were born with the same purpose but on the contrary, if one had to climb the other inevitably would fall. If you felt something the other would say otherwise. So were a constant and necessary contradiction. Which even led them to fight and beat, they were always turning against each other like two poles, which always collide and produce movement. So they grew up together but never followed the same path if one stood at the edge of heaven and the other parallel deepened galaxy in the land and its minerals. If one tried to show the importance of knowledge and truth, the other showed him what was it dogmatic and on the other. Each was a contribution to the response another destructive because it questioned the certainties of the other and forced to build new realities, it tore attacked even more beloved than anyone might have. They kept standing foundation. In his childhood as the infant infantry armies sought to conquer the territory of another, to finally put under a single vision all those places which posed a contradiction that left them alone. That other way of how things would never be understood and which threatened own safety and the normal parameters of each. Of course these attempts were disastrous and ridiculous because as we know when a force much press there is always another energy response oppressed. Over the years noticed that the only thing they were certain of is that although the same purpose was that moved them, were two totally different nature opposite and complementary. They were sentenced to scare and delight their surroundings, and abhorred attracted to other people. Many remained and many hated for being who they were. Showed the importance of duplicity, of the difference.