at home. I've always found a lair where he could live in peace and working, learn things, to encourage illusions, find friends, good books and topics for writing. I do not think I have become, without intending to, a citizen of the world, has weakened what they call "roots", my links to my own country, so neither would have much importance, because if so, the Peruvian experience would not feed me as a writer and asomarían not always in my stories, even when they seem occur far from Peru. I have to live so long outside the country where I was born rather strengthened those bonds, adding a more lucid, and nostalgia, which can differentiate the adjective and the substance and keeps reverberating memories. Love of country in which you were born can not be obligatory, but, like any other love, a movement spontaneous heart, as the uniting of lovers, parents and children, friends together.
In Peru I take him in the belly because he was born, grew up, I trained and lived those experiences of childhood and youth that shaped my personality, forged my vocation, and because that I loved, hated, rejoiced, and I had dreamed. What happens in it affects me, moves and irritates me more than what happens elsewhere. I have not sought and will not have set me, it just is. Some fellow accused me of being a traitor and I was about to lose citizenship when, during the last dictatorship, asked the Democratic governments the world to penalize the regime with diplomatic and economic sanctions, as I have always done with all dictatorships, of whatever nature, that of Pinochet, Fidel Castro, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the imams of Iran, apartheid South Africa, the uniformed satraps of Burma (now Myanmar). And do it again tomorrow if-the fate forbid and Peruvians do not permit-Peru was once again victim of a coup to annihilate our fragile democracy. That was no precipitate action and passion of resentment, as they wrote some polygraphs used to judge others from their own smallness. It was an act consistent with my belief that a dictatorship is an absolute evil for a country, a source of brutality and corruption and deep wounds that are slow to close, poison their future and create unhealthy habits and practices that extend along generations delaying the democratic reconstruction. That is why dictatorships must be combated mercilessly by all the means at our disposal, including economic sanctions. It is regrettable that democratic governments, instead of setting an example, in solidarity with those who, as the Ladies in White in Cuba, the Venezuelan-resistant, or Aung San Suu Kyi and Liu Xiaobo, boldly facing the dictatorships who suffer, to be displayed often complacent not to them but with his executioners. Those brave, fighting for their freedom, also fighting for ours.
A compatriot of mine, José María Arguedas, Peru called the country of "all the blood." Do not think there formula to define it better. That we are and that all Peruvians have inside, like it or not: a sum of traditions, races, creeds and cultures from the four cardinal points. I feel proud heir of the Hispanic cultures that made fabrics and feather cloaks Nazca and Paracas and Mochica and Inca ceramics on display in the best museums in the world, the builders Machu Picchu, the Great Chimu, Chan Chan, Kuelap, Sipan, the Witch and huacas of the Sun and the Moon, and English, with his saddlebags, swords and horses, brought to Peru to Greece, Rome, Judeo-Christian tradition, the Renaissance, Cervantes, Quevedo and Góngora, language and Castilla brunt of the Andes softened. And that also came with Spain Africa with his vigor, his music and his effervescent imagination to enrich the diversity of Peru. If we dig a little we found that Peru, like Borges' aleph, is in small format worldwide. What an extraordinary privilege for a country that has no identity because it has them all!
The conquest of America was cruel and violent as all the gains, of course, and we criticize it, but without forgetting to do, that those who committed those crimes were offal and in large numbers, our grandfathers and great grandfathers, English who went to America and there acriollado, not those who stayed on their land. Those criticisms, to be fair, should be a self-criticism. Because, after gaining independence from Spain, two hundred years ago, who took power in the former colonies, instead of redeeming the Indian and do justice to the ancient wrongs, so continued exploiting greed and ferocity as the conquerors, and in some countries , diezmándolo y exterminándolo. Digámoslo con toda claridad: desde hace dos siglos la emancipación de los indígenas es una responsabilidad exclusivamente nuestra y la hemos incumplido. Ella sigue siendo una asignatura pendiente en toda América Latina. No hay una sola excepción a este oprobio y vergüenza.
Quiero a España tanto como al Perú y mi deuda con ella es tan grande como el agradecimiento que le tengo. Si no hubiera sido por España jamás hubiera llegado a esta tribuna, ni a ser un escritor conocido, y tal vez, como tantos colegas desafortunados, andaría en el limbo de los escribidores sin suerte, sin editores, ni premios, ni lectores, cuyo talento acaso —triste consuelo— posterity will one day discover. In Spain, all my books published, awards received exaggerated, as Carlos Barral and friends Carmen Balcells and many others crave it because my stories have readers. And Spain gave me a second nationality if he could lose mine. I have never felt the slightest inconsistency between a Peruvian and have a English passport because I have always felt that Spain and Peru are the obverse and reverse of the same thing, not just in my little person, also in critical situations such as history, language and culture.
Of all the years I've lived on English soil, remember I spent five glare dear in Barcelona in the early seventies. The Franco dictatorship was still standing and still shot, but it was already a fossil in rags, and especially in the field of culture, unable to maintain the controls of yesteryear. Opened cracks and crevices that censorship was not enough to patch and English society they absorbed new ideas, books, schools of thought and values \u200b\u200band artistic forms hitherto prohibited by subversives. No city took both Barcelona and better than the beginning of opening or experienced a similar excitement in all fields of ideas and creation. It became the cultural capital of Spain, where he had to be breathing the advance of freedom is coming. And in a way, was also the cultural capital of Latin America by the number of painters, writers, editors and artists from Latin American countries that settled there, or came and went to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbecause it was where you had to be if you I wanted to be a poet, novelist, painter or composer of our time. For me, those were the years of unforgettable companionship, friendship, conspiracies and fruitful intellectual work. As before Paris, Barcelona was a Tower of Babel, a universal cosmopolitan city, which was exciting to live and work, and where, for the first time since the days of civil war English and Latin American writers were mixed and fraternized, recognized masters of the same tradition and allies in a common and a certainty that the end of the dictatorship was imminent and that in democratic Spain's culture is the main protagonist.
Although it was not so precisely, the English transition from dictatorship to democracy has been one of the best stories of modern times, an example of how, when common sense and rationality prevail and political opponents parked for sectarianism the common good, such prodigious events can occur as of the novels of magical realism. The English transition of authoritarianism to freedom, underdevelopment to prosperity, a society of contrasts and inequalities Third World country to a middle class, its integration into Europe and its adoption in a few years of a democratic culture, admired the world and triggered modernization of Spain. It was for me an exciting and enlightening live up close and sometimes from within. Hopefully nationalism, incurable plague the modern world and also from Spain, do not spoil this happy story.
hate all forms of nationalism, ideology, or, rather, religion, parochial, short flight, exclusive, that cuts the horizon intellectual and hides in its bosom ethnic and racial prejudices, it becomes the supreme value, in moral and ontological privilege, the happenstance of place of birth. Along with religion, nationalism has been the cause of the worst slaughters of history, as the two world wars and the current bloodletting in the Middle East. Nothing has contributed as much as nationalism in Latin America is balkanized, torn apart in senseless strife and litigation and wasted astronomical resources to buy weapons instead of building schools, libraries and hospitals.
not confuse nationalism ear and its rejection of "other" provided seed of violence, with patriotism, feeling healthy and generous love for the land where one was born, where their ancestors lived and forged the first dream, landscape geographies family, loved ones and occurrences that become landmarks of memory and shields against loneliness. The homeland are not flags and anthems, or apodictic discourse on the iconic heroes, but a handful of places and people that live in our memories and tinged with melancholy, the warm feeling that, no matter where we are, there is a home to which we return.
Peru is for me a Arequipa where I was born but never lived, a city that my mother, my grandparents and my uncles taught me to know through his memories and regrets, because my whole family tribe, as they often do Arequipa, was always at the White City with her in his wandering existence. Piura is the desert, carob and suffering burrito, which Piurans of my youth called "foot outside," cute and sad nickname, "where I discovered that the storks were not bringing babies into the world but the pairs produced by a brutality that was a mortal sin. San Miguel is the College and the Variety Theatre where I first saw up on stage a short work written by me. Is the corner of Columbus and Diego Ferré in Miraflores Lima-we called Barrio Alegre, where I changed the long shorts, I smoked my first cigarette, I learned to dance, to love and pleading for the girls. It's dusty and shaky editorial staff of The Chronicle where, in my sixteen years, my first veiled weapons journalist, a profession that, with the literature, has occupied most of my life and made me like books, live, learn better world and hang out with people from everywhere and of all records, great people, good, bad and atrocious. It is the Leoncio Prado Military Academy, where I learned that Peru was the small pocket of middle class where I had lived until then confined and protected, but a country big, old, bitter, mixed and shaken by all sorts of social storms. Are Cahuide clandestine cells in which a handful of San Marcos with preparing the world revolution. And Peru is my friends with the Freedom Movement, for three years, including bombings, blackouts and terrorist killings, work in defense of democracy and culture of freedom.
Peru is Patricia's cousin turned up little nose and indomitable character with which I was fortunate to marry 45 years ago and still supports the foibles, neuroses and tantrums to help me write. Without it my life had long ago dissolved into a chaotic whirlwind had not been born Alvaro, Gonzalo, Morgan and six grandchildren and cheer us prolong life. She does everything and does it well. Solve problems, manage the economy, brings order to chaos, keeping out journalists and outsiders, defending my time, decides the appointments and travel, and unpack it, and is so generous that even when you create scolds me, I make the best of praise: "Mario, the only thing you serve is to write."
Back to the literature. The paradise of childhood is for me a literary myth but a reality that I lived and enjoyed in the large family house of three courtyards, in Cochabamba, where with my cousins \u200b\u200band schoolmates could play Tarzan stories and Salgari, and in the Prefecture of Piura, in whose attics nesting bats, silent shadows which filled with mystery the starry nights that hot country. In those years, writing was playing a game that I held the family, a grace that I deserved applause, to me, grandchild, nephew, the son without father because my father had died and gone to heaven. It was a tall and handsome, uniformed sailor, whose photo adorned my bedside and prayed and kissed me before bed. One morning in Piura, which still does not think I have recovered, my mother told me that this gentleman, indeed, was alive. And that same day we would go to live with him to Lima. I was eleven and since then, everything changed. I discovered I lost my innocence and loneliness, authority, adult life and fear. My salvation was read, read good books, take refuge in those worlds where life was exciting, intense, one adventure after another, where they could feel free and be happy again. And it was written, in secret, as he is delivered to a shameful vice, a forbidden passion. The literature was no longer a game. It became a way to withstand adversity, to protest, to rebel, to escape the intolerable, my reason for living. From then until now, in all the circumstances in which I have been shot or beaten, on the edge of despair, give me body and soul to my work has been the light storyteller that signals the end of the tunnel, the salvation that leads to shipwreck on the beach.
Although I find it hard work and makes me sweat blood, and as a writer, I sometimes feel the threat of paralysis, the drought of the imagination, nothing has made me enjoy the life as much as the months pass me and years building a history, from its uncertain dawn, the stored memory image of a lived experience, which became a restlessness, an enthusiasm, a daydream that germinated later in a project and the decision to try to turn that fog agitated of ghosts in a story. "Writing is a way to live," said Flaubert. Yes, very true, a way of life with enthusiasm and joy and a crackling fire in the head, struggling with wayward words to master it, exploring the wide world as a hunter in pursuit of coveted prey to feed the fledgling fiction and placate the voracious appetite to grow throughout history that would swallow all the stories. Come to feel the vertigo that leads a novel in gestation, when it takes shape and appears to start living on their own, with characters that move, act, think, feel and command respect and consideration, which is no longer possible arbitrarily impose a behavior or deprived of their free will without killing them, without losing history persuasive power, is an experience that is spellbinding as the first time, so full and giddy like making love with the woman he loved days, weeks and months, endlessly .
Speaking of fiction, I talked a lot about the novel and some of the theater, another of his supernal forms. A great injustice, of course. The theater was my first love, since, adolescent, I saw at the Teatro Segura in Lima, The Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller, a show which left me overflowing with excitement and rushed me to write a drama with Inca. If the Lima of the fifties had been a theatrical movement would have been a playwright before than a novelist. I had not and that should be increasingly directed towards the narrative. But my love of theater never ceased, dozed nestled in the shadow of the novels, as a temptation and a nostalgia, especially when I saw a captivating piece. In the late seventies, the persistent memory of a centuries-old aunt, Mom, that in the last years of his life, cut with the surrounding reality and take refuge in the memories and fiction, I suggested a story. And I felt so ominous, that this was a story for the stage, on stage only charged for the animation and splendor of successful fiction. I wrote the trembling excited both beginner and I enjoyed watching the scene with Norma Aleandro in the role of the heroine, who, since then, including novels and novels, essays and essay, I have relapsed several times. Of course, I never imagined that in my seventies, I would go up (maybe I should say drag) on \u200b\u200bstage to act. Reckless adventure that made me live for the first time in flesh and blood the miracle that is, for someone who has spent his life writing fiction, embodying a few hours to a character in the fantasy fiction live before an audience. I can not thank enough my dear friends, the director and actress Joan Ollé Aitana Sanchez Gijon, encouraged me to share this fantastic experience with them (despite the panic that accompanied it).
Literature is a false representation of life, however, helps us to understand better, to guide us through the maze in which we were born, evolves, and we die. She retaliated us the setbacks and frustrations that real life deals us and thanks to decipher it, at least partially, the hieroglyph which is usually the existence for the vast majority of human beings, especially those that encourage more questions than answers, and confess our perplexity about issues like transcendence, the individual and collective destiny, the soul, the meaning or meaninglessness of history, the here and more beyond the rational knowledge.
has always fascinated me to imagine that uncertain circumstances in which our ancestors, yet slightly different animal, baby language that allowed them to communicate, began in the caves, around campfires, in boiling nights threat-rays thunder growling of wild beasts, "to make up stories and tell them. That was the turning point of our destination, because in these rounds of primitives suspended by the voice and the imagination of the counter, civilization began, the long passage which gradually humanize us and lead us to invent the sovereign individual and detach them of the tribe, science, arts, law, liberty, scrutinizing the entrails of nature, the human body, space and travel to the stars. Those tales, fables, myths, legends, which first sounded like music to new audiences intimidated by the mysteries and dangers of a world where everything was unfamiliar and dangerous, should have a refreshing swim, a haven for those always on the minds who lives, for which there is meant to just eat, shelter from the elements, kill and fornicate. Since the community began to dream, to share dreams, encouraged by the storytellers, were no longer tied to the wheel of survival, a whirlwind of chores stultifying, and his life became sleep, enjoyment, fantasy and a revolutionary design: to break this containment and change and improve, a fight to quell those desires and ambitions that they incited the lives figurative, and curiosity about the unknown clear that I was studded environment.
That process is never interrupted when he was born rich writing and stories, as well as heard, could read and reached the residence, which confers the literature. Therefore, it must be repeated endlessly to convince it to future generations: the fiction is more than entertainment, rather than an intellectual exercise sharpens awareness and awakens the spirit critical. It is a necessity for civilization still exists, renewing and preserving the best of us human. Not to go back to the barbarism of the isolation and life is not reduced to the pragmatism of the specialists who see things in depth but ignore their surroundings, precedes and continues. For let us not serve us to invent machines to be their servants and slaves. And because a world without literature would be a world without ideals or desires or contempt, a world of automatons without what makes the human being truly human: the ability to leave and move himself into another, in others, modeled with the clay of our dreams.
From the cave to the skyscraper, the stick to weapons of mass destruction, tautological life of the tribe to the era of globalization, the fictions of literature have been many human experiences, preventing men and women succumb to lethargy, withdrawal, resignation. Nothing has sown so much concern, removed both the imagination and desires, and that life of lies that we add to the literature through to star the great adventures, great passions, that real life will never give us. The literature lies become truths through us, readers processed contaminated desires and, because of the fiction, question with the mediocre permanent reality. Sorcery, to delude ourselves with having what we have, being what we are not, access that can not exist where, as pagan gods, we are earthly and eternal at the same time, literature enters our minds the nonconformity and rebellion behind all the feats that have helped reduce violence in human relations. To reduce violence, not end it. Because we will always, fortunately, an unfinished story. So we have to keep dreaming, reading and writing, the most effective way we found to alleviate our perishability, to beat the weather and woodworm to make the impossible possible. "
Stockholm, December 10, 2010.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Green Egg Cool Table Ideas
back to somewhere but all paths are
-cut as before.
somehow try to investigate alternative routes on a map
forests are possible
there is a vast desert that could also be
despite the deadly sun that crowns
other possibility is the ocean
a sea of \u200b\u200bdark and violent
Heaven or to speak: there is not any kind of road map
states and territories ridiculously impossible
: mountains that do not correspond with reality as dreams
rivers / lakes evanescent /
ancient routes that neither persecuted Maya / marsh areas
abysmal strikeout as cliffs / yellow mysterious land / area
of birds and animals fables / small print people who talk
ignored / distances between one point and another
identified without any criteria and absolutely inconsistent / random
marked trails and
crazy are we? Roll the dice on this game again
and let us seek the gods destiny
Monday, December 6, 2010
Does Swiss Miss No Sugar Added Have Caffeine?
And if we change
door if you put metal such as hinges or uprooted
or enlarged the fisheye definitely
and if we remove it so that anyone passing
and if you're not when I return I
and a crowd clap or
me cry and if after so many years we have gone in the meantime face
times and if you go away with a child in your arms
and people screaming out of it as in a stadium better
and if we paint the door
and if there no more left unpainted or anything
And if we change
door if you put metal such as hinges or uprooted
or enlarged the fisheye definitely
and if we remove it so that anyone passing
and if you're not when I return I
and a crowd clap or
me cry and if after so many years we have gone in the meantime face
times and if you go away with a child in your arms
and people screaming out of it as in a stadium better
and if we paint the door
and if there no more left unpainted or anything
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hole In Groin From Heart Catherization
For now
opens on a stone in the desert, the streets are
empty and the air burns with a black flower center
ever walked through those streets and it seemed elusive
destination we judged
'd never get out of our strong straw and mud houses
If you look at the bottom of the
wheel gold and shine like jade idols
soles remain headless
long time ago
grandparents told us wonderful stories and we played
barefoot around the well
For now
opens on a stone in the desert, the streets are
empty and the air burns with a black flower center
ever walked through those streets and it seemed elusive
destination we judged
'd never get out of our strong straw and mud houses
If you look at the bottom of the
wheel gold and shine like jade idols
soles remain headless
long time ago
grandparents told us wonderful stories and we played
barefoot around the well
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How To Fix Ironing Board That Does Not Close
XIPE TOTEC Thomas Thomas Glassford Glassford
To commemorate the Centennial of the National University, Thomas Glassford has conducted an on-site installation that uses as support tower Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, a modernist landmark designed by Pedro Ramírez Vásquez to house the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the side of the historic Plaza of Three Cultures where the massacre took place a few weeks of peaceful protesters before initiated the Mexico Olympics in 1968.
A network intriguing, relatively invisible during the day, it burns like fire in the evening becoming light pattern as complex as the history of the site itself. Glassford architectural intervention, and visually intricate technique, covers the four facades of the building with a veil of red light-emitting diodes and blue. The geometry of the lattice part of the artist's fascination with cultural assumptions about new discoveries of quasi-crystals formations and mosaics-periodic, configurations which by definition lack translational symmetry. "Discovered" by Western scientists recently - initially as a mathematical enigma formations quasi-crystals found in nature as subatomic crystal structures. After this finding, a physics student doing his Ph.D. at Harvard was able to recognize this pattern in the XV century Persian architecture while traveling in Iran today. Their presence in medieval architecture not only perplexed the scientific community, it was considered impossible. The celebration of the triumph of the achievements of one culture over another is endless and can be understood as a poetic parallel to the installation site of Glassford, it is situated in an urban landscape cyclically defined and defiled by the presumptions of successive civilizations. In Tlatelolco converge the remains of one of the most important archaeological sites in the Valley of Mexico, the former administrative center of more than twenty districts, and the colonial church of St. James built from the ruins of Aztec temples looted. This is also where you will find the College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco-cultural first cruise of the New World.
Aptly, the title of the work, Glassford decide to worship the god Aztec or Mexica, Xipe Totec. Also called "Our Lord the Flayed One" or "Night Drinker." Xipe Totec was excoriated for feeding humanity, an act that reflects the release of the outer layer of the corn seed before germination, an act of rejuvenation. In the Aztec world, priests adorned themselves in the skins of defeated warriors as a symbol of rebirth, health and life. Likewise, Tlatelolco wears new skin capillary system which shines to commemorate a new life as a cultural center, a beacon visible from any vantage point in the Valley of Mexico.
Learn more about the artist at Gallery Sicardi

To commemorate the Centennial of the National University, Thomas Glassford has conducted an on-site installation that uses as support tower Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, a modernist landmark designed by Pedro Ramírez Vásquez to house the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the side of the historic Plaza of Three Cultures where the massacre took place a few weeks of peaceful protesters before initiated the Mexico Olympics in 1968.
A network intriguing, relatively invisible during the day, it burns like fire in the evening becoming light pattern as complex as the history of the site itself. Glassford architectural intervention, and visually intricate technique, covers the four facades of the building with a veil of red light-emitting diodes and blue. The geometry of the lattice part of the artist's fascination with cultural assumptions about new discoveries of quasi-crystals formations and mosaics-periodic, configurations which by definition lack translational symmetry. "Discovered" by Western scientists recently - initially as a mathematical enigma formations quasi-crystals found in nature as subatomic crystal structures. After this finding, a physics student doing his Ph.D. at Harvard was able to recognize this pattern in the XV century Persian architecture while traveling in Iran today. Their presence in medieval architecture not only perplexed the scientific community, it was considered impossible. The celebration of the triumph of the achievements of one culture over another is endless and can be understood as a poetic parallel to the installation site of Glassford, it is situated in an urban landscape cyclically defined and defiled by the presumptions of successive civilizations. In Tlatelolco converge the remains of one of the most important archaeological sites in the Valley of Mexico, the former administrative center of more than twenty districts, and the colonial church of St. James built from the ruins of Aztec temples looted. This is also where you will find the College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco-cultural first cruise of the New World.
Aptly, the title of the work, Glassford decide to worship the god Aztec or Mexica, Xipe Totec. Also called "Our Lord the Flayed One" or "Night Drinker." Xipe Totec was excoriated for feeding humanity, an act that reflects the release of the outer layer of the corn seed before germination, an act of rejuvenation. In the Aztec world, priests adorned themselves in the skins of defeated warriors as a symbol of rebirth, health and life. Likewise, Tlatelolco wears new skin capillary system which shines to commemorate a new life as a cultural center, a beacon visible from any vantage point in the Valley of Mexico.
Learn more about the artist at Gallery Sicardi
Dbz Cell Time Machine
Commissoned to Commemorate the Centennial of the National University of Mexico
To commemorate the centennial of the National University of Mexico (today Known as the UNAM), Thomas Glassford has created a site-specific installation that covers the main tower of the new University Cultural Center in Tlatelolco. This—a modernist landmark was designed in 1963 by Pedro Ramírez Vásquez to house Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A relatively invisible but intriguing web by day, the work is set aflame by night in a luminous pattern as complex as the history of the site itself.
Glassford’s monumental work is a relatively invisible but intriguing web by day, which is set aflame at night in a luminous pattern as complex as the history of the site itself. The technically and visually intricate architectural intervention covers all fourth marble façades of the building in a red and blue veil of neon-like LEDs. The geometry of the network is based on about new findings: quasi-crystals and a periodic tiling, configurations that by definition lack translational symmetry. Beyond the intricate geometries, however, Glassford was fascinated by the cultural presumptions that shaped recent studies of these forms. In the 1970s, Western scientists, including Roger Penrose, “discovered” these forms—initially as an abstract mathematical conundrum, but then —quasi-crystal formations were found to exist in nature as the crystalline substructures of atoms. However, the story is more complicated: in 2007, a Harvard doctoral student specialized in this field of physics was able to recognized the same patterns in fifteenth-century Persian architecture while traveling in through modern current day Iran in—of all things—fifteenth century Persian architecture. This medieval appearance in “medieval” architecture use of such complex forms, long unknown in the West, not only baffled the scientific community. Cultural biases prevented them from admitting that the Persians had figured it all out half a millennium before.
The never-ending celebration of one culture’s accomplishments over another’s serves as a poetic parallel to the site of Glassford’s installation, situated in an urban landscape that has been defined and defiled by the presumptions of successive civilizations, all of which have converged at Tlatelolco. An important city and market center during the Aztec period, Tlatelolco remains of one of the most important pyramids archeological sites in the Valley of Mexico. Adjacent to the restored pyramids, the church and monastery of Santiago Apóstol, built in the 1530s from the wreckage of razed temples, was also the site of the College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, a center of learning where Franciscan monks imposed Western Christian doctrine on their elite indigenous students, a process that would continue in the following centuries throughout the “New World”. After the construction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the early 1960s, and the erection of a nationalist historical Plaza de las Tres Culturas nearby, the word “Tlatelolco” took on a new and more violent connotation after the historical student massacre took place— weeks before Mexico hosted the 1968 Summer Olympics–when the students were being congregated to start a pacific demonstration against the government. All these events occurred in the shadow of the Ministry’s tower .
Appropriately, the Aztec deity Xipe Totec is alluded to through Glassford’s title. Also known as “Our Lord the Flayed One” or “Drinker of the Night,” Xipe Totec skinned himself in order to feed humanity, an act akin to maize shedding its outer layer in order to germinate—an act of rejuvenation. In the Aztec world, priests wore the complete skins of flayed warriors as symbols of regrowth, fertility and life. Likewise, Tlatelolco has been sheathed in a new skin: its capillaries glow to commemorate a new life as a cultural center—a beacon visible from any vantage point of the Valley of Mexico.
To know more about the artist visit Sicardi Gallery

To commemorate the centennial of the National University of Mexico (today Known as the UNAM), Thomas Glassford has created a site-specific installation that covers the main tower of the new University Cultural Center in Tlatelolco. This—a modernist landmark was designed in 1963 by Pedro Ramírez Vásquez to house Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A relatively invisible but intriguing web by day, the work is set aflame by night in a luminous pattern as complex as the history of the site itself.
Glassford’s monumental work is a relatively invisible but intriguing web by day, which is set aflame at night in a luminous pattern as complex as the history of the site itself. The technically and visually intricate architectural intervention covers all fourth marble façades of the building in a red and blue veil of neon-like LEDs. The geometry of the network is based on about new findings: quasi-crystals and a periodic tiling, configurations that by definition lack translational symmetry. Beyond the intricate geometries, however, Glassford was fascinated by the cultural presumptions that shaped recent studies of these forms. In the 1970s, Western scientists, including Roger Penrose, “discovered” these forms—initially as an abstract mathematical conundrum, but then —quasi-crystal formations were found to exist in nature as the crystalline substructures of atoms. However, the story is more complicated: in 2007, a Harvard doctoral student specialized in this field of physics was able to recognized the same patterns in fifteenth-century Persian architecture while traveling in through modern current day Iran in—of all things—fifteenth century Persian architecture. This medieval appearance in “medieval” architecture use of such complex forms, long unknown in the West, not only baffled the scientific community. Cultural biases prevented them from admitting that the Persians had figured it all out half a millennium before.
The never-ending celebration of one culture’s accomplishments over another’s serves as a poetic parallel to the site of Glassford’s installation, situated in an urban landscape that has been defined and defiled by the presumptions of successive civilizations, all of which have converged at Tlatelolco. An important city and market center during the Aztec period, Tlatelolco remains of one of the most important pyramids archeological sites in the Valley of Mexico. Adjacent to the restored pyramids, the church and monastery of Santiago Apóstol, built in the 1530s from the wreckage of razed temples, was also the site of the College of Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, a center of learning where Franciscan monks imposed Western Christian doctrine on their elite indigenous students, a process that would continue in the following centuries throughout the “New World”. After the construction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the early 1960s, and the erection of a nationalist historical Plaza de las Tres Culturas nearby, the word “Tlatelolco” took on a new and more violent connotation after the historical student massacre took place— weeks before Mexico hosted the 1968 Summer Olympics–when the students were being congregated to start a pacific demonstration against the government. All these events occurred in the shadow of the Ministry’s tower .
Appropriately, the Aztec deity Xipe Totec is alluded to through Glassford’s title. Also known as “Our Lord the Flayed One” or “Drinker of the Night,” Xipe Totec skinned himself in order to feed humanity, an act akin to maize shedding its outer layer in order to germinate—an act of rejuvenation. In the Aztec world, priests wore the complete skins of flayed warriors as symbols of regrowth, fertility and life. Likewise, Tlatelolco has been sheathed in a new skin: its capillaries glow to commemorate a new life as a cultural center—a beacon visible from any vantage point of the Valley of Mexico.
To know more about the artist visit Sicardi Gallery
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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Three Characters
That is the bar
That is the bar
good, cities are the daughters of fear, fear of the jungle. and the layout of the city of righteousness, you discover that the city, streets, corners, blocks, sidewalks. This all built so that no blind donkey walk by it. the bar is, the last wetlands in the jungle, the last places where there is a risk that is not the bar, and is where Cuchi Cuchi is building this little life that lets you breathe in the city where you have to settle for have if you got children you write a book. the bar is the last offer of eternity, the last offer is the freedom, the danger to lose your girlfriend, you get angry with your friend, to show strangers, I think the bar is above all, do not tell the forest, but at least the forest is left for the city. Enrique Sins
good, cities are the daughters of fear, fear of the jungle. and the layout of the city of righteousness, you discover that the city, streets, corners, blocks, sidewalks. This all built so that no blind donkey walk by it. the bar is, the last wetlands in the jungle, the last places where there is a risk that is not the bar, and is where Cuchi Cuchi is building this little life that lets you breathe in the city where you have to settle for have if you got children you write a book. the bar is the last offer of eternity, the last offer is the freedom, the danger to lose your girlfriend, you get angry with your friend, to show strangers, I think the bar is above all, do not tell the forest, but at least the forest is left for the city. Enrique Sins
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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The black soles
Close your mouth, passing by, peek, do no more than acts of cleverly spaced has served some purpose: input to JR, good boy soon to the revolution of bread hugs, strange invented a mythology about what were the times of the verb and made idiotic hit counter. Dress up the old lean meat Tusitala and takes to the hills to tell children stories of another time. The cretins are not heard of the idiots? Sit in a circle, draw the pouch bread and cheese and listen, because I speak the gold of a lost kingdom. The problem, which does not ignore the good Tusitala, is that children who listen, are the protagonists of that story honestly was not so. Children-old's good for them, however, listen to good prose the story of what did not happen, the vindication of texts whose value, alas, was the method.
High in the mountains gray is still hearing the roar of the horns of the old bulls in rut forever. Forlati Angresola and insist and insist, they meet and admire, white fuming by the lips, perch on the rock of memory, beautiful postcards of caper sign and run to the center of the valley to meet again in the middle of a thunder.
Across the world, La Comtesse, persists in the ways of the siren and meat sings winged sharp rocks against which splinter ships.
This aside
Morena glad retrospective. baidaliza Baidal than that. And Vice gift is stolen and turns off the lights.
say that creatine is not writing as mourn because dinner is over when we are still in the first course. But so are, I suppose, inevitable stained beings who live to remember. We do not anticipate the tragedy for nothing in particular boys, just because, deep down, we came by the tragedy and as wanting to walk a great failure that lead to the mouth. An epitaph of the realm to roll over the bar.
So for the moment not watered down the wine is not bad. It is almost never bad.
Close your mouth, passing by, peek, do no more than acts of cleverly spaced has served some purpose: input to JR, good boy soon to the revolution of bread hugs, strange invented a mythology about what were the times of the verb and made idiotic hit counter. Dress up the old lean meat Tusitala and takes to the hills to tell children stories of another time. The cretins are not heard of the idiots? Sit in a circle, draw the pouch bread and cheese and listen, because I speak the gold of a lost kingdom. The problem, which does not ignore the good Tusitala, is that children who listen, are the protagonists of that story honestly was not so. Children-old's good for them, however, listen to good prose the story of what did not happen, the vindication of texts whose value, alas, was the method.
High in the mountains gray is still hearing the roar of the horns of the old bulls in rut forever. Forlati Angresola and insist and insist, they meet and admire, white fuming by the lips, perch on the rock of memory, beautiful postcards of caper sign and run to the center of the valley to meet again in the middle of a thunder.
Across the world, La Comtesse, persists in the ways of the siren and meat sings winged sharp rocks against which splinter ships.
This aside
Morena glad retrospective. baidaliza Baidal than that. And Vice gift is stolen and turns off the lights.
say that creatine is not writing as mourn because dinner is over when we are still in the first course. But so are, I suppose, inevitable stained beings who live to remember. We do not anticipate the tragedy for nothing in particular boys, just because, deep down, we came by the tragedy and as wanting to walk a great failure that lead to the mouth. An epitaph of the realm to roll over the bar.
So for the moment not watered down the wine is not bad. It is almost never bad.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Denise Milani Prgnant?
Retrieved online, told my poor interpretation of the French language, and other rigors discounting conclude that Roland Jaccard still alive. Information is nothing special, many people are still alive, against all odds. I myself sometimes, I be. Same
should write now to Roland Jaccard, put me through an admirer on the better fan, better rich admirer, single or widowed better rich admirer, and get their address, get on a plane and then standing up to the door of her house, wait patiently for me to open and then slap a resounding slap with an open hand. Then only would keep me warm even rudimentary weapon in his pocket and get out on the sidewalk, whistling sound while behind me the run down protests by French writer. Merde alors and Sacrebleu much - although the carrier's mantle is nothing of this man so distinguished and so worship not mine - and meanwhile reached the corner, to expect that life looks like for once to film and displayed a taxi just as necessary.
"Disease is the only work of pure art to which man can aspire." If you think about it is to go back and practice a second slap in the face of Jaccard. Being sick has nothing to do with art. In fact being sick and things to know is that there may be more fucking. The art is simply not like this disability for everyday wonderful, his anguish not giving up on the tea or reading, which brings me to the kitchen for anything and I plot the time periods of two minutes between which opens a vibrant same fault. Or rather, it is assumed terrible sick, assume that the brain is not capable of diagnosing its own operations, turn your eyes to the torrent of blood and to measure their purity or penetrate the web of muscles to detect the work already done to death. Jaccard
The phrase is used only if one is an arrant coward. Because then ill serves to excuse to do nothing and live as an only in terms of power than projected. Translated: I have an excellent idea for a business, but not put into practice, I'm sick. It will be in for some spirits that exclusion of the possibility of failure can be very comfortable.
For these cases the literature does not work. When science says no, it's best not to waste time with small hope that poetry offers. In fact it is better not to trust at all poetry. Science offers a diagnosis without passion, it focuses on the individual and is limited to their exact circumstances, without adding or removing anything, regardless of whether the doctor the night before has uncorked a couple bottles and has crashed the last to the locker room which still hung, like banners defeated in the spotlight at the British Museum, some evening dresses with jewels in the morning to come to settle. Despite all this, the doctor will see white as white say you do not mind, as not intended to create white tell, as you feel like going to lunch will say white. The poet however play their dirty tricks and tangle in hope or pessimism that is just yours. If the poet says Young hold, said hold the young man is no longer. If the poet says you are dead, even with metaphors of tightrope walkers and pink shells and (God forbid) will fill the certificate of his own accident. Or at least, if the good, right to the diagnosis, but the charge of interpretations. Oh, you're seriously ill, but note, note that this twilight. I suspect that the list of the slap goes to infinity. Better than the taxi takes me back to the airport. Although I may be afraid of airplanes. Almost as much as the disease.
should write now to Roland Jaccard, put me through an admirer on the better fan, better rich admirer, single or widowed better rich admirer, and get their address, get on a plane and then standing up to the door of her house, wait patiently for me to open and then slap a resounding slap with an open hand. Then only would keep me warm even rudimentary weapon in his pocket and get out on the sidewalk, whistling sound while behind me the run down protests by French writer. Merde alors and Sacrebleu much - although the carrier's mantle is nothing of this man so distinguished and so worship not mine - and meanwhile reached the corner, to expect that life looks like for once to film and displayed a taxi just as necessary.
"Disease is the only work of pure art to which man can aspire." If you think about it is to go back and practice a second slap in the face of Jaccard. Being sick has nothing to do with art. In fact being sick and things to know is that there may be more fucking. The art is simply not like this disability for everyday wonderful, his anguish not giving up on the tea or reading, which brings me to the kitchen for anything and I plot the time periods of two minutes between which opens a vibrant same fault. Or rather, it is assumed terrible sick, assume that the brain is not capable of diagnosing its own operations, turn your eyes to the torrent of blood and to measure their purity or penetrate the web of muscles to detect the work already done to death. Jaccard
The phrase is used only if one is an arrant coward. Because then ill serves to excuse to do nothing and live as an only in terms of power than projected. Translated: I have an excellent idea for a business, but not put into practice, I'm sick. It will be in for some spirits that exclusion of the possibility of failure can be very comfortable.
For these cases the literature does not work. When science says no, it's best not to waste time with small hope that poetry offers. In fact it is better not to trust at all poetry. Science offers a diagnosis without passion, it focuses on the individual and is limited to their exact circumstances, without adding or removing anything, regardless of whether the doctor the night before has uncorked a couple bottles and has crashed the last to the locker room which still hung, like banners defeated in the spotlight at the British Museum, some evening dresses with jewels in the morning to come to settle. Despite all this, the doctor will see white as white say you do not mind, as not intended to create white tell, as you feel like going to lunch will say white. The poet however play their dirty tricks and tangle in hope or pessimism that is just yours. If the poet says Young hold, said hold the young man is no longer. If the poet says you are dead, even with metaphors of tightrope walkers and pink shells and (God forbid) will fill the certificate of his own accident. Or at least, if the good, right to the diagnosis, but the charge of interpretations. Oh, you're seriously ill, but note, note that this twilight. I suspect that the list of the slap goes to infinity. Better than the taxi takes me back to the airport. Although I may be afraid of airplanes. Almost as much as the disease.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
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At home Sunday
cloth slippers and three newspapers, the Morena anchovies flour with the jersey at the elbows, silvery little books together with a background of red pots and Fridays of Lent, haikus and teaching belly brown long shoal minimum jumps to the singing night. Afternoon
remember that no man of letters may not like Quevedo, childish pride to like Quevedo, to inquire in vain for the vast google in search of a story that Moore once told me, I think that in the bank a cemetery, although the likelihood of the image, evocative, real is almost nil. Siesta
thinking that if we get an injury playing is a drama and that discreet point of blood on the back is a scandal, mother, sell and see if you get stupid. But if it were a sword fight in the Hebrides, if you fall from a horse and turn on the frost to avoid a final lunge, then the wound is're lucky, happy sigh friends and courage for a while. The wound is the same, but the view change as a matter of different probabilities. In the nap tend to think things without thread and moral. Sometimes on rainy nights in the mouth of a cave with the wet layer on the shoulders and hands in a parallel double-barreled shotgun, while behind the trees, the wolf howls and the enemy creeps. Not imagine, are fictions happy. A symbol of sleep and respite.
and later recalled that come what may hardly come most magnificent peaks that Friday. In the Slaughterhouse, you all did to me, with joy, undeservedly happy. Then thirty-two more cups, I waited at the gates of coffee Ruzafa to take effect as the morning air to save me. After I got home, I found a strange letter in the mailbox, I snuff and food collection with Brown until now.
There SUCEN Sunday that stuff. And they are beautiful.
Note: What a boat to illustrate why the text? Do not make me explain things according to what this point.
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