Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sebaceous Cyst Between Breasts
Anxiety over not last as long as us to have all the space. But the infinity of antojarsenos more accessible We are less deep. and yet, to take over the enduring, we must necessarily have the stuff, because it is there where lies hidden the key to eternity. (tripolarity of metaphysics. Carlo Poncini) Alejandro Jodorowsky
Monday, June 18, 2007
Headaches Red Forehead
Don Serapio
This is Don Serapio, a native of Curacautín, but actually grew up in Lonquimay, we were fortunate to help run their house, because in winter it inside the water. He is recognized as evangelical but always listening to the gospel radio said that these were pure charlatans. At 13 years of playing football, had a pitch I take an eye from its socket, he ran terrified and locked himself in his house for 3 weeks, they all blew the door, authorities, doctors, neighbors, family members, but nothing, not wanted to open, decided to get the eye of welt in the basin and tie a shirt, and so regained his sight, he says. At age 30 he volunteered to be caretaker of a boarding school was uphill, and that was for 20 years all alone, with the company of mountain lion (Satan's henchman) and some other indescribable things somewhat. He remembered that whenever others came to see was not to when they left, he liked the solitude, as very bad experiences people had when it had been a rock singer, played up in Temuco said, but the alcohol, and women began to disrupt, as well as several scams because they paid a pod, and became a friend of solitude and learned to heal its strange disease "locofornia." That when he was angry, lost consciousness and began to hit as many people cross it had to be straight and tie to a tree, just after a few days people wake up and tell him what happened. He is a man of great faith that God remembered taught her to read in 3 days because he could not, he forgot the lyrics, went to school, with teachers, priests, until a priest who was like his father in bed I assure you death, "learn to read in 3 days" and it was the third day and read, and all his friends were happy. His life story can be very tragic, except for him, because after that boarding care for 20 years paid nothing and stay on the street, the home of Christ gave him the shack where he lived and which he himself had made many arrangements, but did not have anything, said it was much richer than their brothers or relatives suddenly appear in cars and leave you some things, because he had dignity and they do not, this was said without resentment, now 55 years old was a man of projects, wanted to raise chickens, planting potatoes, and start earning some money to leave that area so ugly it was. He thanked God does not become an alcoholic or have a vice, looking at his neighbors said he was proud of her drive and joy .... I believed him.

This is Don Serapio, a native of Curacautín, but actually grew up in Lonquimay, we were fortunate to help run their house, because in winter it inside the water. He is recognized as evangelical but always listening to the gospel radio said that these were pure charlatans. At 13 years of playing football, had a pitch I take an eye from its socket, he ran terrified and locked himself in his house for 3 weeks, they all blew the door, authorities, doctors, neighbors, family members, but nothing, not wanted to open, decided to get the eye of welt in the basin and tie a shirt, and so regained his sight, he says. At age 30 he volunteered to be caretaker of a boarding school was uphill, and that was for 20 years all alone, with the company of mountain lion (Satan's henchman) and some other indescribable things somewhat. He remembered that whenever others came to see was not to when they left, he liked the solitude, as very bad experiences people had when it had been a rock singer, played up in Temuco said, but the alcohol, and women began to disrupt, as well as several scams because they paid a pod, and became a friend of solitude and learned to heal its strange disease "locofornia." That when he was angry, lost consciousness and began to hit as many people cross it had to be straight and tie to a tree, just after a few days people wake up and tell him what happened. He is a man of great faith that God remembered taught her to read in 3 days because he could not, he forgot the lyrics, went to school, with teachers, priests, until a priest who was like his father in bed I assure you death, "learn to read in 3 days" and it was the third day and read, and all his friends were happy. His life story can be very tragic, except for him, because after that boarding care for 20 years paid nothing and stay on the street, the home of Christ gave him the shack where he lived and which he himself had made many arrangements, but did not have anything, said it was much richer than their brothers or relatives suddenly appear in cars and leave you some things, because he had dignity and they do not, this was said without resentment, now 55 years old was a man of projects, wanted to raise chickens, planting potatoes, and start earning some money to leave that area so ugly it was. He thanked God does not become an alcoholic or have a vice, looking at his neighbors said he was proud of her drive and joy .... I believed him.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Digital Slide Scanner Sears
I got up laughing, it was a joke, that he had dreamed that left me giggling to the surface, this current cosquillante with which you can end up crying or laughing, and how to rid this mieducho visceral, like those espinillentas chubby little girls, somewhat repressed, you just press that button hidden in his chest or back to explode and release the rage.
is curious that we start a belt wake of all that flowed freely and spontaneously in dreams, is a half moralona belt, which some days is poorly fastened and can explode and break at any time and at the slightest pressure. As such delicacy Fat cuchuflis about to explode, which dripping at the ends and the first rose or suffocating feeling spilled. O no further than this classic avocado Sanguchito that of pure nervous not manage to squeeze and shits. But even more funny when we eat those typical sandwich where the chopped steak is not the first bite starts a fight between the jaw and the nerve of the meat not host and is not broken, and left with the bit half in half out, is there when the taster gets nervous at the ridiculous (like avocado sandwich), which does not decrease after jerking his head a little, but perhaps only when you can breathe through your nose tightly closed jaw is not to poke him that already has begun in processing. So vehemently champion or champion tries to end this nerve that seat and starts to squeeze both the sandwich begins to chorriadas, as we always said the first thing to go is the avocado. At that moment, the fact takes a connotation as a perfect whole, the character nervous about not being able to resolve the uncomfortable situation of imminent disarmament of the sandwich, think about the chewed back, which would clearly be interpreted as a defeat, as it would go through shame the diner owner (s) home, bartender or family number. And all because of these nerves, the churrasco and character witness. Nerves could not be overcome and end up destroying bodily integrity to which they belong.
I got up laughing, it was a joke, that he had dreamed that left me giggling to the surface, this current cosquillante with which you can end up crying or laughing, and how to rid this mieducho visceral, like those espinillentas chubby little girls, somewhat repressed, you just press that button hidden in his chest or back to explode and release the rage.
is curious that we start a belt wake of all that flowed freely and spontaneously in dreams, is a half moralona belt, which some days is poorly fastened and can explode and break at any time and at the slightest pressure. As such delicacy Fat cuchuflis about to explode, which dripping at the ends and the first rose or suffocating feeling spilled. O no further than this classic avocado Sanguchito that of pure nervous not manage to squeeze and shits. But even more funny when we eat those typical sandwich where the chopped steak is not the first bite starts a fight between the jaw and the nerve of the meat not host and is not broken, and left with the bit half in half out, is there when the taster gets nervous at the ridiculous (like avocado sandwich), which does not decrease after jerking his head a little, but perhaps only when you can breathe through your nose tightly closed jaw is not to poke him that already has begun in processing. So vehemently champion or champion tries to end this nerve that seat and starts to squeeze both the sandwich begins to chorriadas, as we always said the first thing to go is the avocado. At that moment, the fact takes a connotation as a perfect whole, the character nervous about not being able to resolve the uncomfortable situation of imminent disarmament of the sandwich, think about the chewed back, which would clearly be interpreted as a defeat, as it would go through shame the diner owner (s) home, bartender or family number. And all because of these nerves, the churrasco and character witness. Nerves could not be overcome and end up destroying bodily integrity to which they belong.
Monday, May 28, 2007
How Much Is 1 Mb Data
For some reason
How to gallop around the world feel all the flavors, smells and emotions, but without drowning or filled in their clutches? How many clutches created since that wonderful? that inspired his brushes and minds and clouded defining a path for others.
Like when we want to flood of emotion to throw it away, but no, we become it! the love, love that melancholy, which bleeds and complains, that sort of sadomasochism. We love to embody a role, and from there to express, we are always be a role, we love to have an identity that defines us and stigmatization.
Melancholy is one of the most pleasurable emotions that we possess, because it fills the void, that something we need if we were empty before we become empty but with a sense. And we began to dream, you begin to look to the sky, and that something within us begins to want, have, belong, wanting to weep, anxious, victory! Power, or a subject in search of love and protection, as we love it.
But if we are always taking a role that gratifies us? from where you are talking about? And where is that since these reflections can be born? Is there a kind of scientific role that whatever you understand? But even more strange is that desire or rather "errors" in the system built congratulations, which suddenly does not fill us and we become aware that it is. And because we are girls garments can not reuse them because we are no longer in tune with us, and we know that they are artificial, that breath of naturalness that gives us the sweetness or bitterness of the world which syringe to inject live, what purpose will soon be showing us this stark reality? Why our stomach is tight, imagine living in a world without seduction and abhorrence. How to stop being that joyous being who wanders smelling flowers and escape from the caves of the forest. What is the passion that moves us later? Como existe la poesía si no es desde las víseras? ¿Existe una poesía objetiva? O es que nunca se acaban estos llamativos olores y siempre los estamos soñando, y que nos motivan a construir y destruir, a forjar nuestro destino basados en el deseo, ese deseo que muy pocas veces se sacia y construye y destruye, va y viene es, se deja ser y se reprime, para luego querer cambiar. Inexplicables y desconocidos son los caminos del los hombres, alguna vez escuche, y también así eso que los hace escogerlos.
Como el motivo que me lleva a escribir esto, aparte de una posible intención de maravillar por mi reflexión, ¿intento llegar a la verdad? Es acaso una mezcla insoluble entre lo intrínsicamente necesario and satisfy the desire for recognition. What is it who build and nurture all of these delights? What truths and pleasures we allowed?

How to gallop around the world feel all the flavors, smells and emotions, but without drowning or filled in their clutches? How many clutches created since that wonderful? that inspired his brushes and minds and clouded defining a path for others.
Like when we want to flood of emotion to throw it away, but no, we become it! the love, love that melancholy, which bleeds and complains, that sort of sadomasochism. We love to embody a role, and from there to express, we are always be a role, we love to have an identity that defines us and stigmatization.
Melancholy is one of the most pleasurable emotions that we possess, because it fills the void, that something we need if we were empty before we become empty but with a sense. And we began to dream, you begin to look to the sky, and that something within us begins to want, have, belong, wanting to weep, anxious, victory! Power, or a subject in search of love and protection, as we love it.
But if we are always taking a role that gratifies us? from where you are talking about? And where is that since these reflections can be born? Is there a kind of scientific role that whatever you understand? But even more strange is that desire or rather "errors" in the system built congratulations, which suddenly does not fill us and we become aware that it is. And because we are girls garments can not reuse them because we are no longer in tune with us, and we know that they are artificial, that breath of naturalness that gives us the sweetness or bitterness of the world which syringe to inject live, what purpose will soon be showing us this stark reality? Why our stomach is tight, imagine living in a world without seduction and abhorrence. How to stop being that joyous being who wanders smelling flowers and escape from the caves of the forest. What is the passion that moves us later? Como existe la poesía si no es desde las víseras? ¿Existe una poesía objetiva? O es que nunca se acaban estos llamativos olores y siempre los estamos soñando, y que nos motivan a construir y destruir, a forjar nuestro destino basados en el deseo, ese deseo que muy pocas veces se sacia y construye y destruye, va y viene es, se deja ser y se reprime, para luego querer cambiar. Inexplicables y desconocidos son los caminos del los hombres, alguna vez escuche, y también así eso que los hace escogerlos.
Como el motivo que me lleva a escribir esto, aparte de una posible intención de maravillar por mi reflexión, ¿intento llegar a la verdad? Es acaso una mezcla insoluble entre lo intrínsicamente necesario and satisfy the desire for recognition. What is it who build and nurture all of these delights? What truths and pleasures we allowed?
Monday, April 16, 2007
Dose Costco Accept Vsp Coverage
were born with the same purpose but on the contrary, if one had to climb the other inevitably would fall. If you felt something the other would say otherwise. So were a constant and necessary contradiction. Which even led them to fight and beat, they were always turning against each other like two poles, which always collide and produce movement. So they grew up together but never followed the same path if one stood at the edge of heaven and the other parallel deepened galaxy in the land and its minerals. If one tried to show the importance of knowledge and truth, the other showed him what was it dogmatic and on the other. Each was a contribution to the response another destructive because it questioned the certainties of the other and forced to build new realities, it tore attacked even more beloved than anyone might have. They kept standing foundation. In his childhood as the infant infantry armies sought to conquer the territory of another, to finally put under a single vision all those places which posed a contradiction that left them alone. That other way of how things would never be understood and which threatened own safety and the normal parameters of each. Of course these attempts were disastrous and ridiculous because as we know when a force much press there is always another energy response oppressed. Over the years noticed that the only thing they were certain of is that although the same purpose was that moved them, were two totally different nature opposite and complementary. They were sentenced to scare and delight their surroundings, and abhorred attracted to other people. Many remained and many hated for being who they were. Showed the importance of duplicity, of the difference.

were born with the same purpose but on the contrary, if one had to climb the other inevitably would fall. If you felt something the other would say otherwise. So were a constant and necessary contradiction. Which even led them to fight and beat, they were always turning against each other like two poles, which always collide and produce movement. So they grew up together but never followed the same path if one stood at the edge of heaven and the other parallel deepened galaxy in the land and its minerals. If one tried to show the importance of knowledge and truth, the other showed him what was it dogmatic and on the other. Each was a contribution to the response another destructive because it questioned the certainties of the other and forced to build new realities, it tore attacked even more beloved than anyone might have. They kept standing foundation. In his childhood as the infant infantry armies sought to conquer the territory of another, to finally put under a single vision all those places which posed a contradiction that left them alone. That other way of how things would never be understood and which threatened own safety and the normal parameters of each. Of course these attempts were disastrous and ridiculous because as we know when a force much press there is always another energy response oppressed. Over the years noticed that the only thing they were certain of is that although the same purpose was that moved them, were two totally different nature opposite and complementary. They were sentenced to scare and delight their surroundings, and abhorred attracted to other people. Many remained and many hated for being who they were. Showed the importance of duplicity, of the difference.
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