These are three people, living within us and around us, are everywhere, in the eyes of many people have seen and many times they have seen in our .
moody: This is the character who does not want to love, that has accepted its existence as it is, has waived his ability to transform. May live in luxury and awards, looks like a winner, but basically the ruler is his temper. Frown brow is what gives it the looks surprised. Not interested in anything really, just show that you are angry. It has no art, only the purchase, and not even really like.
The Rotten, is a hero, a long time that its reflection was launched in an alley or forgotten in a square, is that drunk in the middle of the night des sings a love for the moon. He is willing to laugh at each corner, find the wonder of the world in every minute is a silent character, sleepy. The events of his life did not have a clear boundary between dream and reality. It is a sailor lost without direction is not prepared to his ship ran aground at a port, is everything and nothing can be anywhere, so everyone can laugh. Within it also inhabits a child, in this case, not a moody child, but a child who will not stop laughing, not to accept a world that gives him seriously. Grey hates the world that sometimes haunts him is not made for that, so it's a hero rotten, all liquid and destroys them all is corruptible. He is not at the top of the tower, but does not want, that life is denied, he is in the suburbs, is that space decomposition, which begins to transform the world, but only destroyed. It knows that holding, at the end of the day is only the front of himself, and hence arises the art.
The optimist: Sunrise to him remains a moment of joy, smiles, and can look around and you breathe, you feel glad to be alive, to be in their shoes, but do not know well for that. Always has aroused, as if everything was new. For the first time is opening the eyes, and wonder of everyday detail, a plate of food, a bird, a plant.
inside him there is hope, there is a projection and the idea. Something may be different, there's something different in all things, that the world around him is not all there is, in fact, that world is not made of anything, looks like all living Something, suffer, rejoice, cry, cry, being that it is they who chose something. The optimist gets in life, and goes his ways without surrendering, not to get something done, do it for experience. His art is often like to imitate, to walk following a fat man or made business man. Often
optimistic rotten drunk and born with the poetry to life, sometimes accompanies the rotten optimistic a hill to marvel at the shadows that are produced there in the evening. The ill-tempered with rotten delivered to your pain and cry at the end at last, when with luck and goes out with optimistic also learn to laugh.